Check all or clear all checkboxes

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Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

29 Nov 2018, 02:16

I managed to restore TabTitiles with spaces :D
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Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

29 Nov 2018, 04:39

I managed to take control of colors on my side, we could have done it before, but cleaning up the options to 0 or 1, it was easier to see.
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Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

29 Nov 2018, 06:14

Intresting :)

Tho the zip file isnt healthy ;) so i cant watch what you are doing :)
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Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

30 Nov 2018, 04:05

Final suggestion: write a class to handle "Select XXX" buttons and colors

Code: Select all

; Menu.ahk
; by wolf_II
; Challenge: write a class to handle "Select XXX" buttons and colors

#SingleInstance Force

    new Menu("Installatiemenu nov 2018")
    .Layout("Registers", "Settings", "Programs")
    .Tab_Size(600, 400)
    .Show(50, 50)

return ; end of auto-execute section

#Include Pages\Registers.ahk
#Include Pages\Settings.ahk
#Include Pages\Programs.ahk


class Menu { ; handles "Select XXX" buttons and colors

    ;{ Class variables };
    static Children := {} ;}

    ;{ Instance variables };
    Tab_Width   := A_ScreenWidth // 2
    Tab_Height  := A_ScreenHeight // 2
    Tab_List    := "" ;}

    __New(WinTitle) { ; constructor
        Gui, Menu: New, LabelGui, %WinTitle%

    Layout(args*) { ; configure
        Loop, % args.length() ; FName = also name of #Include-files
            FName := args[A_Index], _List .= "|" %FName%()
        this.Tab_List := LTrim(_List, "|")
        return this ; chain

    Tab_Size(w, h) { ; configure
        this.Tab_Width := w
        this.Tab_Height := h
        return this ; chain

    AddText(ByRef Ctrl) { ; populate tab with text
        Gui, Add, Text, % Ctrl[1], % Ctrl[2]

    AddCheckbox(ByRef Box) { ; populate tab in 2 columns
        local pos := (Box[4] & 1) ; flip even/odd
            ? "yp x" this.Tab_Width // 2    ; 2, 4, 6, 8, ...
            : "y+3 xs"                      ; 1, 3, 5, 7, ...

        local Color := Box[1] ? "Green Checked" : "Red"
        local VarName := Box[2]
        local Box_onClick := this.toggleColour.Bind(this)

        Gui, Add, Checkbox, %pos% c%Color% v%VarName%, % Box[3]
        GuiControl +g, %VarName%, % Box_onClick

    toggleColour(hWnd) { ; all the Checkboxes come here for colouring
        GuiControlGet, State,, %hWnd%
        GuiControl, % "+c" (State ? "Green" : "Red"), %hWnd%

    AddTab(i, ByRef Child) { ; populate Tab2 with child-pages
        Gui, Tab, %i%

        if (Child.Boxes.Length()) { ; add buttons
            Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhAll Section, Select All
            Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhNone x+m, Select None
            SelectAll_onClick := this.SelectAll.Bind(this)
            SelectNone_onClick := this.SelectNone.Bind(this)
            GuiControl +g, %hAll%, % SelectAll_onClick
            GuiControl +g, %hNone%, % SelectNone_onClick
        } else
            Gui, Add, Text, w0 h0 Section, dummy

        for each, CBox in Child.Boxes

        for each, TBox in Child.Texts

        if (Child.Callback) {
            Gui, Add, Button, HWNDhCtrl xs, Start
            Start_onClick := Func(Child.Callback).Bind(this)
            GuiControl +g, %hCtrl%, % Start_onClick

    SelectAll() { ; all the "Select All" buttons come here
        GuiControlGet, Tab_Name,, SysTabControl321

        for each, Child in Menu.Children
            if (Child.Title = Tab_Name)

        for each, VarName in Child.VarNames {
            GuiControl,, %VarName%, 1
            GuiControl, +cGreen, %VarName%

    SelectNone() { ; all the "Select None" buttons come here
        GuiControlGet, Tab_Name,, SysTabControl321

        for each, Child in Menu.Children
            if (Child.Title = Tab_Name)

        for each, VarName in Child.VarNames {
            GuiControl,, %VarName%, 0
            GuiControl, +cRed, %VarName%

    Show(x := "Center", y := "Center") { ; create & show GUI
        w := this.Tab_Width, h := this.Tab_Height
        Gui, Add, Tab2, w%w% h%h%, % this.Tab_List
        Gui, Font, s10, Verdana

        for i, Child in this.Children ; iterate through tabs
            this.AddTab(i, Child)

        Gui, Show, x%x% y%y%

    class Page { ; contains various controls, and an optional Start button

        ;{ Instance variables };
        Title    := ""  ; Tab title
        CallBack := ""  ; Start button
        VarNames := []  ; collection
        Boxes    := []  ; Checkbox controls
        Texts    := [] ;} Text controls

        __New(Title, CallBack := "") { ; constructor
            this.Title := Title
            this.CallBack := CallBack

        AddCheckbox(Flag, VarName, Text) { ; register
            this.Boxes.Push([Flag, VarName, Text, this.Boxes.Length()])
            return this ; chain

        AddText(Options, Text) { ; register
            this.Texts.Push([Options, Text, this.Texts.Length()])
            return this ; chain

    } ; end of class

} ; end of class
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Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

30 Nov 2018, 13:41

I will check into that later, the script what i have now, works... and i'm very glad with it :)

i will let you know how this one is working!
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Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 06:18

Hello Mr Wolf_II ;)

i've been away from a while, and started to change the script which i had use for a cople of times, but encountered a few problems with it (renaming a tab with spaces causing errors) so copied and pasted your latest spoilers and now i am working with it, just to let you know..... so i do appriciate your effort and now i'm using your latest build :)... tho i just started to convert everything from the old to the new
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Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 06:43

I just tried to convert some of it, but i aleady stuck.. so i will work with the old script instead and wont take any of your time
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Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 06:52

Thanks for the feed back. :D

In case there is a problem or a feature request, let me know.

Edit: Oops, lemme read first

Edit2: no worries, I have more time than ability, if I can be of help to you, it would be my pleasure.
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Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 07:48

Thank you, i really appriciate this, i'm still trying to 'understand' your script, but when i was just starting a encounter a problem

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    return Title

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 100
when i press Start, nothing happens...
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:05

new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers") has two parameters,
use the second parameter ("Start_Registers") again for declaring a function like this:

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 100
I hope that helps.
Posts: 146
Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:12

Sorry for the mistake... i've seen this 10 seconds before i get to notifcation mail......... but i did :

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1
; RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000
I've exclude the regwrite to run because of the danger ;P
added a sleep 1000

i should get a tooltip

maybe it just a tooltip problem (i look into it right now)
Posts: 146
Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:19

Well i dont know what i am doing wrong...

the msgbox works, tooltip doesnt and the regwrite doesnt do anything too

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {
    MsgBox, TEST ; works
	  if Delete_people_icon = 1 ; does not work
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000 ; does not work
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000
Posts: 146
Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:21

Oh well, i just deleted 2 }
and now it works.... dont know if it works with other scripts tho.... still busy :P

Added: no that doesnt work either.......
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Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:27

Try this:

Code: Select all

Start_Registers() {
    Gui, Submit, NoHide
I hope that helps.
Posts: 146
Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:32

Ok this is very strange...

i will put the 2 scripts with and without msgbox, the 1st one works a bit, the 2nd doesnt work...

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Folder_options", "Change folder options (unhide and see ext.)")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1
    MsgBox, TEST
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000

	  if Folder_options = 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, ShowRecent, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Opties voor verkenner zijn ingesteld zoals het zien van verborgen bestanden en extenties verbergen..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Folder_options", "Change folder options (unhide and see ext.)")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1

RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000

	  if Folder_options = 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, ShowRecent, 00000000
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, ShowFrequent, 00000000
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\CabinetState, FullPath, 00000001
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, LaunchTo, 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden, 00000001
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, HideFileExt, 00000000
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, ShowSuperHidden, 00000001
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Opties voor verkenner zijn ingesteld zoals het zien van verborgen bestanden en extenties verbergen..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000
only msgbox makes the difference
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Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:37

Ok, well your suggestion seems to work, only the following line doesnt work

.AddCheckbox( 1, "Folder_options", "Change folder options (unhide and see ext.)")

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Folder_options", "Change folder options (unhide and see ext.)")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {
    Gui, Submit, NoHide

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1

RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000

	  if Folder_options = 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, ShowRecent, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Opties voor verkenner zijn ingesteld zoals het zien van verborgen bestanden en extenties verbergen..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000
Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:40

Try this:

Code: Select all

; Registers.ahk

Registers() {
    new Menu.Page(Title := "Registers", "Start_Registers")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Delete_people_icon", "Delete icon -> People <- from taskbar")
    .AddCheckbox( 1, "Folder_options", "Change folder options (unhide and see ext.)")
    return Title

Start_Registers() {
    Gui, Submit, NoHide

	  if Delete_people_icon = 1

;~ RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\People , PeopleBand, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Deleting people icon from the taskbar..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000

	  if Folder_options = 1
;~ RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer, ShowRecent, 00000000
CoordMode, ToolTip
ToolTip , just a second and wait till every script is loaded... Opties voor verkenner zijn ingesteld zoals het zien van verborgen bestanden en extenties verbergen..., 0, 20, WhichToolTip
Sleep, 1000
I move one closing curly bracket.
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Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:43

haha, well, this is very odd...... when i turn around the order, the script works it should be, so
if Folder_options = 1
if Delete_people_icon = 1

now works:
if Delete_people_icon = 1
if Folder_options = 1
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Joined: 12 Nov 2013, 03:24

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:45

I was too late with my reply..... it works now.......

Posts: 2688
Joined: 08 Feb 2015, 20:55

Re: Check all or clear all checkboxes

13 Dec 2018, 08:47

Did you understand why? Look at the closing curly brackets!
I suggest to change the indentation scheme you use.

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