How to access virtual desktops directly instead of task bar menu and control windows left, right key?

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Raghava Doregowda
Posts: 144
Joined: 06 Nov 2022, 01:48

How to access virtual desktops directly instead of task bar menu and control windows left, right key?

Post by Raghava Doregowda » 10 Feb 2023, 01:38

Virtual desktops when coupled with commands like control click are fantastic for programs that run in the background with active AHK scripts. However I would wish AHK had a unique identifier for the virtual desktops just like winclass wintitle. Is there a way to do that? Is there a way like "#ifvirtualdesktop 1 exist" type of command? So that hotkeys would work only within one VD, and it could be a powerful multitasker for running apps in the background with AHK scripts. It would also decongest desktops.

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Joined: 18 Nov 2017, 16:43

Re: How to access virtual desktops directly instead of task bar menu and control windows left, right key?

Post by gmoises » 10 Feb 2023, 09:40

I have been using this code for many years

Code: Select all

; This function examines the registry to build an accurate list of the current virtual desktops and which one we're currently on.
; Current desktop UUID appears to be in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SessionInfo\1\VirtualDesktops
; List of desktops appears to be in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VirtualDesktops
mapDesktopsFromRegistry() {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount

	; Get the current desktop UUID. Length should be 32 always,
	; but there's no guarantee this couldn't change in a later Windows release so we check.
	IdLength := 32
	SessionId := getSessionId()
	If (SessionId)
	{	RegRead, CurrentDesktopId, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SessionInfo\%SessionId%\VirtualDesktops, CurrentVirtualDesktop
		If (CurrentDesktopId)
			IdLength := StrLen(CurrentDesktopId)

	; Get a list of the UUIDs for all virtual desktops on the system
	RegRead, DesktopList, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VirtualDesktops, VirtualDesktopIDs
	If (DesktopList)
	{	DesktopListLength := StrLen(DesktopList)
		; Figure out how many virtual desktops there are
		DesktopCount := Format("{1:i}", DesktopListLength / IdLength)
	} Else
		DesktopCount := 1

	; Parse the REG_DATA string that stores the array of UUID's for virtual desktops in the registry.
	i := 0
	While (CurrentDesktopId And i < DesktopCount)
	{	StartPos := (i * IdLength) + 1
		DesktopIter := SubStr(DesktopList, StartPos, IdLength)
		OutputDebug, The iterator is pointing at %DesktopIter% and count is %i%.

		; Break out if we find a match in the list. If we didn't find anything, keep the
		; old guess and pray we're still correct :-D.
		If (DesktopIter = CurrentDesktopId)
		{	CurrentDesktop := i + 1
			OutputDebug, Current desktop number is %CurrentDesktop% with an ID of %DesktopIter%.

; This function switches to the desktop number provided.
switchDesktopByNumber(targetDesktop) {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount

	; Re-generate the list of desktops and where we fit in that. We do this because
	; the user may have switched desktops via some other means than the script.

	; Don't attempt to switch to an invalid desktop
	If (targetDesktop > DesktopCount)
		targetDesktop := DesktopCount
	If (targetDesktop < 1)
		targetDesktop := 1

	; Go right until we reach the desktop we want
	While(CurrentDesktop < targetDesktop)
	{	Send ^#{Right}
		Sleep, 30																				; tiempo de pausa
		OutputDebug, [right] target: %targetDesktop% current: %CurrentDesktop%

	; Go left until we reach the desktop we want
	While(CurrentDesktop > targetDesktop)
	{	Send ^#{Left}
		Sleep, 30
		OutputDebug, [left] target: %targetDesktop% current: %CurrentDesktop%
	Menu, Tray,	Icon, % A_ScriptDir . "\Iconos\ICO\" . targetDesktop . "a.ico"					; poner el ícono

; This function creates a new virtual desktop and switches to it
createVirtualDesktop() {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount
	Send, #^d
	CurrentDesktop := DesktopCount
	OutputDebug, [create] desktops: %DesktopCount% current: %CurrentDesktop%

; This function deletes the current virtual desktop
deleteVirtualDesktop() {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount
	Send, #^{F4}
	OutputDebug, [delete] desktops: %DesktopCount% current: %CurrentDesktop%

Raghava Doregowda
Posts: 144
Joined: 06 Nov 2022, 01:48

Re: How to access virtual desktops directly instead of task bar menu and control windows left, right key?

Post by Raghava Doregowda » 11 Mar 2023, 07:26

gmoises wrote:
10 Feb 2023, 09:40
I have been using this code for many years

Code: Select all

; This function examines the registry to build an accurate list of the current virtual desktops and which one we're currently on.
; Current desktop UUID appears to be in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SessionInfo\1\VirtualDesktops
; List of desktops appears to be in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VirtualDesktops
mapDesktopsFromRegistry() {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount

	; Get the current desktop UUID. Length should be 32 always,
	; but there's no guarantee this couldn't change in a later Windows release so we check.
	IdLength := 32
	SessionId := getSessionId()
	If (SessionId)
	{	RegRead, CurrentDesktopId, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\SessionInfo\%SessionId%\VirtualDesktops, CurrentVirtualDesktop
		If (CurrentDesktopId)
			IdLength := StrLen(CurrentDesktopId)

	; Get a list of the UUIDs for all virtual desktops on the system
	RegRead, DesktopList, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VirtualDesktops, VirtualDesktopIDs
	If (DesktopList)
	{	DesktopListLength := StrLen(DesktopList)
		; Figure out how many virtual desktops there are
		DesktopCount := Format("{1:i}", DesktopListLength / IdLength)
	} Else
		DesktopCount := 1

	; Parse the REG_DATA string that stores the array of UUID's for virtual desktops in the registry.
	i := 0
	While (CurrentDesktopId And i < DesktopCount)
	{	StartPos := (i * IdLength) + 1
		DesktopIter := SubStr(DesktopList, StartPos, IdLength)
		OutputDebug, The iterator is pointing at %DesktopIter% and count is %i%.

		; Break out if we find a match in the list. If we didn't find anything, keep the
		; old guess and pray we're still correct :-D.
		If (DesktopIter = CurrentDesktopId)
		{	CurrentDesktop := i + 1
			OutputDebug, Current desktop number is %CurrentDesktop% with an ID of %DesktopIter%.

; This function switches to the desktop number provided.
switchDesktopByNumber(targetDesktop) {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount

	; Re-generate the list of desktops and where we fit in that. We do this because
	; the user may have switched desktops via some other means than the script.

	; Don't attempt to switch to an invalid desktop
	If (targetDesktop > DesktopCount)
		targetDesktop := DesktopCount
	If (targetDesktop < 1)
		targetDesktop := 1

	; Go right until we reach the desktop we want
	While(CurrentDesktop < targetDesktop)
	{	Send ^#{Right}
		Sleep, 30																				; tiempo de pausa
		OutputDebug, [right] target: %targetDesktop% current: %CurrentDesktop%

	; Go left until we reach the desktop we want
	While(CurrentDesktop > targetDesktop)
	{	Send ^#{Left}
		Sleep, 30
		OutputDebug, [left] target: %targetDesktop% current: %CurrentDesktop%
	Menu, Tray,	Icon, % A_ScriptDir . "\Iconos\ICO\" . targetDesktop . "a.ico"					; poner el ícono

; This function creates a new virtual desktop and switches to it
createVirtualDesktop() {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount
	Send, #^d
	CurrentDesktop := DesktopCount
	OutputDebug, [create] desktops: %DesktopCount% current: %CurrentDesktop%

; This function deletes the current virtual desktop
deleteVirtualDesktop() {
	global CurrentDesktop, DesktopCount
	Send, #^{F4}
	OutputDebug, [delete] desktops: %DesktopCount% current: %CurrentDesktop%
When I try to run the script, it says Error: Call to nonexistent function.
Specifically: getSessionId()

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