Replacing numbers (years) in a string Topic is solved

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Replacing numbers (years) in a string

Post by Art365 » 25 Aug 2017, 09:11

Edit: follow-up question in post 4.


I'm new to autohotkey but starting to discover it's great potential! I have a problem I'm trying to solve: I need to increment a year in a string of numbers, such that, for example, 20160930 becomes 20170930. To that end I've written (well, more like assembled out of other people's solutions) this script:

Code: Select all

Capslock & d::
Sleep, 50
Send ^c
Sleep, 50
RegExMatch(clipboard, "^[201]\d{1}$", Number)
Sleep, 50
Sleep, 50
Clipboard:=RegExReplace(clipboard, Number1, NewNumber)
Sleep, 50
Send ^v
Sleep, 50
However, it doesn't work. It just pastes the same string of numbers you copied originally. Would greatly appreciate some help.
Last edited by Art365 on 26 Aug 2017, 16:24, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Replacing a number (year) in a string  Topic is solved

Post by Nightwolf85 » 25 Aug 2017, 09:42

I'm sure there is a better way since the format is standard, but this is similar to what you have:

Code: Select all

Capslock & d::
clipboard := ""
Send, ^c
ClipWait, 1
IF (ErrorLevel)
temp := clipboard
temp := RegExReplace(temp, "(.*?)([0-9]{4})(.*)", "$1_$2_$3")
temp := StrSplit(temp, "_")
clipboard := temp[1] . (temp[2] ? Format("{1:04d}", temp[2] + 1) : "") . temp[3]
Sleep 50
Send, ^v
Edit: Changed to add year to any date (4 digit number) in highlighted string, while keeping the rest of the string in tact. Also if the number starts with a 0s they will be kept, if no 4 digit number is found sting isn't changed.
Last edited by Nightwolf85 on 25 Aug 2017, 09:55, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 15
Joined: 25 Aug 2017, 08:53

Re: Replacing a number (year) in a string

Post by Art365 » 25 Aug 2017, 09:54

Awesome! It works. Thank you!!

Posts: 15
Joined: 25 Aug 2017, 08:53

Re: Replacing a number (year) in a string

Post by Art365 » 26 Aug 2017, 15:26

Now I have another question, related to this same function. I want the script to increment multiple years in selection (years from 2015 to 2019), if there is more than one there. Once again I've assembled something from other people's solutions, but it doesn't quite work. Would appreciate any feedback.

Code: Select all

    clipboard := ""
    Send ^c
    ClipWait, 1
    IF (ErrorLevel)
    selection := clipboard
    pos := 1
    while pos := RegExMatch(selection, "(201*[5-9])", year, pos+StrLen(year))
        newyear := year + 1
	selection:=RegExReplace(selection, "(201*[5-9])", newyear, , ,pos+StrLen(year))
    Clipboard:= selection
    Sleep, 50
    Send ^v
Edit: I got it!

Code: Select all

    clipboard := ""
    Send ^c
    ClipWait, 1
    IF (ErrorLevel)
    selection := clipboard
	pos := 1
    while pos := RegExMatch(selection, "(201*[5-9])", year, pos)
	    newyear := year + 1
	    selection:=RegExReplace(selection, "(201*[5-9])", newyear,, 1, pos)
            pos += StrLen(newyear)
    Sleep, 50
    Send ^v

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