Help checking if another script is currently suspended or not?

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Help checking if another script is currently suspended or not?

Post by Mika_erdo » 21 Apr 2021, 15:35

I need to logically check if a script is suspended so I can run a software
I searched around allot and and I think the I need to use the variable a_issuspended but looking around all the code examples seem to be insane!

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode 2 

if WinExist("BconPenG604.ahk"){
	PostMessage, 0x111, 65305,,, BconPenG604.ahk - AutoHotkey 
	Run Notepad
Above is what I currently use, it has no logic to it and so unintended issues happen. Below is what I have in mind but it does not work at all though! Please help.

Code: Select all

DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode 2 

if WinExist("BconPenG604.ahk") && ("a_issuspended")
	Run Notepad

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