Controlling android ADB with AHK?

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Joined: 18 Feb 2021, 20:03

Controlling android ADB with AHK?

Post by kauan014 » 12 Aug 2021, 21:55

This works:

Code: Select all

cmd= C:/Android/platform-tools/adb.exe connect 
ComOBJ := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmd)

Response := ComOBJ.StdOut.ReadAll()
MsgBox %Response%

But when i run the adb in shell:

Code: Select all

cmd= C:/Android/platform-tools/adb.exe -s shell
ComOBJ := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmd)

ComOBJ.StdIn.WriteLine("sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 67 1 sendevent /dev/input/event0 0 0 0")

Response := ComOBJ.StdOut.ReadAll()
MsgBox %Response%

It stuck in the StdOut.ReadAll() line forever, however, the command in StdIn.WriteLine is sent correctly.
The StdOut isnt a must, i added it just to try to 'force' the code await the command in WriteLine be executed/finished.

My goal is to keep just one adb running and continuously sent command to it:

Code: Select all

static COMOBJ

; Using shell here to avoid creating a new adb.exe instance for each command, and keep just the same one running.
if (COMOBJ = "") {	
   cmd= C:/Android/platform-tools/adb.exe -s shell
   ComOBJ := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell").Exec(cmd)

ComOBJ.StdIn.WriteLine("sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 67 1 && sendevent /dev/input/event0 0 0 0")
Response := ComOBJ.StdOut.ReadAll() ; Currently code stuck in this line

If the code did not wait till the command sent on StdIn.WriteLine be executed/finished, it became completely async.
For example in a loop it sends new commands while the adb did not finished the previous one yet.

Im trying to avoid creating a new process for each command sent, would like to ask if someone know how to wait for a command sent by StdIn.WriteLine finish.

Posts: 55
Joined: 18 Feb 2021, 20:03

Re: Controlling android ADB with AHK?

Post by kauan014 » 14 Aug 2021, 16:06


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