Problem when activating Autohotkey

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Problem when activating Autohotkey

Post by Elgen-Hillman » 18 Jan 2022, 16:00

When I activate my autohotkey file (most noticeable with chrome) my computer starts pausing every 4 or 5 seconds. (Sometimes it even flashes). I can’t type or do anything for several seconds. My computer is fine until I activate autohotkey. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Re: Problem when activating Autohotkey

Post by boiler » 18 Jan 2022, 16:18

What are you doing to activate your AutoHotkey file? Just running a script? Pressing a hotkey? That does what? Can you post the script here?

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Joined: 18 Jan 2022, 15:51

Re: Problem when activating Autohotkey

Post by Elgen-Hillman » 18 Jan 2022, 18:14

I click on the AHK file to activate it. I have attached the script here. It is really really long. I'm a professor and I use autohot key to grade.
EDUC 524 Hot Key 41.ahk
(270.43 KiB) Downloaded 41 times

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Re: Problem when activating Autohotkey

Post by llinfeng » 18 Jan 2022, 20:11

@Dr. H, I don't think there is anything special about the "long" script you shared. Have you tried running the script on a different computer?

My main AHK script has some 6000 lines of stuff accumulated since 2012 or so, and I kept it running 24/7 (or as long as my workstation is running). I haven't experienced a major performance issue for this long script. (Well, to make things manageable, I used #Include to dispatch things into separate files. In total, the main script has some 2000+ lines, and the largest included file has 4000+ lines.)

Btw, I am using AutoHotkey v1.1.33.10

Hope these may help :)

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Re: Problem when activating Autohotkey

Post by boiler » 18 Jan 2022, 20:40

I also don’t see anything out of the ordinary, although I don’t usually use scripts that contain a lot of hotstrings. I suggest that you open Task Manager via the Windows Start menu next time you encounter this issue. Check the CPU loading and see if it approaches 100% usage. It may be a combination of resource-intensive applications that is causing the problem, and Chrome can be a major contributor to it.

I have had what seemed to be AutoHotkey practically locking up my computer on rare occasions, and I believe it was because the CPU was being used at near capacity. If your computer is several years old, it would be more prone to something like that. I don’t believe it has happened to me since I upgraded to a new computer a couple years ago.

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Re: Problem when activating Autohotkey

Post by Tensai » 18 Jan 2022, 21:22

I think the issue is just the length of your hotstrings. Thankfully there's a very simple fix for this! instead of having the hotstrings type it out, just paste with your clipboard. There’s a function by @berban to take care of that.
Try this:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetBatchLines, -1
#SingleInstance Force
#MenuMaskKey vkFF ; vkFF is no mapping.
; Escape::ExitApp

Clip(Text="", Reselect="")
	Static BackUpClip, Stored, LastClip
	If (A_ThisLabel = A_ThisFunc) {
		If (Clipboard == LastClip)
			Clipboard := BackUpClip
		BackUpClip := LastClip := Stored := ""
	} Else {
		If !Stored {
			Stored := True
			BackUpClip := ClipboardAll ; ClipboardAll must be on its own line
		} Else
			SetTimer %A_ThisFunc%, Off
		LongCopy := A_TickCount, Clipboard := "", LongCopy -= A_TickCount ; LongCopy gauges the amount of time it takes to empty the clipboard which can predict how long the subsequent clipwait will need
		If (Text = "") {
			Send {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}
			ClipWait LongCopy ? 0.6 : 0.2, True
		} Else {
			Clipboard := LastClip := Text
			ClipWait 10
			SendEvent {Ctrl Down}v{Ctrl Up}
		SetTimer %A_ThisFunc%, -150
		Sleep 20	; Short sleep in case Clip() is followed by more keystrokes such as {Enter}
		If (Text = "")
			Return LastClip := Clipboard
		Else If ReSelect and ((ReSelect = True) or (StrLen(Text) < 3000))
			SendInput % "{Shift Down}{Left " StrLen(StrReplace(Text, "`r")) "}{Shift Up}"
	Return Clip()

Send, APA does not use first person language if there is a way around it.  I would suggest using “the researcher.”  However, first person is acceptable when discussing your opinions.

Send, Esped4life{!}


Send, Please see my comments in the document to the left and within the attached rubric. Dr. H

Clip("Not formatted in APA style.")

Clip("In APA, journal titles – title case and in Italics.  The first letter of each significant word in the periodical should be capitalized and placed in italics. (e.g., The Journal of James River Fauna) (Chapter 6, 6.29, p. 185).")

Clip("In APA, articles, titles are sentence case. Only the first word of the article title and subtitle is capitalized. Subtitles are indicated by the presence of a colon (Chapter 6, 6.29, p. 185).")

Clip("When citing a book in APA: Capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title and any subtitles, as well as the first letter of any proper nouns. Also, the full title of the book, including any subtitles, should be stated and italicized.   Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher.")

Clip("The journal / periodical title and volume number should be in italics (Chapter 6, 6.30, p. 186; Chapter 7 gives specific examples).")

Clip("(In formal APA papers, remove the additional space between paragraphs inherent to Microsoft Word 2007. By default, Microsoft adds an additional space between paragraphs [in docx documents], and that space should be removed from all formal APA written documents.)")

Clip("Great APA formatting.")

Clip("Running head: SHORT TITLE HERE")

Clip("The running head on the title page no longer includes the words “Running head:”. It now contains only a page number and the (shortened) paper title.                                                                        1")

Clip("SHORT TITLE                                                                                                             2")

Clip("According to APA 8th edition, the title page should include your short title (IN ALL CAPS) justified left [using words from your title, not your name, or assignment name] and page number justified right.")

Clip("Check APA Header format.  (The words “Running head” should only be on the title page.)")

Clip("You had some APA issues. Your papers need to be formatted in APA-7’s “Professional Version” style.  Manuscript requirements (i.e., title page, reference page, spacing, formatting, font, etc.) can be found in the APA manual. You can also see APA requirement at Liberty’s APA style guide located here .  Everything you write in this program must comply with APA formatting protocol. I encourage you to re-read all the material in the course regarding APA as well as the website above.")

Clip("This needs to format in APA style.")

Clip("The first line of an abstract is NOT indented.  The abstract heading should be in non-bold regular font. It is not considered in the levels of headings for the paper (Figure 2.1, p. 41). The abstract should be a single paragraph not to exceed 1 page (generally 300 or so words should be sufficient). According to APA, an Abstract should be on a separate page, using a page break before beginning the text of the paper, and double-spaced. See the following for specific formatting elements for an Abstract: The point of your abstract is to set up your reader for what is coming in your paper.")

Clip("Please remember every assignment should have an APA-formatted cover page and running head. See the APA manual for an example of a title page and header.")

Clip("In APA formal writing, there is no need to use page numbers when you do not directly quote.")

Clip("Whenever you directly quote a source you must cite with a page number.")

Clip("You have included an excessive number of quotes in your assignment.  Just because citations are required it does not mean that quotations are required.")

Clip("Incorrect use of indents (must be a full ½ inch)")

Clip("Avoid ambiguous language. Be careful in using pronouns and general words (it, thing, they, some) -- it's better to restate the subject and be specific in what you are discussing")

Clip("Transition Sentence.")

Clip("APA Block Quote: “Place direct quotations that are 40 words, or longer, in a free-standing block of typewritten lines, and omit quotation marks. Start the quotation on a new line, indented ½ inch from the left margin, i.e., in the same place you would begin a new paragraph. Type the entire quotation on the new margin, and indent the first line of any subsequent paragraph within the quotation ½ inch from the new margin. Maintain double-spacing throughout. The parenthetical citation should come after the closing punctuation mark.” `nBecause this review is only two pages, a block quote is NOT appropriate for this assignment.")

Clip("In APA style, a term should not be abbreviated unless it is used more than three or four times (APA Publication Manuel, 6.25, p.173). Abbreviations generally take the form of acronyms, which consist of the first letter of each word in a phrase.  Example:  National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).  Note that the acronym uses all capital letters, and there are no periods between the letters. To use an abbreviation, write out the term or phrase on first use, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Once a term is abbreviated, the abbreviation must be used for term thereafter.")

Clip("You introduced this abbreviation earlier in your text.  You do not have to introduce it again, simply use the abbreviation.")

Clip("Are these your own thoughts?  If not, citations are needed.   In APA formal writing, you must use in-text citations much more often. These are not your ideas; you are summarizing other’s ideas, and you must give credit through citing. Using APA is not optional.")

Clip("(Citation, Year)")

Clip("In formal APA writing, you must use in-text citations according to APA formatting style. Everything you write in this program must comply with APA formatting protocol. I encourage you to re-read all the material in the course regarding APA.")

Clip("Colloquial expressions, jargon, and abbreviations: We have to avoid them all. We use this type of jargon in our language, so it is, of course, going to show up in our writing, because we write like we speak. However, when you are writing in APA style, we have to avoid using those expressions.")

Clip("It, Thing, stuff -- These words are stand-ins for other nouns, and they are among the vaguest of all words.  Avoid them because precision is among the chief virtues of academic writing, and these are anything but precise.  Think carefully about the noun that will communicate your meaning most clearly, and replace “thing” with that noun.")

Clip("Vary citations:  Hillman (2016) demonstrated that ….,  In Hillman’s (2016) study of students with learning disabilities …,  Hillman (2016) found, discovered …..")

Clip("Hanging Header.  This should be on the next page with your text.")

Clip("“When you summarize or paraphrase someone else's information in several sentences or more, it feels awkward to put in a citation at the end of each sentence you write. It is also awkward to read. However, technically, APA demands that your reader knows exactly what information you got from someone else and when you start using it. Thus, an end-of-paragraph citation does not meet that requirement.                                                                                                       Solution:  Use a lead-in at the beginning of your paragraph. Basically, introduce the source you are summarizing or paraphrasing at the beginning of the paragraph and then refer back to the source when needed to ensure your reader understands you are still using the same source. “")

Clip("When completing an assignment, please read and restate the article’s main points in your own words. Only phrases that cannot be restated in YOUR words without losing the intended meaning should be presented as a direct quote. The number and length of direct quotes should be kept to a max of 2. However, you may have multiple instances in which you need a citation… For every quote, you use you must include an explanation or interpretation.  (any statement that is not your personal “original” thought must be followed by a citation including author and date).")

Clip("Great APA header")

Clip("In all APA formal writing, you should use headings in order to divide your paper and aid the reader in navigating the information presented. The addition of APA formatted headings and sub-headings SPECIFICALLY MATCHING THE RUBRIC would have helped bring organization to your paper. In addition, using appropriate headings provides both you and your instructor with a “checklist” of sorts. This facilitates the comparison of your work to the assignment expectations and ensures that important details are not overlooked.  I hope this suggestion helps.")

Clip("Nice job of using APA headers to divide your paper and aid the reader in navigating the information presented. By adding headings and sub-headings SPECIFICALLY MATCHING THE RUBRIC you have helped bring organization to your paper. This also provides both you and your instructor with a “checklist” of sorts. This facilitates the comparison of your work to the assignment expectations and ensures that important details are not overlooked.")

Clip("1=line by itself, centered, boldface, title case, no period at end")

Clip("2=line by itself, flush left-align, boldface, title case, no period at end")

Clip("3=line by itself, flush left-align, boldface italic, title case, no period at end")

Clip("4=first sentence of para., indented, boldface, title case, end with a period")

Clip("5= first sentence of para., indented, boldface italic, title case, end with a period")

Clip("Very, extremely, really, actually, too, so (as in “soooo good”), etc. These words are called intensifiers, and they’re not often useful in academic writing, where unadorned and clear language is the goal.  “A very relevant study” is better called “a relevant study,” and “a really popular novel” is better called “a popular novel.”  Some intensifiers (e.g. “extremely”) will, on occasion, aid your meaning, but use intensifiers sparingly if at all, and always ask whether you can do without them.")

Clip("According to APA formatting, in all formal writing should use Times New Roman font, 12-point size for everything including Running Heads. Use of non-standard font style and size (size 12 Times New Roman is preferred). Do not use font style larger than size 12 anywhere in the paper. The font color should always be standard black and, the style must remain consistent throughout the paper from the first word on the title page to the last word of the references or appendices.")

Clip("According to APA formatting, all formal writing should be double-spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point size, and have 1-inch margins all around.")

Clip("I know this is the pot calling the kettle black because I have such issues with spelling.  However, when writing at the graduate level, there should be few, if any, grammar/punctuation/structural errors. Your article could have been strengthened by paying attention to your grammar and spelling. Thus, it is very important to proof read carefully to eliminate all errors. For future papers use resources such as spell check, peer reviews, and rewrite several drafts of your paper to address these simple but pertinent mistakes in your writing (Chapter 3, 3.05, p. 65).  Your writing should be clear, concise, and substantive in conveying your ideas. Grades for written assignments are ultimately determined by the clarity of your thinking and by the substance of your written work.  Manuscript requirements (i.e., title page, reference page, spacing, formatting, font, etc.) can be found in chapter 2 of the APA manual.")

Clip("In general, to improve your writing for future papers begin with an outline to ensure that your theme is developed logically. Also, use resources such as peer reviews and spell/grammar checks. Let me encourage you to take additional time to proofread your writing. I always recommend students read their draft aloud to listen for grammatical errors. Please remember to always read the assignment instructions and rubric very carefully before beginning any assignment. Your attention to detail will ensure that you earn the highest possible points. Please be sure to read through the attached rubric and/or notes inserted in your paper for details regarding any point deductions you may have incurred.   Graduate level writing requires a higher level of expertise, and there should be few if any, grammatical errors in your assignments. Finally, become an APA expert. The Sixth Edition APA Manual Chapter 6 - Crediting Sources is helpful with citations/quotations and Chapter 7, Reference Examples, is very helpful as well.")

Clip("Let me encourage you to take more time in the writing process by drafting, then revising numerous times. You should continuously proofread your writing assignments before final submission. Graduate level writing requires a higher level of expertise in written communication. There should be few if any, grammar/punctuation/structural errors in your written assignments.")

Clip("I would also encourage you to check into Liberty’s online writing lab for graduate students if you continually experience problems. You can also investigate the online writing course GRST 500 for graduate students, an online resource that has helped many Liberty graduate students. These resources are provided to help you improve the writing process.")

Clip("When writing professionally it is not best practice to use words or phrases such as: huge, awesome, is not good, very pretty accurate, not a whole lot of, a lot, so many, etc.?  Might there be other words that could convey the same meaning along with professionalism? Colloquial expressions, jargon, and abbreviations do not need to be used in professional writing. We use this slang in our language, so it’s, of course, going to show up in our writing, because we write like we speak. However, when you are writing in assignments, we need to avoid using those expressions.  kids vs. children or students")

Clip("Length of paragraphs – must be at least 3 sentences but should generally not exceed 5-7 sentences.  Look for natural breaks in the flow of thought. Check for transition words.  Identify subtopics. THEN break for new paragraphs. Of course, there are exceptions to the 5-7 sentence rule but be sure you are not including multiple subtopics within any single paragraph.")

Clip("The length of the paper does NOT include the title page, abstract, appendices, or references")

Clip("I encourage you to use the APA assignment templates located with the assignment in the course.")

Clip("Blanket statements: statements that `n1.) are so general they maybe untrue and/or `n2.) unable to provide support for from the empirical research.  `nA blanket statement is a vague and noncommittal statement that proclaims an idea without providing empirical evidence.  Many times, blanket statements include information referencing specific groups of people.  Solution:  Be very careful in making statements about large groups of people, even if the idea seems obvious. So, unless you have a citation to support written statements don’t include them.  `nExample: Special education teachers show low self-efficacy when working with disabilities such as emotional and behavioral disorders. This is a blanket statement.  A better choice would be: Special education teachers MAY show low self-efficacy when working with disabilities such as emotional and behavioral disorders (Rodriguez, Saldana, & Moreno, 2012).")

Clip("In formal APA writing, you never use author first names or initials; only last names are used because they refer to your list of resources on the reference page.")

Clip("According to APA formal writing, you only use the author’s last name and date rather than referring to an author’s full name, or an article or book’s title, because authors and titles are listed on the reference page. Proper citations include an author’s last name and date and refer a reader to the authors and titles listed on your reference page.")

Clip("When writing scholarly papers you should avoid using sources that do not have an author and/or a specific publication date. Rather you should use information from scholarly, peer-reviewed journal or Internet sources, with a specific author, publication name, date published, and place of publication. In APA formal writing at the graduate level, generic websites must always be suspect, even though the information might seem to be fine.")

Clip("In APA scholarly papers, it is always better to use sources that are peer-reviewed, scholarly publications rather than random websites found from Google. Many times Websites that appear to be important and scholarly can be deceiving because they do not rely on APA scholarship for their credibility. Even though they reveal the author and perhaps a publication date, they should be suspect unless verified. Many times websites that look scholarly offer biased information supporting a specific agenda, which is difficult to detect. If they do not list sources revealing where their information emanates from, if the author does not have an earned doctorate, or if the information looks as if it is only published on the website, you should be very suspicious. Instead, your resources should be from quality, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal sources, with a specific author listed and a publication date. When writing formal papers at the graduate level, generic websites should always be avoided.")

Clip("APA format for printed journals, list the name of the journal in italics (not underlined) using title case, a comma, one space, the volume number in Arabic numerals and italics, a comma, one space, the pages of the article (not in italics), and a period.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Wilde, D., & Murray, C. (2010). Interpreting the anomalous: Finding meaning in out-of-body and near-death                                            experiences. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 7(1), 57-72. Retrieved from PsycINFO database.                                                                                                                                                                                         Morris, J. (2003). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, 123, 67-70. doi:10.1002/S625-1234(09)6789-1              This format does not allow for italics, etc. please see your APA manual.")

Clip("Dissertation citation                                                    Last name, F. N. (Year). Title of the dissertation – in italics (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from Name of database. (Accession or Order Number)")

Clip("This reference list is not done according to APA formatting. You must use APA formatting protocol for all written assignments in Liberty’s graduate education program. The mechanics of listing sources on your reference page is important [i.e. periods, commas, capitalization, italics, etc.]. In APA details matter, so check the guides to ensure you correctly list sources: or use Purdue OWL as an excellent resource:")

Clip("You must be careful with the mechanics of listing your sources on your reference page according to APA [i.e. periods, commas, capitalization, italics, etc.]. In APA details matter, so check the guides to ensure you correctly list sources. You should review a comprehensive example at the following web site: or use Purdue OWL as an excellent resource:")

Clip("Capitalize only the first letter of the first word. For a two-part title, capitalize the first word of the second part of the title. Also capitalize proper nouns. Do not italicize. End with a period.    Title of the article.")

Clip("Omission of information in references and citations")

Clip("No " Chr(34) "s" Chr(34) " needed since there is only 1 reference.")

Clip("Exceptionally formatted APA reference.")

Clip("Please review the APA rules for citing sources in text (APA 6.03). You must include quotation marks around all direct quotes. Author’s name, date, and page number are also required in most cases and formatted as (Author, date, p.#) and end with a period outside of the closed parenthesis. Additionally, page numbers are only needed for direct quotes.")

Clip("Remember, you will NEVER list EbscoHost or any other document retrieval system in your reference. You will either use a DOI or the journal’s home page web address. For further information regarding any point deductions you have incurred, please see the attached rubric.")

Clip("You must provide a summary and analysis of the information you found in your sources. It should be clear, concise, substantive and in your own words, properly utilizing in-text citations.")

Clip("I am unable to determine if this is an actual study, literature review, or teacher information article.  You have a great writing style but, there is entirely too much information included.  I am looking for:  Article: purpose, participant details, assessments used, research design, findings, and significance of the study.")

Clip("Reaction – In this section, you should express what you think about the article, explaining why you agree or disagree with the article and WHY{!}  Be sure to provide supporting evidence for your expressed opinion.")

Clip("In the future, be sure to include a PDF copy of your original article {!} An HTML copy of the article is not acceptable.")

Clip("You have included quotes in your review.  The assignment directions specifically state not to include quotes in this assignment.  When completing a journal article review, please read and restate the article’s main points in your own words. This assignment strongly suggests a one-page summary.  Quotes are not appropriate in a summary of this length.")

Clip("You had some issues with using APA correctly in quoting.  You also used an excessive amount of quotes.   When completing a journal article review, please read and restate the article’s main points in your own words. Only phrases that cannot be restated in YOUR words without losing the intended meaning should be presented as a direct quote. The number and length of direct quotes should be kept to a max of 1, MAYBE 2. However, you may have multiple instances in which you need a citation… For every quote, you use you must include an explanation or interpretation.  (any statement that is not your personal “original” thought must be followed by a citation including author and date).")

Clip("In all APA formal writing, you should use headings in order to divide your paper and aid the reader in navigating the information presented. Please check out the following web site for a comprehensive APA example:  The information from the article should have been addressed in separate sections (“Summary, Refection, and Reaction), and you also needed to be sure to include your personal reaction and response to the article in another separate section with appropriate headings.  The addition of these APA formatted headings SPECIFICALLY MATCHING THE ASSIGNMENT will help bring organization to your paper. In addition, using appropriate headings provides both you and your instructor with a “checklist” of sorts. This facilitates the comparison of your work to the assignment expectations and ensures that important details are not overlooked.  I hope this suggestion helps.  I encourage you to use the given APA template for the assignment.")

Clip("You have a great start here.  However, your paper is not corrected APA style. I encourage you to use the APA template provided.")

Clip("Many of your paragraphs lacked citations.    In APA formal writing, you must use in-text citations much more often. These are not your ideas; you are summarizing other’s ideas, and you must give credit through citing. Using APA is not optional. Be careful about making statements and conclusions without citations and/ or empirical evidence.")

Clip("This is a good start as it identifies the topic and goal of the authors’ research study; however, you included very little information about the actual study the authors conducted.  Greater depth needs to be presented to provide a summary of the complete article.  More attention needs to be given to the results of the study and the authors’ discussion of the implications of those findings.")

Clip("Please note the articles should be recent (within the last 5 years), and the article topic for each review must be relevant to the current topic in the chapter readings")

Clip("I know this isn’t the grade you expected.  However, no credit can be given for the assignment because your review was less than 1 page. From the article review instructions: A submission of less than 1 page will not receive credit. The paper will include a title page, a reference page, and have a 2-page limit. The title page, in-text citations, and the reference page are NOT included in the word limit. I would be happy to allow you to redo.  If you choose too, let me know, and I will reopen a submission.")

Clip("You did an excellent job on your assignment.  It was very well written.  However, the article you reviewed was not a qualitative article.")

Clip("You did an excellent job on your assignment.  It was very well written.  However, the article you reviewed was not a qualitative article.")

Clip("In qualitative you need to explain the description of how the data were evaluated and analyzed. Then explain the coding process and triangulation.")

Clip("Your paper is on point, according to the assignment instructions; flows nicely; you employ a rich vocabulary, and your paper is appealing to the reader.")

Clip("You need to state what statistical procedure was used as well as the research design.")

Clip("What might future studies look like? Or further research is unclear or inconsistent with findings.")

Clip("You need to expand this section greatly. Present the hypothesis (if applicable), purpose, and even research questions (if applicable) before beginning to summarize the article? This review could have been strengthened by providing a more thorough review of the article’s main points. Start with stating the premise of the article, define all pertinent vocabulary, explain strategies and ideas in detail, and close this section with the author’s suggestions for the application of their research.")

Clip("Very Well done.  I am looking forward to reading your final paper.")

Clip("The primary task of a JAR is to summarize the material… meaning to express the most important facts or ideas in a short, clear, and concise manner. When completing a journal article review, please read and restates the article’s main points in your own words. This assignment asks for synthesis of the author’s main points written in a concise and scholarly manner that is at least 1 page in length but not more than 2 pages.")

Clip("You could have strengthened this summary by opening with a strong thesis statement from the author(s).  Please do not begin “This article is about...”  Also, be sure to include the authors main points in the first paragraph.  The purpose of the Hillman (2016) article was to...  or, The purpose of this article was to .....  (Hillman, 2016).")

Clip("Did this article comes from the approved list of scholarly peer-reviewed special education journals listed on the assignment directions?  Assignment instructions --- " Chr(34) "Articles from journals not listed below maybe pre-approved through email to course professor if the request is submitted a minimum of 3 days in advance of the due date/time. Did I miss your request?  Dr. H")

Clip("It would be an exceptional idea to put the authors purpose of the article. The purpose of the Hillman (2016) article was to...  or, The purpose of this article was to .....  (Hillman, 2016)")

Clip("What type of qualitative design did this study use? Ethnography, narrative, Phenomenological, Grounded Theory or Case Study?")

Clip("Need to expand the findings and how they were supported.")

Clip("How was the data collected and evaluated?")

Clip("Validity/rival hypotheses tend to be one-sided with aspects of the validity/rival hypotheses missing.")

Clip("You need to discuss the validity/rival hypotheses.")

Clip("The formatting of a journal article title is different in text vs. on the reference page. Please refer to APA 4.15 & 4.07 for the proper format in text and APA 6.29 p. 185 on the reference page.")

Clip("How might you be able to use this research in your classroom?")

Clip("What are your Insight/Criticism based on fact, research, or scholarly authority?")

Clip("You have a lot of great information here.  However, you are missing quite a lot of requirements of the assignment. Please see the rubric.")

Clip("While it is good that you are connecting the information from the article to the course textbooks and other sources, in the article summary section, the focus should be directly on providing a summary of the article.  Much more information about the content of the article should be provided, with several citations to the article’s author(s).  You can reflect on its findings and your understanding of the topic based on the other course texts in the personal reaction section.")

Clip("You did a good job and included all the information.  However, it was well beyond the 2 page limit.  I encourage you to try to limit your length.")

Clip("Purpose of the study is unclear.")

Clip("Method of data collection and analyzing date unclear or not included.")

Clip("Thank you for your submission. This is nicely written. Thinking beyond the article, asking questions, and challenging the findings are important aspects of critical thinking. As you continue with your article reviews, strive to evaluate what you are reading in light of what you already know.")

Clip("Thanks for your hard work. About this time in the term, everyone starts to feel the grind of school and life creeping up. I know it’s hard to stay focused and easy to cut corners on your submissions. A strong journal article review should to effectively relay information and ideas by communicating how each part of the review is connected to the central topic of the article. Huh??? – At this point in the term my brain would be on tilt after reading that last sentence so let me simplify it for you…. Assume that the reader has no knowledge about the topic being presented and take great lengths to explain the topic and the connection between the study and your classroom or personal philosophy.")

Clip("I encourage you to keep reading journal articles in your field of study. By staying current on the research, you will ultimately distinguish yourself from your peers. Please continue to think critically about the articles you read. Strive to incorporate the “best practices” you have found into your personal philosophy of education and your classroom. Thank you for joining me on this marvelous journey")

Clip("This review could have been strengthened by providing a more thorough review of the article’s main points. Start with stating the premise of the article, define all pertinent vocabulary, explain strategies and ideas in detail, and close this section with the author’s suggestions for the application of their research.")

Clip("Personal Response: This section could have been strengthened by discussing the application of the information contained in the article to your current or future teaching situation.")

Clip("This review could have been strengthened by selecting an article within the given assignment perimeters (less than 5 years old, scholarly peer-reviewed journal, etc). See the assignment instructions for details.")

Clip("PDF missing – Please be sure to include your source doc in the future.")

Clip("Your paper contains subjective language and is written in first and or second person. (1st = I, we, my; 2nd = You) This takes away from the professional thought and scientific ideas within the paper. Use objective language when describing and conducting research so as not to take away from the quality of your work. First person should be used in the reflection section only.")

Clip("Incorrect format. Please see the rules for referencing an electronic resource from a database at APA 6.32, p. 192 – point #3. **In the event that a doi is not available follow the rules listed at APA 6.32, p. 191 – points 3 & 4.")

Clip("I hope you found your first article review interesting and informative{!}  Please review my notes in your paper to the right and in the embedded rubric.  If you run your cursor over the highlights or blue bubbles, my comments will pop up.   If you would like to redo your Article review 2 - please let me know, and I will reopen your submission. :-)")

Clip("Thank you for your assignment submission. I recommend all students contact the LUO librarians to ask for assistance in locating journal articles and other resources. Data mining is a huge part of the graduate process… enlisting free help is undoubtedly a wise choice.  As a previous graduate student, full-time mom, and full time employee, I appreciate the time it takes to find an article, read it, review it, and then submit your work. Your effort is not in vain. Being well-read in your subject area is the mark of a scholar.")

Clip("Remember, you will NEVER list EbscoHost or any other document retrieval system in your reference. You will either use a DOI or the journal’s home page web address. For further information regarding any point deductions you have incurred, please see the attached rubric.")

Clip("Whew, the last review{!} Thanks for your hard work. About this time in the term, everyone starts to feel the grind of school and life creeping up. I know it’s hard to stay focused and easy to cut corners on your submissions. Always remember, a strong journal article review should to effectively relay information and ideas by communicating how each part of the review is connected to the central topic of the article. Huh??? – At this point in the term my brain would be on tilt after reading that last sentence so let me simplify it for you…. Assume that the reader has no knowledge about the topic being presented and take great lengths to explain the topic and the connection between the study and your classroom or personal philosophy of education{!} I hope you have found these reviews to be a beneficial exercise. I encourage you to keep reading journal articles in your field of study. By staying current on the research, you will ultimately distinguish yourself from your peers. Please continue to think critically about the articles you read. Strive to incorporate the “best practices” you have found into your personal philosophy of education and your classroom. Thank you for joining me on this marvelous journey{!}")

Clip("I am unable to determine if this is an actual study, literature review, or teacher information article.  You have a great writing style, but there is entirely too much information included.  I am looking for:  Article: purpose, participant details, assessments used, research design, findings, and significance of the study.")

Clip("Well done. Your paper flows nicely; and you employ a rich vocabulary.  However, be sure to address all the criteria in the rubric.  I would also really pay attention to your APA style. Overall, good job.")

Clip("However, you included very little information about the actual study the authors conducted.  In the future, add more information about the study.  Be sure to look at the rubric for the assignment.  Adding more detail in regard to the details of the study.")

Clip("Might be nice to introduce the article here.   Title of the article, author or author or author(s), year published, journal name and a one sentence intro about the article.")

Clip("This is a start in discussing the author’s research.  Your description doesn't include much information about the authors actual study. Purpose of the study, what type of participants were included, how was the study conducted, what did they find? The Article Review summary should be 1 page in length with a personal reflection and response following that so that entire paper (minus the title page and reference page) should be no more than 2 pages. The purpose of the shorter length is to ensure that you reach the higher-level skills of both analysis and synthesis of the author’s essential ideas stated in a concise manner.")

Clip("Analysis - An analysis provides the article’s strengths and weaknesses. You should provide evidence to support your opinions.  100 to 150 words for this paragraph.")

Clip("Key Elements - Key elements provides 1–2 key ideas from the article. You should consider how you can effectively connect them to your research question. 100 to 150 words for this paragraph.")

Clip("Did I miss your refection section? In this section, you need to be specific in explaining how you would incorporate the ideas in the article into your classroom.")

Clip("In this section, you need to be specific in explaining how you would incorporate the ideas in the article into your classroom.")

Clip("This is a start in discussing the author’s research.  Your description doesn't include much information about the authors actual study. Be sure to include, the purpose of the study, why specific types of participants were included, how was the study conducted, what did the research find? The article review summary should be 1 pages in length with a personal reflection and response following that so that entire paper (minus the title page and reference page) should be no more than 2 pages. The purpose of the shorter length is to ensure that you reach the higher-level skills of both analysis and synthesis of the author’s essential ideas stated in a concise manner.")

Clip("This is a start in discussing the author’s research.  Your description doesn't include much information about the authors actual study. Be sure to include, the purpose of the study, why specific types of participants were included, how was the study conducted, what did the research find? The article review summary should be 1 pages in length with a personal reflection and response following that so that entire paper (minus the title page and reference page) should be no more than 2 pages. The purpose of the shorter length is to ensure that you reach the higher-level skills of both analysis and synthesis of the author’s essential ideas stated in a concise manner. `n Look at the highlighted information was it essential in the summary of the article?")

Clip("Well done. Your paper information is on point; flows nicely; you employ a rich vocabulary, and your paper is appealing to the reader.  Take a hard look into your APA style.  I have included many APA resources for you in the resources folder that is located at the bottom of your course content section.")

Clip("Well done. Your paper flows nicely; and you employ a rich vocabulary.  However, be sure to address all the criteria in the rubric and nail that theory.  I would also brush up on your APA style.")

Clip("All of the missing elements were addressed in the assignment instructions and the rubric. One way to ensure you’ve sufficiently addressed the project topic with sufficient detail and included all required elements is to read through both the assignment description and the rubric before you begin Also check the announcements to see if I’ve provided any last minute instructions or tips. I suggest that students make a list of everything required in their papers and check these off just before submitting. Your attention to detail will ensure that you earn the highest possible points. I know you invested time into completing this assignment and that your grades are important to you. Please be sure to read through the attached rubric and/or notes inserted in your paper for details regarding any point deductions you may have incurred.")

Clip("However, I would like to see more in-depth thought in your responses.  More than just a -- " Chr(34) "I think that's great," Chr(34) " " Chr(34) "this is good," Chr(34) " or " Chr(34) "I believe" Chr(34) " this could benefit. Include suggestions to strengthen your peer’s research or possible weaknesses they need to address. Dr. H")

Clip("Good Job. For this week only, full points are being given to everyone if you posted both your original thread and reply.  Hopefully, this will allow you some time to get to know me and my grading style without affecting your grade.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Dr. H  You made wonderful comments to your peers.  I enjoyed reading your post.  You have an obvious passion for helping others.  I am looking forward to reading your future posts.")

Clip("Good Job. For this week only, full points are being given to everyone if you posted both your original thread and reply. Hopefully, this will allow you some time to get to know me and my grading style without affecting your grade.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Dr. H  Note:  Although you had good information in your post you failed to meet the word requirement of (____/200) for your peer reply and (___/400) for your original post.  Please feel free to go back and add to your discussion board 2 posts if needed. You would have received a ___for this post.")

Clip("Good Job. For this week only, full points are being given to everyone if you posted both your original thread and reply. You would have received a ______ on this post.  Please look at the rubric. Hopefully, this will allow you some time to get to know me and my grading style without affecting your grade.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Dr. H  Note:  Although you had good information in your post you failed to meet the reference requirement.  Be sure you include in-text citations AND the APA formatted reference at the end of your post.")

Clip("This is a great topic.  I agree it is a very valuable question to answer.  I do think you will need to limit your question.  There are several ways you can do this: 1.) Age  (Elementary, Middle, Secondary), 2.) Type of inclusion model used,  3.) Outcome (Social, academic, perception)  It sounds in your post above you are interested in academics.  These are just a few ideas.  Also, keep in mind that you will need to do a research proposal design as your final project.   Keep in mind:  what type of measurement might you use?  Are you going to have a " Chr(34) "control" Chr(34) " vs. " Chr(34) "experimental group." Chr(34) "")

Clip("To receive full credit you need to make 2 reply posts to your peers.")

Clip("Great start on your research question.  I do believe there is a great about of research available on this topic.  I suggest that your review that literature and focus on the sections discussing " Chr(34) "future research." Chr(34) "  These sections could guide you in ways to explore the topic you are interested in -- just in a way that is adding to the current research. Dr. H")

Clip("Your initial post was only 203 words of the required 400.  Your reply post was only 130 words out of the required 200.")

Clip("Wonderful comments - I really enjoyed reading your post. You have an obvious passion for helping others.")

Clip("Great information.  Interesting – However - your initial post was only 213 words of the required 400.   To receive full credit you need to make a reply post to one of your peers.  Dr. H")

Clip("Be sure to address key points. This section could have been strengthened by delving deeper into the topic, including outside resources, (2 are required) and incorporating keywords from the discussion board question. Remember, the minimum word count is 400.")

Clip("Analysis, Assumptions, and scriptures: An essential component of the DB is your thoughtful analysis of the information. This includes not only your personal experience and scriptural references but also considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting the concepts you are addressing.")

Clip("Peer to peer relationships are hard to navigate. For the most part, bullying has continued to increase around the country despite teachers’ best efforts to thwart it. In high school, one girl was incredibly harsh to me… daily. I remember crying thinking that I couldn’t escape her. For me, I had loving parents and involved teachers who stood in the gap. Here I am 25 years later, and I have never seen these kids again, but the memory lingers. God’s word instructs us to “Drive out a scoffer, and strife will go out, and quarreling and abuse will cease” in Proverbs 22:10. As teachers, we cannot overlook bullies. We must be proactive to protect the weak. Yet, the most meaningful thing we can do for our students is to pray for their salvation. God’s word says “For everyone who has been born of God OVERCOMES THE WORLD. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” 1 John 5:4.")

Clip("Thank you for your post this week, Autism is a disorder with characteristics that vary greatly between children. Teachers frequently regard this condition as one of the more “frightening” student labels. As educators, we must first look within our hearts and deal with our own biases before attempting to implement any behavioral interventions. Consider the words of Jesus in this passage. “As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Note, they were operating on preconceived judgments when they asked the question…. Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:2 NIV). As the parent of a child with a disability, it is often hard for me to have faith that God will indeed be glorified in our chaos. But God is not a man, he cannot lie… his TRUTH remains forever. I encourage you to dig deep this week and see what the Lord has to say to  you on this topic.")

Clip("Thank you for your participation this week. As you know, classroom rules are essential for establishing order and communicating your expectations to your students. When a student’s behavior is not in alignment with the rules, some type of corrective action is usually required. All positive strategies begin with the child’s best interest. And while there are thousands of suggestions available in text and on the web, the best interventions start with seeking God’s guidance. “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17  ESV).  You will be required to list your positive classroom rules and consequences in the week 8 PPT. If you have any questions, please ask. I pray your interventions are peaceful, gentle and full of mercy.")

Clip("ALWAYS include an integration of your biblical world view in your discussion board responses.")

Clip("ALWAYS include citations in your DBs. Use in-text citations to support your thoughts and ideas. This will ensure, to the reader, that you have read the material and understood how to apply the reading material to your own ideas. Be sure to include the APA citation at the bottom of your post.")

Clip("Be sure to completely answer the question or questions in your original thread. In your answer, be sure to make it very clear what part of the question you are addressing (making the reader figure out which question you are answering may lead to misunderstanding and a lower grade.")

Clip("I enjoyed reading your post to date. I do want to remind you that in grading discussion boards, I apply the rubric. I do expect to see our discussion move beyond summarization and accolades of praise and encouragement for one another. I see these as both important elements of discussion; however, I believe that deep learning occurs when we critically analyze and synthesize.")

Clip("Thank you for your participation this week. When considering RTI, everything should begin with the student’s best interest. In addition, while there are thousands of suggestions available in text and on the web, the best solutions start with seeking God’s guidance. “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17  ESV).")

Clip("Thank you so much for providing me with your thoughts and feedback about the course.  It is appreciated. Dr. H")

Clip("You need to address the flow of your paper with intro and summary paragraphs.  Please see the comments in the document to the left.")

Clip("Key terms are commonly used words in the research literature for which everyone might not know the definition.  In the literature review, Key Terms are included in the introduction. You can determine how you want to format the information as long as it is in APA format. This means it can be in a separate heading or section or it can be embedded in another section.")

Clip("After this section, you should include a summary paragraph that restate the points you have address up to this point. The purpose should be restated.  This section should end with you telling the reader the organization of your paper.")

Clip("ABSTRACT:  According to APA an Abstract should be on a separate page, using a page break before beginning the text of the paper, and double-spaced. See the following for specific formatting elements for an Abstract: The point of your abstract is to set up your reader for what is coming in your paper.  It should include.  “Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the key points of your research. (Do not indent.) Your abstract should contain at least your research topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. You may also include possible implications of your research and future work you see connected with your findings. Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced. Your abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.                                                                                                       You may also want to list keywords from your paper in your abstract. To do this, indent as you would if you were starting a new paragraph, type Keywords: (italicized), and then list your keywords. Listing your keywords will help researchers find your work in databases.”")

Clip("Conclusion:     You might want to include:  The potential implications emerging from your proposed study of the research  problem, A sense of how your study fits within the broader scholarship about the research problem., Evaluate the current thinking on your topic.  This maybe a place for you to suggest that there are flaws in the research, theories, findings or areas of study, Conclude by providing insight into the relationship between the topic and the focus of your area of interest, study or proposed position on the topic.")

Clip("INTRODUCTION  These are typically addressed in the introduction – I do see some of these – but not others. •    What is the central research problem?  What is the topic of study related to that problem?  What methods should be used to analyze the research problem? Why is this important research, and why should someone reading the proposal care about the outcomes from the study?  State the research problem and give a more detailed explanation about the purpose of the study than what you stated in the introduction. Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing. Answer the " Chr(34) "So what? question [i.e., why should anyone care].   Describe the major issues or problems to be addressed by your research. Explain how you plan to go about conducting your research. Clearly identify the key sources you intend to use and explain how they will contribute to the analysis of your topic. Set the boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus. 	Provide definitions of key concepts or terms, if necessary. Introduce the organization of your paper.")

Clip("PURPOSE     Remember – a literature review is not a research paper.  A literature review goes beyond the search for information and includes the identification and articulation of relationships between the literature and your field of research. The basic purposes remain constant: Provide a context for the research, Justify the research, Ensure the research hasn't been done before (or that it is not just a " Chr(34) "replication study" Chr(34) "), Show where the research fits into the existing body of knowledge, Enable the researcher to learn from previous theory on the subject, Illustrate how the subject has been studied previously, Highlight flaws in previous research,  outline gaps in previous research, Show that the work is adding to the understanding and knowledge of the field, Help refine, refocus or even change the topic.")

Clip("This is very well written – but you have lots of informative articles and not as many actual research studies.                                                                                                               This was a research paper, not a literature review – while you need to define your key terms – you  need to spend more time on “research studies” and their design with findings.   You need to spend more time on “research studies” and their design with findings.   Because – I believe it is a conclusion from research that early childhood education is beneficial. You need to narrow your topic.  You need to be more specific in your conclusion and have more information on how you would conduct a research study.                                                                                                      A literature review goes beyond the search for information and includes the identification and articulation of relationships between the literature and your field of research. While the form of the literature review may vary with different types of studies, the basic purposes remain constant:  • Provide a context for the research, • Justify the research, • Ensure the research hasn't been done before (or that it is not just a " Chr(34) "replication study" Chr(34) "), • Show where the research fits into the existing body of knowledge, • Enable the researcher to learn from previous theory on the subject, • Illustrate how the subject has been studied previously, • Highlight flaws in previous research • Outline gaps in previous research, • Show that the work is adding to the understanding and knowledge of the field, • Help refine, refocus or even change the topic.  Good Job.  However, you need to really work at defining what you want to do and how. Dr. H")

Clip("A summary paragraph needed here.  This paragraph or paragraphs needs to restate the main findings of this section, along with gaps in the literature, and transition into the next section.")

Clip("This really looks like reporting information. This really looks like you are mainly reporting information. You really did try to address a few of these.  I would have liked to seen more research studies and reviews.  You did present some studies.  Keep in mind that your literature review is to set up your dissertation.  In reviewing studies and seeing what the researchers did well and did poorly you can improve your dissertation.")

Clip("Be careful about making statements and conclusions without facts or empirical evidence.")

Clip("Great Job{!} Dr. H")

Clip("I want you to know I appreciate the comprehensive work you have submitted this term. It’s been a blessing to have you with me on this journey. Thanks for your submission. You did an outstanding job on this assignment. Your explanation of each theme demonstrated a strong understanding of the material and was communicated well. Keep up the great work… your efforts are noticed and appreciated.")

Clip("Thank you for your submission. You did a nice job on this assignment. Your explanation of the literature was sufficient but could have been more comprehensive and included more depth. In order to receive the maximum point allotment on the rubric you needed to …. One way to ensure you’ve sufficiently addressed the project topic is read through both the assignment description and the rubric before you begin and make a checklist of everything you need to include in your paper. Consulting more resources will also boost the overall content of your paper. Watch your APA details.")

Clip("Thank you for your submission. I’m sure you were hoping for a higher grade on this project.  You made a good attempt at addressing each of the rubric domains. However, your submission did not provide a detailed explanation of the literature. A deeper, more comprehensive presentation of the information would have strengthened your work. Please read my notes within the body of your paper.")

Clip("You’ve addressed some very important aspects of the literature and included some apt analysis. However, the ideas presented in this paper lack organization. Additionally disorganized sentences and grammatical errors have impeded the communication of the principle theories behind your work. Better structure and more than one draft would surely help to make your writing as strong as your underlying ideas. Additionally, I often suggest that students ask a peer to read their papers to them. You will be able to hear mistakes that your eyes have otherwise overlooked.")

Clip("Thank you for your submission. You did a nice job on this assignment. Your explanation of the literature was sufficient but could have been more comprehensive and included more depth. In order to receive the maximum point allotment on the rubric you needed to …. One way to ensure you’ve sufficiently addressed the project topic is read through both the assignment description and the rubric before you begin and make a checklist of everything you need to include in your paper. Consulting more resources will also boost the overall content of your paper. Watch your APA details.")

Clip("Is this all he would need?   Be sure the accommodations directly address the student's needs in relation to the identified task in each objective (what the objective is asking them to do). As such, accommodations should be specific to the activity Bryan is expected to perform (objective). Therefore, generally accommodations for different objectives and days should not be the same.")

Clip("This needs additional description and detail.")

Clip("Please be sure to review the APA information that I have posted in our course.  The “resources folder” is located underneath Week 8 in the “Course Content” tab. This will give you detailed instructions on exactly how to write an APA journal article reference based on the 6.0 standards.")

Clip("Please see my comments in livetext. Dr. H")

Clip("Thank you for your participation this week. All transition services and identification of strengths and weakness begin with the student’s best interest. In addition, while there are thousands of suggestions available in text and on the web, the best solutions start with seeking God’s guidance. “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere” (James 3:17  ESV).")

Clip("A Lot - This phrase’s lack of formality bothers many academic readers. (a lot, really, awesome, and very) To add to its lack of charm, the phrase is metaphorical.  In academic writing, however, metaphors are useful only occasionally, and they require considerable skill to mobilize effectively.  Instead of “a lot” try many, much, several, various, or, if possible, more specific indications of quantity or amount such as four or forty.")

Clip("Thank you for your submission. I realize it is difficult to work from a scenario but you did a nice job despite the challenge. This is typically a difficult assignment for students who are new to the information. Please remember, there is a completed form in your workbook should you need to refer to it for guidance. This is the last time you will be interacting with this information this term but if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m here to help.")

Clip("Thanks for your effort on this assignment. One goal of the FBA is to help others " Chr(34) "visualize" Chr(34) " the student's behavior in action. This paper could have been stronger with a more comprehensive synopsis in each section. Strive to describe the student's behavior with as much detail as possible. An easy way to bring deeper meaning to the narrative is by using more adjectives and adverbs. I realize the FBA process is time consuming but if completed thoughtfully, can lead to positive outcomes for the student. Remember, each section of the FBA must be completed to accurately assess the student’s behavior.")

Clip("Abstract Content:   An abstract is a brief summary of the content of your research paper. First, an abstract does not present any new information that is not already included in your paper. Your abstract will contain elements such as an introduction, a few sentences that describe the main points and a conclusion. Secondly, an abstract is brief in length and not overly detailed. Lastly, regardless of the type of paper, even for persuasive papers, the abstract does not express opinion or use the first-person perspective. Let your introduction and your thesis statement, or topic sentence, as well as other headings and sub-headings and your conclusion guide you as you compose your summary.                              Parts of a structured abstract.  A sample structured abstract for Grade Inflation in the College Classroom by Jan Tucker and Bari Courts (2010).                                         Purpose – The purpose of this article is to assess the concept of grade inflation in higher education institutions in an effort to determine its prevalence, causes, and strategies which can be implemented to curtail it. Design/methodology/approach – A literature review of the problem is presented along with several strategies as possible solutions to restraining the problem of escalating grades in the college classroom. Findings – The problem of grade inflation has been a topic of concern for over a century and there are no quick fixes or simple methods of reversing this trend but there are several alternatives presented which could help curtail this trend. Research limitations/implications – Most of the research is based on anecdotal research. Very little has been written on how to fix this problem. Practical implications.  This paper brings this issue to the forefront in an effort to engage the reader, college administrators and educators. Social Implications – This paper is the building block for future research on this topic. The culture of the college classroom, teaching and learning could be affected by this issue. The hiring, training and evaluation of college instructors could be impacted if colleges and universities choose to investigate the issue of grade inflation at their institutions. Originality/value – The paper begins with an overview of previous research in this area and then moves on to what is currently being implemented to curb grade inflation. The authors then propose several methods and possible solutions which could be implemented to deal with this problem.")

Clip("The Bible should not be included in the reference list; it should only be cited with an in-text citation stating the book, chapter, verse, and version of the verse to which you are referring.  In order to meet the requirement for having a reference page, then, you would need to utilize at least one outside source in addition to the Bible.")

Clip("In APA, the short title has a character limit no more than 50 characters long (including spaces).")

Clip("Citations not in text:  APA in-text citation style uses the author's last name and the year of publication. For multiple authors, use the ampersand (&) in parentheses when citing at the end of a sentence, along with the publication date.  Example:  (Derwing & Rossiter, 2002).")

Clip("Citations within text: For multiple authors use and in sentence stem. With two authors, include both authors’ names each time the source is cited. Example of citation with author as part of the sentence: As Morris (2003) stated …")

Clip("Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. For every in-text citation in your paper, there must be a corresponding entry in your reference list. Your review of literature should be citation heavy.  Are these your own ideas and thoughts?  If so this might mean that you have not conducted enough research.")

Clip("Citations APA et al. : A work by three or more authors you should list only the first author’s name followed by “et al.” in every citation, even the first. `n(Hillman el al. 2021) or Hillman et al. (2021) suggests… `nIn et al., et should not be followed by a period. Only " Chr(34) "al" Chr(34) " should be followed by a period.")

Clip("Excellent use of et al. in your first citation due to the number of authors of the article.")

Clip("Be sure to use of the textbook or peer-reviewed articles with at least 1 appropriate in-text citations in both your initial and reply post.  Be sure to include the APA citation at the bottom of your post.")

Clip("Thanks for your outstanding effort on this assignment. You did an outstanding job. Your explanation of your lesson demonstrated a strong understanding of the material and was communicated well. Keep up the great work… your efforts are noticed and appreciated{!} Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs to inform your instruction – is essential. I feel confident that you have a good grasp on the required elements. I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise. I would have liked to have seen more detail in your accommodations and evidence.")

Clip("Thank you for the outstanding effort you put into this assignment{!} You did an excellent job{!} Your explanation of the unit demonstrated a strong understanding of the material and was communicated well. Keep up the great work . . . your efforts are noticed and appreciated{!} Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs to inform your instruction is essential. Your unit plan demonstrated you have a good grasp on the required elements. I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise, and I hope you will be able to implement some of these ideas with your students{!}")

Clip("Thank you for the strong effort you put into this assignment{!} You did a nice job and presented a good overall plan for your unit. You also developed some good ideas for accommodations, but greater depth in your explanations and evidence would have made your unit stronger.  Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs to inform your instruction is essential. I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise, and I hope you will be able to implement some of these ideas with your students{!}")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some helpful accommodations for your students. However, you needed to provide greater depth and more detail in your plans and accommodations to fully cover the explanations and evidence requested in the templates and grading rubric. In the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to projects such as this.")

Clip("Thank you for the strong effort you put into this assignment{!} You did a nice job and presented a good overall plan for your unit. You also developed some good ideas for accommodations, but it would have made your unit stronger had you more specifically connected the accommodations to the unit content.  Providing samples of documents mentioned in the accommodations would have been helpful also.  Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs within particular tasks and activities to inform your instruction is essential. I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise, and I hope you will be able to implement some of these ideas with your students{!}")

Clip("Thank you for the strong effort you put into this assignment{!} You did a nice job and presented a good overall plan for your unit. You also developed some good ideas for accommodations, but it would have made your unit stronger had you more specifically connected the accommodations to individual students in your class based on their needs.  Providing more variety in the types of accommodations to address more students’ unique needs would have been helpful also.  Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs within particular tasks and activities to inform your instruction is essential. I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise, and I hope you will be able to implement some of these ideas with your students{!}")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some helpful accommodations for your students. However, some required components of the assignment are missing.  You needed to develop eight accommodations in addition to the seating chart and rewritten text.  Accommodation number ___ is not included in your unit plan.  In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to include all required components and provide depth and detail in your explanations and evidence to support your plan and how it will be implemented to support your hypothetical students.  When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to your work.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some helpful accommodations for your students. However, some required components of the assignment are missing.  You needed to develop eight accommodations in addition to the seating chart and rewritten text.  Accommodation numbers ___ are not included in your unit plan. In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to include all required components and provide depth and detail in your explanations and evidence to support your plan and how it will be implemented to support your hypothetical students.  When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to your work.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some ideas concerning accommodations for your students. However, the accommodations needed to be more specific to your students and the unit content.  The majority of your accommodations were general in nature and/or did not include a detailed explanation of how they would be utilized. Many did not address the specific category listed.  In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to consider the needs your specific students might have with the material and activities planned for your unit and then develop more specific accommodations that would directly address those needs and support your students.  You also needed to provide much greater depth and detail in your explanations and evidence to support your plan and how it will be implemented to support your hypothetical students.  When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to your work.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some helpful accommodations for your students. However, some required components of the assignment are missing.  You needed to integrate two different subject areas and develop a unit form for each subject.  You only addressed one subject area, so your plan was extremely limited. In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to include all required components and provide depth and detail in your explanations and evidence to support your plan and how it will be implemented to support your hypothetical students. When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to your work.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some helpful accommodations for your students. However, some required components of the assignment are missing.  You needed to include the grade level of your class as well as the description of the students who have disabilities and the student who is an English language learner.  You did not include this information in your unit plan, so it was difficult to connect the accommodations to specific students in your hypothetical class. In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to include the class and student descriptions, and you needed to focus more on the needs those students might have with the material and activities planned for your unit and then develop more specific accommodations that would directly address those needs and support your students.  You also needed to provide much greater depth and detail in your explanations and evidence to support your plan and how it will be implemented to support your hypothetical students.  When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to your work.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas for your unit and some helpful accommodations for your students. However, some required components of the assignment are missing.  You needed to _________.  You did not address this element, so your plan was extremely limited. In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to include all required components and provide depth and detail in your explanations and evidence to support your plan and how it will be implemented to support your hypothetical students. When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future, I also encourage you to consult more resources to help you add content and depth to your work.")

Clip("In addition, although you connected some of the accommodations to specific students, several of the accommodations were general in nature and/or did not include a detailed explanation of how they would be utilized for specific students within the context of particular activities in the unit. In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to focus more directly on the needs your students might have with the material and activities planned for your unit and then more specifically describe how the accommodations would directly address the needs of individual students and support their participation in certain learning activities within this unit.")

Clip("Example: Based on what students have learned during the course of the unit, the oral presentations about a Revolutionary War hero will include also one visual or auditory display of their choice. They may choose whatever medium interests them to convey what they have learned about patriotism and one of the great patriots of the American Revolution. Differentiating assessment is an excellent way to allow all students to demonstrate what they have learned in their own areas of strength. Their choices are as follows: Create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War. Create a model of the Continental Congress. Write an original poem, song, or story about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Create a sculpture, drawing or painting of an event learned about during the course of the unit (i.e. George Washington cutting down the cherry tree, Thomas Jefferson signing the Declaration of Independence, John Paul Jones defying the British naval commander, etc.) This assignment gives all students in the class the opportunity to explore what they enjoy, rather than being forced to complete a one-size-fits-all assignment. It is not only designed to fit the variety of student abilities in this class, but also each student's particular area of interest. The teacher will make specific suggestions for the students with special needs. By guiding particular students towards certain activities, this differentiated assignment becomes an accommodation for select students. For example, Jason who struggles with reading, maybe an excellent artist who learns best by using his hands, so the teacher will encourage Jason to do a painting of one of the events studied that captured his attention. Mary and Sam seem to work well together so that teacher can encourage them to collaboratively create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War with each one assuming responsibility for the parts he or she can do best. Heather, who has a hearing impairment, may be a prize-winning poet in the making, so the teacher will speak to Heather in order to get her excited about writing a poem about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Due to Julianna's emotional difficulties resulting in her poor self-image, she will need extra encouragement to find which assignment seems to be something she sees herself able to complete. Then the teacher will need to carefully monitor her progress by giving her a checklist to be completed daily.")

Clip("The written discussion explaining the reasoning behind your student placement on your seating chart is very limited.  Discussion on why this seating chart is an accommodation for your class. Example:  The student's desks are arranged in three rows with six desks in each row, plus two extra desks making a short fourth row. There is a center aisle allowing the teacher to easily move around to assist all students in the classroom. Jason is seated near the teacher's desk to allow him easy access to the teacher if he needs assistance with reading. Michael is seated in the front row between Jason and Heather who are both quiet and hard-working students. This also allows the teacher to stand near Michael while teaching to help him stay on task.  Heather, who has a hearing impairment, is seated in the front row at the center aisle which gives her close proximity to where the teacher stands. This allows her to read lips and also allows space for the paraprofessional to be seated next to her if needed. Her central location gives her the best reception for the FM amplification system. Cindy, who has a visual impairment, is seated in the front row, across the aisle from Heather, again allowing easy access to the paraprofessional if she needs assistance. This placement gives her close proximity to the teacher and visual aids that might be used. Carlos is seated in the front row, between Cindy and Mary who are both compassionate students that readily makes friends and are supportive of students who might struggle to learn. Andrea is seated in the second row also in close proximity to the teacher's desk. Although he is further from the spot where the teacher typically stands for teaching, his desk position allows him to stand up and move around in the back of the room if he becomes restless. The extra desk in the back of the room is occasionally used by either Carlos or Andrea if they are having difficulty concentrating in a group setting. Sam is seated in the second row, but on the center aisle where the teacher or paraprofessional can easily assist him with reading words he may not know. Lisa, who has cerebral palsy, needs to be seated where she has easy access to the exit and has room around her desk for the days she will use her wheelchair. Riley is seated next to Lisa, because she is a student who loves to " Chr(34) "take care" Chr(34) " of others. She will pick up papers for Lisa or assist her in other ways as needed. She has been asked to not do too much for Lisa so that Lisa will have a " Chr(34) "can-do" Chr(34) " attitude for herself. Julianna feels more comfortable surrounded by girls and in the back row. But, she is seated on the side of the room closest to the teacher's desk so that the teacher can easily encourage her while doing seat work.")

Clip("Thank you for the strong effort you put into this assignment{!} You did a nice job and presented a good overall plan for your unit. You also developed some good ideas for accommodations, but it would have made your unit stronger had you more specifically connected the accommodations to the unit content.  Providing samples of documents mentioned in the accommodations would have been helpful also.  Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs within particular tasks and activities to inform your instruction is essential.  Additional detail would have been very beneficial. Also, in order to receive the maximum point allotment on accommodations, you needed to provide a “detailed explanation” or “evidence” on how the accommodation would be useful. Further, how the accommodation used was needed? Your accommodations need to specifically apply to your unit.  You also need to think about the needs and anticipate the needs your students might have with the material and activities in your unit 🙂.   Hopefully, in the next assignments through the program you’ll provide additional detail. One way to ensure you’ve sufficiently addressed the project topic is read through both the assignment description and the rubric before you begin and make a checklist of everything you need to include in your paper. Consulting more resources will also boost the overall content of your paper.  Dr. H Example Acc: Based on what students have learned during the course of the unit, the oral presentations about a Revolutionary War hero will include also one visual or auditory display of their choice. They may choose whatever medium interests them to convey what they have learned about patriotism and one of the great patriots of the American Revolution. Differentiating assessment is an excellent way to allow all students to demonstrate what they have learned in their own areas of strength. Their choices are as follows: Create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War. Create a model of the Continental Congress. Write an original poem, song, or story about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Create a sculpture, drawing or painting of an event learned about during the course of the unit (i. e. George Washington cutting down the cherry tree, Thomas Jefferson signing the Declaration of Independence, John Paul Jones defying the British naval commander, etc.) This assignment gives all students in the class the opportunity to explore what they enjoy, rather than being forced to complete a one-size-fits-all assignment. It is not only designed to fit the variety of student abilities in this class, but also each student's particular area of interest. The teacher will make specific suggestions for the students with special needs. By guiding particular students towards certain activities, this differentiated assignment becomes an accommodation for select students. For example, Jason who struggles with reading, may be an excellent artist who learns best by using his hands so the teacher will encourage Jason to do a painting of one of the events studied that captured Jason's attention. Mary and Sam seem to work well together so that teacher can encourage them to collaboratively create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War with each one assuming responsibility for the parts that he or she can do best. Heather, who has a hearing impairment, may be a prize-winning poet in the making so the teacher will speak to Heather in order to get her excited about writing a poem about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Due to Julianna's emotional difficulties resulting in her poor self-image, she will need extra encouragement to find which assignment seems to be something she sees herself able to complete. Then the teacher will need to carefully monitor her progress by giving her a checklist to be completed daily. Thank you for your submission. and I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise, and I hope you will be able to implement some of these ideas with your students{!}")

Clip("Thank you for the strong effort you put into this assignment{!} You did a nice job and presented a good overall plan for your accommodation unit. You also developed some good ideas for accommodations, but it would have made your unit stronger had you more specifically connected the accommodations to the unit content.  Providing samples of documents mentioned in the accommodations would have been helpful also. Many of your accommodations did not directly apply or relate to the accommodation category where it was included (-6 pts). Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs within particular tasks and activities to inform your instruction is essential.  Additional detail would have been very beneficial.Also, in order to receive the maximum point allotment on accommodations, you needed to provide a “detailed explanation” or “evidence” on how the accommodation would be useful. Further, how the accommodation used was needed? Many of your accommodations were general in nature, your accommodations need to specifically apply to your unit.  You also need to think about the needs and anticipate the needs your students might have with the material and activities in your unit.  Hopefully, in the next assignments through the program you’ll provide additional detail. One way to ensure you’ve sufficiently addressed the project topic is read through both the assignment description and the rubric before you begin and make a checklist of everything you need to include in your paper. Consulting more resources will also boost the overall content of your paper.  Dr. H Example Acc: Based on what students have learned during the course of the unit, the oral presentations about a Revolutionary War hero will include also one visual or auditory display of their choice. They may choose whatever medium interests them to convey what they have learned about patriotism and one of the great patriots of the American Revolution. Differentiating assessment is an excellent way to allow all students to demonstrate what they have learned in their own areas of strength. Their choices are as follows: Create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War. Create a model of the Continental Congress. Write an original poem, song, or story about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Create a sculpture, drawing or painting of an event learned about during the course of the unit (i. e. George Washington cutting down the cherry tree, Thomas Jefferson signing the Declaration of Independence, John Paul Jones defying the British naval commander, etc.) This assignment gives all students in the class the opportunity to explore what they enjoy, rather than being forced to complete a one-size-fits-all assignment. It is not only designed to fit the variety of student abilities in this class, but also each student's particular area of interest. The teacher will make specific suggestions for the students with special needs. By guiding particular students towards certain activities, this differentiated assignment becomes an accommodation for select students. For example, Jason who struggles with reading, may be an excellent artist who learns best by using his hands so the teacher will encourage Jason to do a painting of one of the events studied that captured Jason's attention. Mary and Sam seem to work well together so that teacher can encourage them to collaboratively create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War with each one assuming responsibility for the parts that he or she can do best. Heather, who has a hearing impairment, may be a prize-winning poet in the making so the teacher will speak to Heather in order to get her excited about writing a poem about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Due to Julianna's emotional difficulties resulting in her poor self-image, she will need extra encouragement to find which assignment seems to be something she sees herself able to complete. Then the teacher will need to carefully monitor her progress by giving her a checklist to be completed daily. Thank you for your submission. and I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise, and I hope you will be able to implement some of these ideas with your students{!}")

Clip("This does not address the category of Generalization. Generalization is when students engage in the skills taught them in a subject or class in an alternate / untrained but similar condition. Generalization can be observed across stimuli, people, and settings.")

Clip("“Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) describes multiple ways to communicate that can supplement or compensate (either temporarily or permanently) for the impairment and disability patterns of individuals with severe expressive communication disorders.” ASHA")

Clip("Good Start.  However, in order to receive the maximum point allotment on accommodations to needed to provide a “detailed explanation” or “evidence” on how the accommodation would be useful. Further, how the accommodation will be used was needed? Hopefully, in the next assignments through the program you’ll provide additional detail. One way to ensure you’ve sufficiently addressed the project topic is read through both the assignment description and the rubric before you begin and make a checklist of everything you need to include in your paper. Consulting more resources will also boost the overall content of your paper. The majority of your accommodations were general and did not explain how it would be utilized. Your accommodations need to specifically apply to your unit.  You also need to think about the needs your students might have with the material and activities in your unit:-) Example Acc: Based on what students have learned during the course of the unit, the oral presentations about a Revolutionary War hero will include also one visual or auditory display of their choice. They may choose whatever medium interests them to convey what they have learned about patriotism and one of the great patriots of the American Revolution. Differentiating assessment is an excellent way to allow all students to demonstrate what they have learned in their own areas of strength. Their choices are as follows: Create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War. Create a model of the Continental Congress. Write an original poem, song, or story about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Create a sculpture, drawing or painting of an event learned about during the course of the unit (i. e. George Washington cutting down the cherry tree, Thomas Jefferson signing the Declaration of Independence, John Paul Jones defying the British naval commander, etc.) This assignment gives all students in the class the opportunity to explore what they enjoy, rather than being forced to complete a one-size-fits-all assignment. It is not only designed to fit the variety of student abilities in this class, but also each student's particular area of interest. The teacher will make specific suggestions for the students with special needs. By guiding particular students towards certain activities, this differentiated assignment becomes an accommodation for select students. For example, Jason who struggles with reading, may be an excellent artist who learns best by using his hands so the teacher will encourage Jason to do a painting of one of the events studied that captured Jason's attention. Mary and Sam seem to work well together so that teacher can encourage them to collaboratively create a diorama of one scene from the Revolutionary War with each one assuming responsibility for the parts that he or she can do best. Heather, who has a hearing impairment, may be a prize-winning poet in the making so the teacher will speak to Heather in order to get her excited about writing a poem about one of the heroes of the Revolution. Due to Julianna's emotional difficulties resulting in her poor self-image she will need extra encouragement to find which assignment seems to be something she sees herself able to complete. Then the teacher will need to carefully monitor her progress by giving her a checklist to be completed daily. Thank you for your submission.")

Clip("I am unclear how this will insure positive social interactions.  Many students who have communication and learning problems dislike group work and prefer not to interact with their classmates.  The purpose of this accommodation is how to ensure the student participates socially.  Simply placing the student in a group or peer learning situation does not equal social interaction.  Many students not just those with disabilities can experience problems with group work due to the presences of conflict (disagreement), unequal participation, task avoidance, and completion speed. It is very clear not all students learn at the same speed. Some may need more time to fully understand the task and process the information while others need very little time.  Therefore, it can be stressful for students with disabilities when they are unable to keep up and forced to hurry up their learning.")

Clip("I am curious, how does this provide the student with immediate and ongoing feedback? Effective, immediate feedback includes the following characteristics: it is timely, ongoing, formative, actionable, specific to the learner, and reflects a positive tone. Positive Interventions Behaviors and supports PBIS is an exception example of immediate feedback. Picture, Symbol and Visual cues can help students know if they are on the right track and what they need to continue to work on. Post-it Comments - Using a Post-it note to give students feedback during independent work time can help provide them with short written reminders about the verbal feedback they have received. When circulating between students and giving them verbal feedback, keep a clip board containing student names with you. Jot down areas that you have given corrective feedback. about, or areas of student strength. Use your notes when you are conferencing with students. “I noticed I have given you some feedback about concluding sentences- have you been able to take action on any of those ideas?” Response Boards is another good example.")

Clip("I do not see how this accommodation deals with self-regulation or self-determination. Self-regulation simply is simply “control [of oneself] by oneself” or the ability to manage your own behavior, thinking, and emotions in the classroom or a specific situation. Behavior self-regulation is “ability to keep emotions in check. Students can resist impulsive behaviors that might worsen their situation, and they can cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down. They have a flexible range of emotional and behavioral responses that are well matched to the demands of their environment”  Examples include: being able to resist highly emotional reactions to upsetting stimuli, to calm yourself down when you get upset, to adjust to a change in expectations, and to handle frustration without an outburst. Self-regulated learning (SRL) refers to the process when a student engages in taking responsibility for their own learning and applies themself to academic success.  (Zimmerman, 2002).  The SRL process has three steps. (a) Planning - The student plans tasks, sets goals, outlines strategies to tackle the task, and/or creates a schedule for the task; (b) Monitoring - The student puts plans into action and closely monitors their  performance and experiences with the methods chosen; and (c) Reflection - after the task is completed, the student reflects on how well they did and why they performed the way they did (Zimmerman, 2002).  Example: Persisting on complex, long-term projects (e.g., applying to college); achieving goals (e.g., managing work and staying in school); self-monitoring progress on goals; and guiding behavior based on future goals based on previous actions.  The majority of students with learning issues have problems with these emotional and learning behaviors.  Teaching self-regulation skills through modeling, providing opportunities to practice these skills, monitoring and reinforcing correct progress, and coaching on how, why, and when to use their skills.  A teacher can structure the environment to make student self-regulation easier and more manageable. Opportunities can be limited for risk-taking behavior, provide positive discipline, highlight natural consequences of poor decision-making, and reduce the emotional intensity of conflict situations (Murray & Rosenbalm, 2017).  Zimmerman (2002) encourages teachers to do the following three things to help students continue to develop self-regulation: (a) give students a choice in tasks, methods, or study partners as often as you can; (b) give students the opportunity to assess their own work and learn from their mistakes; and (c) pay attention to the student’s beliefs about his or her own learning abilities and respond with encouragement and support when necessary.")

Clip("I am a bit confused here.  This reading level is 6th grade level.  How is this helpful for your struggling readers?")

Clip("HOWEVER, the majority of your entries did not match the designated category of accommodations.")

Clip("How does this deal with presenting material to the student in a way they understands? The the point of this ELL standard is to demonstrate a accommodation that addresses language, culture and/or family background. Essentially this accommodation should provide   information and/or understanding in the students native language and in English. It may mean they could use a bilingual dictionary or have a translator or someone to provide additional explanation. Any of these would likely be more helpful for him than an audio version or graphic organizer because that does not address the real need of the student.")

Clip("Great start here. Please review your paper to the right and the embedded rubric. If you see highlights or blue bubbles, run your cursor over them and my comments will pop up.  Nicely done, you have begun to include all 5 parts of the IEP goal.  However, be vigilant that all 5 parts are in each goal.  I am looking forward to reading your next assignment.  Dr. H")

Clip("Great start here. Please review your paper to the right and the embedded rubric.  If you see highlights or blue bubbles, run your cursor over them and my comments will pop up.  You did miss several key parts of the IEP goal. You have begun to include all 5 parts of the IEP goal.  However, be vigilant that all 5 parts are in each goal.  I am looking forward to reading your next assignment.  Dr. H")

Clip("Condition: As stated in Hedin and DeSpain (2018), “Condition statements answer questions such as ‘Where is the behavior performed?’ ‘What materials does the student use to complete the behavior?’ and ‘What level of support is provided?’” (p. 103).   Conditions can also state the resources that must be used for a student to reach the goal and should outline or explain what facilitates learning for the student. The condition of the goal should link to the behavior being measured. For example, a goal relating to reading Individualized Education Program (IEP) Annual Goal Development:comprehension may require the use of a graphic organizer. The graphic organizer is the condition.")

Clip("Criterion: As stated in Hedin and DeSpain (2018), “The criteria in IEP goals provide two types of information that make goals measurable. Mastery criteria, the first type of information, are the expected levels of performance with respect to particular skills. Retention criteria refer to the number of times or how often students must achieve a mastery level to demonstrate skill acquisition.” (p. 106).")

Clip("Did I miss it? Or did you use the identified content strands as listed in the assignment instructions?  Please be sure to use the identified content strands in the following IEP assignments and DUP.")

Clip("The IEP objective should be only one sentence.  I encourage you to review the Hedin and DeSpain (2018) reading in week 1.")

Clip("I encourage you to review the Hedin and DeSpain (2018) reading in week 1 and use the objectives to pattern your future objectives.")

Clip("Suggestion:   ______condition________, learner, ______behavior__________, ____criteria – correct by _#_trials_, by ____target date______.")

Clip("Grade level or achievement levels objectives are tricky.  The goals should focus on meeting grade level standards skills, but tailored to the student’s current achievement to ensure the leap is not too high. So for example, a 4th grader reading on a 1st  grade level would not necessarily be expected to read on a 4th grade level in 1 year, but would be expected to demonstrate 4th grade standards like determine cause and effect in a passage that the student can read independently (e.g., 1st grade level), or, in a passage read aloud or in an audio book at the 4th grade level.")

Clip("Also, remember the criterion should address both the level of performance on each trial and the number of trials expected.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into developing Bryan’s IEP.  You addressed some of his identified needs and developed some good ideas for goals and supportive accommodations.  I hope you found this task to be helpful in furthering your understanding of how the IEP team uses the information in a student’s PLAAFP to write an IEP that addresses identified areas of weakness and outlines relevant supports to help the student overcome those weaknesses and be successful in the learning process despite his/her disability.  I realize the IEP process is time-consuming but if completed thoughtfully, can lead to a positive outcome for the student. Please do not be dismayed, as it is truly my goal to provide detailed feedback on this assignment, so you will develop the necessary understanding to be successful in the IPE process.  Strive to make objectives clear and specific enough for any teacher, in any school or district, to read and understand; the teacher should not have to know the child or the specific curriculum to be able to comprehend the goal and objectives are indicating.  Each goal must have one distinct task/behavior the student must perform at a designated level in order to achieve success in meeting the goal. Remember to include all components; each one plays an important role in the clarity of the goal, and is necessary to ensure consistency in working with the student and measuring process.  Goals must be observable and measurable and do not do any good if no one can ever be sure if the student actually achieves it. One cannot observe “understand,“ “know,“ “improve,“ “appreciate,“ etc. Only outward demonstrations can be observed;  therefore goals and objectives must identify the outward demonstration selected as a means of measurement.  Consider the appropriateness of type a criterion selected. While percentages may be easy to identify they may not always the best method. For example, a percentage may be a great choice for a goal indicating “Katie will solve 30 1 digit addition problems with at least 90% accuracy.“ However, it would not be appropriate to say, “Tommy will cross the street safely 80% of the time“ as the other 20% would be quite problematic.  Samples of other criteria methods might include a number of trials, number of required correct responses, direction of time to complete a task or level of assistance. Please review my notes directly on your paper and in the grading rubric.  If you place your cursor on the blue bubbles on your paper, my comments will pop up.")

Clip("These are different tasks that should be addressed in different goals. Each goal should have just one focus so it can be easily identified if the student has achieved it or not. When multiple tasks or skills are included in a single goal, it can be confusing because the student may achieve one part but not the others. In that case, did he/she meet the goal or not?")

Clip("This involves several distinct tasks (_____________, etc.) that should not all be addressed in a single goal. Each goal should have just one focus so it can be easily identified if the student has achieved it or not. When multiple tasks or skills are included in a single goal, it can be confusing because the student may achieve one part but not the others. In that case, did he/she meet the goal or not?")

Clip("The generally accepted level of minimum expected accuracy is 80-85%.")

Clip("This is a good instructional strategy, but it is not an accommodation because it does not provide a change to how a student learns, accesses the curriculum, or completes the goal task.")

Clip("This should extend until the next IEP review, not just the end of the current school year. As currently stated, Bryan will not receive any accommodations in the fall semester of the next school year.")

Clip("Be sure the accommodations directly address the student's needs in relation to the identified task in each goal (what the objective is asking them to do). As such, accommodations should be specific to the activity Bryan is expected to perform (objective). Therefore, generally accommodations for different goals should not be the same. For example, in a goal that is focusing on working with research information, the focus of the task is on using that information rather than reading/decoding it. As such, it would be appropriate to provide the information in auditory format to help Bryan overcome his weakness in reading/decoding so it doesn't interfere with his ability to perform the focus task. However, in another goal directly addressing reading/decoding, it would not be appropriate to provide the text in audio form because it would circumvent the actual focus of the goal task. In another goal that addresses math graphing, it is not clear how providing read-aloud accommodation would help because the graph is in visual format but doesn't really require reading/decoding text information.")

Clip("Does Bryan only get 1 attempt to pass this objective? or does he have 3 out of 5 attempts?")

Clip("Will Bryan be able to meet this objective with only these accommodations?")

Clip("Be vigilant and be sure you include all 5 parts in your objective. These 5 parts include the student’s name, the condition, specific observable behavior, criterion, and target date/timeline for goal attainment. I encourage you to review pages 4 and 5 of the directions and use the tools listed there.")

Clip("This would appear to contradict your objective.")

Clip("Extremely well done. Thank you for the hard work and effort you put into developing Bryan’s IEP{!}  You addressed some of his identified needs and developed some good ideas regarding goals and supportive accommodations.  Thinking critically about a student’s learning process, which includes goals and objectives, is it essential for your IEP goals to include all the necessary components and was most importantly measurable. I feel confident that you have a good grasp on the required elements of an IEP.  I hope you found this to be meaningful exercise.  Always strive to make objectives clear and specific enough for any teacher, in any school or district, to read and understand; the teacher should not have to know the child or the specific curriculum to be able to comprehend the goal and objectives are indicating.   I hope you found this task to be helpful in furthering your understanding of how the IEP team uses the information in a student’s PLAAFP to write an IEP that addresses identified areas of weakness and outlines relevant supports to help the student overcome those weaknesses and be successful in the learning process despite his/her disability.  Please review my notes directly on your paper and in the grading rubric.  If you place your cursor on the “blue bubbles” on your paper, my comments will pop up.")

Clip("Thanks for your effort on this assignment. One goal of the IEP is to plan the students learning process which includes goals and objectives. Your objective should include: (a) student, (b) condition, (c) specific observable behavior, (d) criterion, or (e) target date / timeline? `nI realize the IEP process is time-consuming but if completed thoughtfully, can lead to a positive outcome for the student. Please do not be dismayed, as it is truly my goal to provide detailed feedback on this assignment, so you will develop the necessary understanding to be successful in the IPE process.  Strive to make objectives clear and specific enough for any teacher, in any school or district, to read and understand; the teacher should not have to know the child or the specific curriculum to be able to comprehend the goal and objectives are indicating.  Each goal must have one distinct task/behavior the student must perform at a designated level in order to achieve success in meeting the goal. Remember to include all components; each one place in important role in the clarity of the goal, and is necessary to ensure consistency in working with the student and measuring process.  Goals must be observable and measurable, and do not do any good if no one can ever be sure if the student actually achieves it. One cannot observe “understand,“ “know,“ “improve,“ “appreciate,“ etc. Only outward demonstrations can be observed;  therefor goals and objectives must identify the outward demonstration selected as a means of measurement.  Consider the appropriate of type a criterion selected. While percentages maybe easy to identify they may not always the best method. For example, a percentage may be a great choice for a goal indicating “Katie will solve 30 1 digit addition problems with at least 90% accuracy.“ However, it would not be appropriate to say, “Tommy will cross the street safely 80% of the time“ as the other 20% would be quite problematic.  Samples of other criteria methods might include number of trials, number of required correct responses, direction of time to complete a task, or level of assistance. Also, remember the criterion should address both the level of performance on each trial and the number of trials expected.")


Clip("Remember Accommodations:`n {alt down}{Numpad2}{Numpad5}{Numpad0}{alt up} provide students with disabilities with equal access to course instruction, materials, and evaluation `n {alt down}{Numpad2}{Numpad5}{Numpad0}{alt up} “level the playing field” by reducing/eliminating barriers caused by the interaction between a student’s disability and the learning environment `n {alt down}{Numpad2}{Numpad5}{Numpad0}{alt up} do not guarantee student success and do not provide an unfair advantage `n {alt down}{Numpad2}{Numpad5}{Numpad0}{alt up} must be reasonable and cannot alter the basic requirements of the SOL or objective")

Clip("Please note that accommodation must not interfere with the focus of the goal. In this goal, ……… the goal focus, Bryan would have to read the material, so providing an audio isn't appropriate because that would eliminate the need for Bryan to actually read and decode the material. Be sure the accommodations directly address the student's needs in relation to the identified task in each goal. As such, accommodations should be specific to the activity Bryan is expected to perform, and accommodations for different goals should generally not be the same.")

Clip("Be sure the accommodations directly address the student's needs in relation to the identified task in each goal. As such, accommodations should be specific to the activity Bryan is expected to perform, and accommodations for different goals should generally not be the same.")

Clip("Thanks for your effort on this assignment. One goal of the IEP is to plan the students learning process which includes goals and objectives. Your objective should include: (a) student, (b) condition, (c) specific observable behavior, (d) criterion, or (e) target date / timeline?`nI realize the IEP process is time-consuming but if completed thoughtfully, can lead to a positive outcome for the student. Please do not be dismayed, as it is truly my goal to provide detailed feedback on this assignment, so you will develop the necessary understanding to be successful in the IPE process.  Strive to make objectives clear and specific enough for any teacher, in any school or district, to read and understand; the teacher should not have to know the child or the specific curriculum to be able to comprehend the goal and objectives are indicating.  Each goal must have one distinct task/behavior the student must perform at a designated level in order to achieve success in meeting the goal. Remember to include all components; each one place in important role in the clarity of the goal, and is necessary to ensure consistency in working with the student and measuring process.  Goals must be observable and measurable, and do not do any good if no one can ever be sure if the student actually achieves it. One cannot observe “understand,“ “know,“ “improve,“ “appreciate,“ etc. Only outward demonstrations can be observed;  therefor goals and objectives must identify the outward demonstration selected as a means of measurement.  Consider the appropriate of type a criterion selected. While percentages maybe easy to identify they may not always the best method. For example, a percentage may be a great choice for a goal indicating “Katie will solve 30 1 digit addition problems with at least 90% accuracy.“ However, it would not be appropriate to say, “Tommy will cross the street safely 80% of the time“ as the other 20% would be quite problematic.  Samples of other criteria methods might include number of trials, number of required correct responses, direction of time to complete a task, or level of assistance. Also, remember the criterion should address both the level of performance on each trial and the number of trials expected.`n Be sure the accommodations directly address the student's needs in relation to the identified task in each goal. As such, accommodations should be specific to the activity Bryan is expected to perform, and accommodations for different goals should generally not be the same.")

Clip("Great start here. Please review your paper to the right and the embedded rubric.  If you see highlights or blue bubbles, run your cursor over them and my comments will pop up.`nNicely done, you have begun to include all 5 parts of the IEP goal.  However, be vigilant that all 5 parts are in each goal.  I am looking forward to reading your next assignment.  Dr. H")

Clip("Please see my comments in Blackboard. Dr. H")

Clip("The objective is what your students will be able to do at the end of your lesson. Your objectives should be progressive throughout the week to meet your unit goal.  `nYour objective is what the student will be evaluated on.  Are you planning to evaluate each of these active verbs?")

Clip("Objective and evaluation should function together.  The Objective directs the Evaluation. The evaluation should assess the student’s performance on the objective. Your objective is what you want to student “to do.”  The evaluation needs to measure if ALL students met the criteria or not.  For Example: Where were skills listed in the objective that were not measured in the evaluation or were skills mentioned in the evaluation that were not listed in the objective.")

Clip("I was unable to assess if your evaluation measured your objective because it was not included in your lesson plan.")

Clip("Do not include the phrase “be able to” in an objective statement. Only the actual completion is measurable; there is no way to identify a student's ability aside from the action of what he/she is doing outwardly. Simply remove this phrase and place the focus directly on the target task behavior.")

Clip("Be careful not to make the independent " Chr(34) "Practice" Chr(34) " the evaluation.  If this is the evaluation, it is not really " Chr(34) "practice" Chr(34) " at all.  The independent practice portion of the lesson should be a time when the students work on the skill/task by themselves but can have the opportunity to make mistakes and ask for help when needed.  The evaluation should come after this portion of the lesson when the student should be more ready to be assessed because they have already been taught the task, led through the task, and practiced the task alone.")

Clip("This section should be completed for each lesson because it should show how the plan for this particular lesson's instruction, activities, and support are being adjusted for the students based on their ability levels.")

Clip("Be sure all accommodations are directly based on students' needs. Providing an _________ (audio version of text) might be helpful for Amir, but it might not be sufficient. Ultimately, he needs material presented to him in a way he understands. This may mean it is provided in his native language and in English. It may mean he can use a bilingual dictionary or have a translator or someone to provide additional explanation. Any of these would likely be more helpful for him than an audio version because that does not address his real need.")

Clip("Why is this accommodation necessary for Jack? Be sure all accommodations specifically address a given student's identified needs and the tasks planned for a certain lesson. For example, giving a student a break just to say an accommodation has been provided is not appropriate, nor is it relevant to say fewer questions will be asked on a worksheet when the lesson does not involve students completing a worksheet. Every accommodation must provide direct support for a specific area of identified weakness for that student.")

Clip("This section should be different for each lesson and student because it should show how the plan for this particular lesson's instruction, activities, and support are being adjusted for the students based on their ability levels.")

Clip("Thanks for your outstanding effort on this assignment. You have some good ideas for this unit and addressed some important skills and topics. Your explanation of your lessons and accommodations demonstrated a strong understanding of the material and was communicated well. Keep up the great work… your efforts are noticed and appreciated{!} Thinking critically about student learning and anticipating their needs to inform your instruction – is essential.")

Clip("Thank you for your submission. You did a nice job on this assignment. You have some good ideas for this unit and addressed some important skills/topics.")

Clip("Your teaching procedures could have been more comprehensive and included more depth.")

Clip("Your unit would also have been stronger if you had developed unique accommodations for the identified students that were specific to their needs in the particular lesson content for each day. More specific differentiation and support for students above and below grade level is important to consider also{!}")

Clip("However, more complete objectives and specific daily assessments were needed.  In addition, much more depth should have been included in each day's lesson to show what would be done in each part of the lesson and also to explain the differentiation and support that would be provided for students above and below grade level as well as more specific accommodations for those with identified special needs.")

Clip("Thanks for your effort on this assignment. One goal of the DUP is to help you understand the differentiation of instruction for all student ability levels.  Your lesson plan could have been stronger with additional detail and explanation if you had been more lesson-specific in both the differentiation for each of the three tiers and in identifying unique accommodations for the identified students that were specific to their needs in the particular lesson content for each day.  Remember your objective drives your assessment. Strive to describe the teacher and student's behavior with as much detail as possible… help your reader see and experience your lesson.  An easy way to bring deeper meaning to the lesson plan is by using more descriptive words, adjectives and adverbs. I realize that the lesson planning process is time consuming, but if completed thoughtfully, it can lead to positive outcomes for the student. You've done a nice job on this assignment, and it was my pleasure to read your work.")

Clip("Every objective should begin with a condition, should have a behavior that is observable and measurable, and a criterion that states the expected level of performance and number of trials.")

Clip("A criterion is needed to identify the expected level of performance. This should include the expectations for each trial as well as the number of trials required.")

Clip("The evaluation states how the student’s performance on the objective will be assessed.  Specifically, what students will demonstrate and how their work will be evaluated. Listing worksheet, test, etc. is NOT acceptable without including the evaluation tool.")

Clip("It is not possible to observe or measure what a student will " Chr(34) "understand" Chr(34) " or “learn;” instead the goal must identify specific actions that can be observed to demonstrate what the student understands.")

Clip("If a student does not need accommodations in this particular lesson, you needed to state why this is the case.")

Clip("Note -- just because a student is on grade level does not mean they don't need accommodations. As a teacher you need to look at the skills each lesson requires and determine if students will need accommodations based on their individual needs. Just because a student is on grade level doesn't mean that they don't need help with the lesson.")

Clip("-15 Did I miss it, or did you use the identified SOL as required in the assignment directions?")

Clip("This involves several distinct tasks, multiple tasks should not be addressed in a single goal. Each objective  should have just one focus so it can be easily identified if the student has achieved it or not. When multiple tasks or skills are included in a single objective, it can be confusing because the student may achieve one part but not the others. In that case, did he/she meet the goal or not?")

Clip("Listing formative or summative assessment does not meet the rubric requirements.  Your evaluation should state how the student’s performance on the objective will be assessed.   Specifically, what students will demonstrate and how their work will be evaluated. Listing the type of assessment is NOT acceptable without stating how the students will demonstrate the skill and how you work will evaluate their work.")

Clip("Thank you for putting forth a strong effort with this different type of assignment; You did an exceptional job{!}  You chose some important pedagogical terms and strategies, and you provided some relevant information about them with appropriate sources.  Your self-generated visual representations and ideas for applying the terms/strategies appear to be useful for your instructional setting.  I hope you will find this to be a beneficial resource that can help you identify appropriate strategies to provide positive supports to your students with (and without) special learning needs. Great job I enjoyed reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("In academic writing it is best to use definitions and citations within empirical research.  I encourage you NOT to use Wikipedia, websites, or Webster’s for your key term definitions.    Example:  Definition of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)  “PBIS is an implementation framework that is designed to enhance academic and social behavior outcomes for all students by (a) emphasizing the use of data for informing decisions about the selection, implementation, and progress monitoring of evidence based behavioral practices; and (b) organizing resources and systems to improve durable implementation fidelity” (Sugai & Simonsen, 2012, p. 1).  VS.  “Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a set of ideas and tools that schools use to improve the behavior of students” (" Chr(34) "Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports," Chr(34) " 2016, para. 1).  APA citation:  Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. (2016, June 8). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.  . Retrieved 16:56, September 2, 2016, from")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempts at this new type of assignment. You did a Nice job of defining your teaching methods with appropriate sources.  However, some of your terms selected were very vague. Example – Counting money. I was impressed by your student generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods. Great job I enjoyed reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempts at this new type of assignment. You did an exceptional job. Excellent teaching strategies. Nice job of defining your teaching methods with appropriate sources.  Great job of providing descriptions of the terms and teaching methods selected. I was impressed by your student generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods.  I was disappointed that you didn’t include the word count per section as requested.  Overall good job,  I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempts at this new type of assignment. You did an exceptional job. Excellent teaching strategies. Nice job of defining your teaching methods with appropriate sources.  Great job of providing descriptions of the terms and teaching methods selected. Note:  your visual should be a student-generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods.  The information included was exceptional. I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempt at this new type of assignment. You did an exceptional job. Excellent teaching strategies. Nice job of defining your teaching methods with appropriate sources.  Great job of providing descriptions of the terms and teaching methods selected. I was impressed by your student generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods. Great job I enjoyed reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom. However, your analysis section lacked development and could have been expanded.")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempt at this new type of assignment. You did an exceptional job. Excellent teaching strategies. Nice job of defining your teaching methods with appropriate sources.  Great job of providing descriptions of the terms and teaching methods selected. You included student generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods however your visuals lacked significant development and depth. Great job I enjoyed reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("This is good, but again, it doesn't really address what was needed in this section. Where did you first see or hear about this strategy?")

Clip("Only the sources used in the definition and explanations should be included here. Other sources for additional information should only be noted in the space above.")

Clip("This is good information, but it should be more focused on how you would implement this strategy in your own classroom.")

Clip("This is a good example, but it is not a self-generated visual representation of the ideas and concepts relevant to this strategy.")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempts at this new type of assignment. You did a nice job. However, your visual should be a student-generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods. Some of your terms selected were very vague and some of your sections lacked significant development and should have been expanded.  I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom. ")

Clip("The intent for this component was to be more specific. Ideally, you would have identified specific resources that would provide further information and explanations about this particular strategy.")

Clip("It would have been better to identify a specific strategy or term.")

Clip("It would have been better to identify a specific strategy for teaching so you could focus more directly on how to implement that particular strategy in practical application.")

Clip("As you did for the others, you needed to identify the disability categories for which this instructional term/strategy would be beneficial.")

Clip("This needed to be your own working definition of what this strategy is.")

Clip("Where did you get this definition? The source should be cited here.")

Clip("You needed to identify the word count of each of your entries in every identified section to help you ensure you met the length requirement for those components.")

Clip("The visuals for each entry needed to be self-generated representations of the ideas and concepts presented in the definition and explanations.")

Clip("Thanks for the great attempt at this new type of assignment. You did a good job. Appropriate teaching strategies and definitions. Nice job of defining your teaching methods with some appropriate sources watch the use of websites.  Good job of providing descriptions of the terms and teaching methods selected. However, some of the template was not complete and your procedure and analysis lacked development and could have been expanded .  Good job I enjoyed reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("This image doesn't effectively represent this term or teaching strategy.  This does not show a deep understanding this term or teaching strategy. Visuals lacked significant development and depth. Images should show depth of your understanding of the term or teaching strategy.")

Clip("This is good information, but it is not a definition. What does this term / strategy mean?  To define means to  describing, explaining, or making definite and clear. This needed to be a clear explanation in your own working definition explaining what this term or definition is.")

Clip("Thanks for great attempt at this new type of assignments. You defined your terms with appropriate sources. However, many of your definitions and teaching methods lacked complete information.  In regard to Tier 1, 2, etc. you could have selected disability categories which the tiers could be used. The procedures in the tier process are key and should have been addressed. Also, the information section, especially the strengths and weaknesses could have been completed.  Good job of providing descriptions of the terms and teaching methods selected. You did not include student-generated visual representation of your selected terms nor did your images show significant development and depth. Your analysis and thought process should have been developed further. You included images that presented a limited understanding of the term or teaching strategy; structure and evidence showed very basic knowledge. I enjoyed reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.")

Clip("This section lacked detail, development, and could have been expanded in more depth.")

Clip("Thank you for the effort you put into this assignment{!} You presented some good ideas in this assignment and some helpful sources you can use in your classroom. However, some required components of the assignment are missing.  You needed to develop fifteen entries.  Entry numbers ___ are not included in your glossary. In order to earn more credit for this assignment, you needed to include all required components and provide depth and detail in your explanations and detail.  When attempting projects such as this, always be sure to review all information provided (instructions, rubrics, and samples), and in the future.")

Clip("Thanks for great attempt at this new type of assignments. You addressed several important issues in special education; however, the focus of the assignment was to be on instructional strategies and pedagogical terms.  Good job of defining your terms with appropriate sources.  Your information section was limited providing and at time didn’t not complete the procedures, strengths and weaknesses section. Note: your visuals should be student-generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods.  Further your visuals lacked significant development and depth. I did enjoy reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.  Please let me know if you would like to redo.")

Clip("Thanks for great attempt at this new type of assignments. You struggled somewhat with defining your terms.  You also used some websites and blogs occasionally for sources.  Your information “what do I need to know” and “procedures” section was extremely limited providing little information.  Further, your analysis section lacked development and could have been greatly expanded. `nIt would have been nice of you to include the word count as asked in the template. 'nYour visuals should be student-generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods.  Further your visuals lacked significant development and depth. I did enjoy reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.  Please let me know if you would like to redo")

Clip("Thanks for great attempt at this new type of assignments. You struggled somewhat with defining your terms.  You also used some websites and blogs occasionally for sources.  Your information section was limited providing and at time didn’t not complete the procedures, strengths, and weaknesses section. Further, your analysis section lacked development and could have been greatly expanded. `nIt would have been nice of you to include the word count as asked in the template.`nYour visuals should be student-generated visual representation of your selected terms and teaching methods.  Further your visuals lacked significant development and depth. I did enjoy reading your glossary and I hope this can assist you in identifying strategies to use with students in your future classroom.  Please let me know if you would like to redo.")

Clip("Meets Expectations")

Clip("Thank you for the hard work and effort you put into this assignment. Great start and explanation of online learning and technology. You developed some good online strategies.  I feel confident that you have a good grasp on the concept of online learning. I hope you found this to be a meaningful exercise and how it reflects on your own learning experience. Please review my notes directly on your paper and in the grading rubric.  If you place your cursor on the “blue bubbles” on your paper, my comments will pop up.")

Clip("Great you identified your integration area.")

Clip("What type of integration area are you planning to use (viewing, interpreting, analyzing, or representing information) to teach your selected standard? Your selected standard and area of integration should be addressed stated clearly and addressed in each section of the paper.")

Clip("The identified group should have a brief description of identified group as well as some of the characteristics.")

Clip("Two research-based strategies for should be described in deal, aligned with your chosen standard, as well as integration area selected (viewing, interpreting, analyzing, or representing). fluid connection between this part of the essay and the instructional overview.")

Clip("I would have liked just a little more description on your identified group.")

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