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How to show a GUI over the taskbar on Windows 10?

Posted: 24 Jan 2022, 01:13
by katip

I’m trying to make a GUI show up on the position of the mouse pointer when a certain hotkey is pressed, like this:

Code: Select all

displayx := 0
displayy := 0
MouseGetPos, displayx, displayy
Gui, Show, x%displayx% y%displayy% NoActivate
The problem is, when the pointer is anywhere over the taskbar, on Windows 10, the GUI appears on the very opposite side of the screen. If the taskbar is on the bottom as it’s default, the GUI will pop up all the way on the top of the screen, if it’s on the left then it’ll pop up all the way to the right etc.

I’ve found this old thread that talks about the same issue but with tooltips and the OP claims they solved it by “WinMoving it on a timer”, but I cannot get that to work. Someone else on that thread said that this only happens on Windows 10, presumably because of Microsoft’s bizarre decision of turning the taskbar into a Metro app. Is there a fix for this or will I have to learn Java? :^)

Re: How to show a GUI over the taskbar on Windows 10?

Posted: 24 Jan 2022, 01:50
by Rohwedder
for me works this date display which covers start button:

Code: Select all

FormatTime, TodayGui,, ddd dd.MM
GHigh := A_ScreenHeight - 35
Gui, 6:New, +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -SysMenu +ToolWindow +Hwnd6Gui
Gui, 6:Font, s11
Gui, 6:Add, Text, vTodayGui xp yp+2, %TodayGui%
Gui, 6:Show, NoActivate x-12 y%GHigh% w72 h35
WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, ahk_id %6Gui%