0x80131700 error with Selinium on recent MMD pcs

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0x80131700 error with Selinium on recent MMD pcs

Post by fhu001 » 07 Dec 2023, 04:19

Hi everyone, with death of IE and COM obj feature, i now use Selenium to webscrap or webinteract (click button,..).
In our company (100 K ++ employees), all the PC are configured the same, no fancy local PC finetuning is tolerated or even made possible.
The only difference we do have i : most recent PC are MMD (Microsoft Managed Devices), some are not yet.
The very same script can work in 'non' MMD PCs and will fail with

Code: Select all

 0x80131700 error for the MMD
Question now is, because there is a question for the forum :-) : has anyone else experimented that MMD pc are less subject to flexibility in term of automation using AHK + Selenium ?
(i would not be surprised MDD make things more compex as i experimented this with plain Excel VBA code when i had to define a "Trust location" to save the excel file, other wide the VBA module would simply disappear if not saved in the correct PC ocation.

Here, the line of code failing is : driver:= ComObjCreate("Selenium.WebDriver") ; i even tried driver:= ComObjCreate("Selenium.CHROMEDriver") but it failed to.

The error 0x80131700 occurs as if Selenium was not properly installed...which i dont believe is the case (as i said all 100,000 PCs are prepared by IT the very same way).
Any idea anyone about MMD limitations with Selenium ?
rgds, fhu001

[Mod action: Moved topic to the v1 section since ComObjCreate() is a v1 function. The main section is for v2.]
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Re: 0x80131700 error with Selinium on recent MMD pcs

Post by Xtra » 07 Dec 2023, 11:52

Check if .NET 3.5 is installed.
It is required for SeleniumBasic.
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