Text shortcut to load file and read and then make shortcut - doesn't work

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Text shortcut to load file and read and then make shortcut - doesn't work

Post by omar » 13 Mar 2024, 12:36

I want to make a text short cut to:
- load a text file and read each line into an array.
- Then I want to randomly pick a line and output.

My code doesn't seem to work.
I've tried adding sleep's to allow for the time to read the text file.

Code: Select all

; Initialize an empty array
lines := []

; Open the text file for reading
FileRead, fileContent, focus.txt
Sleep 100
; Split the file content into lines
Loop, Parse, fileContent, `n, `r
    ; Append each line to the array
	if (A_LoopField != "") 

; Now you have each line stored in the 'lines' array
; You can access individual lines like lines[1], lines[2], etc.
Sleep 100
; Example: Output each line to the MsgBox
; I added the following to test and see if I was reading in the text
for index, line in lines
    MsgBox Line %index%: %line%
; No message box is displayed

; Get a random item from the array
Random, focus_random, 1, % lines.Length()

myTemp := Clipboard
Clipboard := lines[focus_random]
Sleep 200
SendInput ^v
Sleep 200

Clipboard := myTemp

I have the same problem with other code.
That one if I do it in 2 steps, it works fine: 1. Read the file and store in array. 2. Access the array and choose the data I want.
I don't understand why I can't just do it all in one operation.

This line:

Code: Select all

MsgBox Line %index%: %line%
Doesn't get executed - can't understand why.

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Joined: 06 Oct 2016, 15:57

Re: Text shortcut to load file and read and then make shortcut - doesn't work

Post by ShatterCoder » 13 Mar 2024, 12:55

Your code appears to be fine. I suspect the issue is with reading the file.

Is "Focus.txt" in the same folder as your script?
Posts: 88
Joined: 06 Oct 2016, 15:57

Re: Text shortcut to load file and read and then make shortcut - doesn't work

Post by ShatterCoder » 13 Mar 2024, 13:12

I was able to verify that your code is ok by the simple expediant of replacing the fileread line with the following:

Code: Select all

;~ FileRead, fileContent, focus.txt
fileContent :=
"Line1 is this line
Line2 says something else
Line3 is that line"
So either the text file is not in the same folder as your script, or it's an empty file which is why the for loop never executes (the array has 0 items in it). It's the same as running `loop, 0`
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Re: Text shortcut to load file and read and then make shortcut - doesn't work

Post by gregster » 13 Mar 2024, 13:19

In doubt, you can also check Errorlevel and A_LastError for FileRead: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v1/lib/FileRead.htm#Error_Handling
Or simply try a msgbox % fileContent.
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