ImageMagick API Wrapper - DllCall help Topic is solved

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ImageMagick API Wrapper - DllCall help

10 May 2022, 01:17

I'm trying to write a wrapper for the ImageMagick C API but have hit a block.

I don't think I'm doing the DllCall correctly for the MagickReadImage method.
it is defined as this in the documentation:
MagickBooleanType MagickReadImage(MagickWand *wand,const char *filename)
and my DllCall looks like this:
DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickReadImage", "Ptr", wand, "char", &filename, "Int")

I should be getting a return value of 1 if the call succeeds, but no matter what I have tried I can only get it to return 0

If anybody could help me understand the correct way to pass the filename, which is I think where I'm going wrong because the exception that it generates is 435 which is an error in reading the file.

ImageMagick can be found here

Here is my code so far

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1

dir := A_ScriptDir "\"
inFile := "test2b.jpg"

If !(IM := New MagickWandAPI)

Wand := IM.NewMagickWand()
msgbox % "IsMagickWand: " IM.IsMagickWand(Wand)
msgbox % "IsMagickWandInstantiated: " IM.IsMagickWandInstantiated()
Msgbox % "MagickReadImage: " IM.MagickReadImage(Wand, dir infile)

Msgbox % "MagickGetException: " IM.MagickGetException(Wand, Severity)
;Terminate the MagickWand environment.
IM := ""


Class MagickWandAPI {

	; ===================================================================================================================
	; Load and initialize Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll which is supposed to be in the sript's folder.
	; Parameters:    LibPath  - Optional: Absolute path of Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll
	; ===================================================================================================================
	__New(LibPath := "") {
		Static LibMagickWand := A_ScriptDir . "\Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll"
		; Do not instantiate instances!
		If (This.Base.Base.__Class = "MagickWandAPI") {
			MsgBox, 16, MagickWand Error!, You must not instantiate instances of MagickWand!
			Return False
		; Load Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll
		If (LibPath)
			LibMagickWand := LibPath
		If !(MagickWandModule := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", LibMagickWand, "UPtr")) {
			If (A_LastError = 126) ; The specified module could not be found
				MsgBox, 16, MagickWand Error!, Could not find %LibMagickWand%!
			Else {
			ErrCode := A_LastError
				VarSetCapacity(ErrMsg, 131072, 0) ; Unicode
				DllCall("FormatMessage", "UInt", 0x1200, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", ErrCode, "UInt", 0, "Str", ErrMsg, "UInt", 65536, "Ptr", 0)
				MsgBox, 16, MagickWand Error!, % "Could not load " . LibMagickWand . "!`n"
										. "Error code: " . ErrCode . "`n"
										. ErrMsg
			Return False
		This.Module := MagickWandModule
	; ===================================================================================================================
	; Free ressources
	; ===================================================================================================================
	__Delete() {
		If (This.Module)
			DllCall("Kernel32.dll\FreeLibrary", "Ptr", This.Module)

	IsMagickWand(wand) {
		; MagickBooleanType IsMagickWand(const MagickWand *wand)
		Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\IsMagickWand", "Ptr", Wand, "Int")
	IsMagickWandInstantiated() {
		; MagickBooleanType IsMagickWandInstantiated(void)
		Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\IsMagickWandInstantiated", "Int")

	MagickGetException(Wand, Severity) {
		; char *MagickGetException(const MagickWand *wand,ExceptionType *severity)
		DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickGetException", "Ptr", Wand, "Ptr*", Severity)
		Return Severity

	MagickReadImage(wand, filename) {
		; MagickBooleanType MagickReadImage(MagickWand *wand,const char *filename)
		OutputDebug, % Filename
		Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickReadImage", "Ptr", wand, "char", &filename, "Int")
	MagickWandGenesis() {
		; MagickWandGenesis() initializes the MagickWand environment.
		; void MagickWandGenesis(void)
		Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickWandGenesis", "Int")
	MagickWandTerminus() {
		; MagickWandTerminus() terminates the MagickWand environment.
		; void MagickWandTerminus(void)
		Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickWandTerminus", "Int")

	NewMagickWand() {
		; NewMagickWand() returns a wand required for all other methods in the API. 
		; A fatal exception is thrown if there is not enough memory to allocate the wand. 
		; Use DestroyMagickWand() to dispose of the wand when it is no longer needed.
		; MagickWand *NewMagickWand(void)
		Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\NewMagickWand", "Ptr")
Or if someone happens to have a copy of the wrapper already written by Thrawn from this post in the old forum that would also be helpful.
I have spent many hours looking for it in every archive and lost script thread I can find but have had no luck.

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Re: ImageMagick API Wrapper - DllCall help  Topic is solved

10 May 2022, 02:50

Code: Select all

Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickReadImage", "Ptr", wand, "char", &filename, "Int")
should be

Code: Select all

Return DllCall("Core_RL_MagickWand_.dll\MagickReadImage", "Ptr", wand, "AStr", filename, "Int")
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Re: ImageMagick API Wrapper - DllCall help

10 May 2022, 14:38

Thanks Swagfag! That is what I needed.

How would I tell that the data type for the DllCall should have been Astr?
The documentation for ImageMagick listed that parameter as char and using this utility by jNizM viewtopic.php?t=7342
I would have thought that the data type in AHK would have also been char.
Char data type.jpg
Char data type.jpg (40.98 KiB) Viewed 657 times
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Re: ImageMagick API Wrapper - DllCall help

11 May 2022, 18:50

actually u could have used "char", &filename as well, but that would have only worked if u ran the script with the ahkANSI32.exe

why would u know u had to use AStr? because by convention if the type is a char* (because thats what it is according to Imagemagics docs - a pointer to char; not simply char - ie a single char passed by value, as u seem to think it is), and u arent passing a string length or a byte count or a char count to the function (which u arent, since it isnt defined that way), it is understood that the function expects a null-terminated ANSI C string. in other words, an array of char with a nullbyte at the end of it. this means, if u incorrectly pass a UNICODE string instead, since the characters ure likely to find contained in a file path (ie the ones from the Basic Latin and the Latin-1 Supplement set) are 2 byte sequences in the range 0x0000:0x00FF (ie each character's second byte is a nullbyte), the function would only ever attempt to read the first character of the string and then stop (because it encountered a nullbyte). hence, the function interprets this as an invalid filepath. hence, the function returns a failure code
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Re: ImageMagick API Wrapper - DllCall help

11 May 2022, 23:12

Excellent information! I see now why it would be that way. again, much appreciated. Thank you for the detail.

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