Control, ChooseString, not working with Jean's QAP. Topic is solved

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Control, ChooseString, not working with Jean's QAP.

28 Dec 2022, 12:30

I also posted this on the Quick Access Popup forum, here but I think Jean must be away. QAP is a tool that is, itself, made in AHK, though it is not 'open code.' I'm trying to automate something by navigating its GUIs. You can see the entire code and screenshots in the last couple of replies at the other forum.

The relevant parts of my script are this:

Code: Select all

WinWaitActive, Add Favorite
Control, TabRight,, SysTabControl321, ahk_class
Control, ChooseString, z-bottom , ComboBox2, ahk_class   ; not working
The 'TabRight is working, but ChooseString doesn't seem to. If I understand the AHK help Documentation correctly, I should be able to use ChooseString to select a particular item from QAP's dropdown list (actually a combobox, I guess). There is a menu item that has a name starting with "z-bottom."

Here, I'll post the same screenshot here:

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
name := "ste(phen|ve) kunkel"
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Re: Control, ChooseString, not working with Jean's QAP.  Topic is solved

28 Dec 2022, 12:39

The string might have invisible characters. I ran the regular release and found that the following worked.

Code: Select all

Control, ChooseString, Windows, ComboBox2, A
SoundBeep, 1500
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Re: Control, ChooseString, not working with Jean's QAP.

28 Dec 2022, 14:12

Thank you Mike!

Your example lead me to more experimentation... Apparently a short delay is needed after the TabRight... The following code seems to work.

Code: Select all

		WinWaitActive, Add Favorite
		Control, TabRight,, SysTabControl321, ahk_class
		sleep, 100
		Control, ChooseString, z-bottom, ComboBox2, A
name := "ste(phen|ve) kunkel"

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