[Closed] Keyboard filter driver (III)

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[Closed] Keyboard filter driver (III)

25 Dec 2015, 01:27

This post has its origin,

keyboard filter
https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/9485 ... rd-filter/
(It explains PS/2 and USB_customization steps. It is essential and important information.)
https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/9485 ... ntry185943

Keyboard filter driver (II)
(Actually this one is nothing but asking something.)

How to "Disable driver signature enforcement" permanently ?

I have just finished a Keyboard Filter Driver.
I am using Win 8.1 64bit and 2 USB keyboards.

You can install it with the following 4 files(attached).


<<< How can I attach the files ? Failed several times. What do I have to do ? dll/sys extensions make problems here. >>>

Unfortunately, I still have a BiG problem here.
I DO NOT like the Microsoft.

This driver does not have WHQL signature.
So, You can not install it nor using it.

The only workaround is a setting at the booting stage.
But, It lives only for the one session.
If you turn off computer, you have to go the long long way again.
Such as;

PC settings (Update & recovery)
Recovery option (Restart now)
Choose an option (Troubleshoot)
Advanced options (Startup Settings)
Restart to change Windows options such as:
Startup Settings (Disable driver signature enforcement F7)

If somebody knows elegant ways on how to "Disable driver signature enforcement",
I really appreciated abou it.

<< Usage >>
Disable driver signature enforcement (as above mentioned long steps).
Install the driver (there will be some silly alerts. Just ignore it and go ahead)
Now you can use following ScanCodes.

Code: Select all

Sc16C::   ; NumLock
Sc5A::  ; NumPad /
Sc163::  ; NumPad *
Sc14A::  ; NumPad -
Sc14E::  ; NumPad +
Sc54::  ; NumPad Enter
Sc175::  ; Numpad 1
Sc176::  ; Numpad 2
Sc177::  ; Numpad 3
Sc170::  ; Numpad 4
Sc14C::  ; Numpad 5
Sc174::  ; Numpad 6
Sc16D::  ; NumPad 7
Sc16E::  ; Numpad 8
Sc16F::  ; Numpad 9 
Sc178::  ; Numpad 0
Sc179::  ; Numpad .
Sc146::  ; ScrollLock
Sc78::  ; Ins
Sc79::  ; Del
Sc6D::  ; Home
Sc75::  ; End
Sc6F::  ; PgUp
Sc77::  ; PgDn
Sc6E::  ; Up
Sc76::  ; Down
Sc70::  ; Left
Sc74::  ; Right
Sc101::  ; Esc
Sc13B::  ; F1
Sc13C::  ; F2
Sc13D::  ; F3
Sc13E::  ; F4
Sc13F::  ; F5
Sc140::  ; F6
Sc141::  ; F7
Sc142::  ; F8
Sc143::  ; F9
Sc144::  ; F10 
Sc157::  ; F11 
Sc158::  ; F12 
Sc129::  ; ` ~
Sc102::  ; 1
Sc103::  ; 2 
Sc104::  ; 3
Sc105::  ; 4
Sc106::  ; 5
Sc107::  ; 6
Sc108::  ; 7
Sc109::  ; 8
Sc10A::  ; 9
Sc10B::  ; 0
Sc10C::  ; - _
Sc10D::  ; = + 
Sc12B::  ; \ | 
Sc10E::  ; Backspace
Sc10F::  ; Tab
Sc110::  ; q
Sc111::  ; w
Sc112::  ; e
Sc113::  ; r
Sc114::  ; t
Sc115::  ; y
Sc116::  ; u
Sc117::  ; i
Sc118::  ; o
Sc119::  ; p
Sc11A::  ; [ {
Sc11B::  ; ] }
Sc154::  ; Enter
Sc13A::  ; CapsLock
Sc11E::  ; a
Sc11F::  ; s
Sc120::  ; d
Sc121::  ; f
Sc122::  ; g
Sc123::  ; h
Sc124::  ; j
Sc125::  ; k
Sc126::  ; l
Sc127::  ; ; :
Sc128::  ; ' "
Sc159::  ; Left Shift
Sc12C::  ; z
Sc12D::  ; x
Sc12E::  ; c
Sc12F::  ; v
Sc130::  ; b
Sc131::  ; n
Sc132::  ; m
Sc133::  ; , <
Sc134::  ; . >
Sc15A::  ; / ?
Sc162::  ; Right Shift
Sc155::  ; Left Control
Sc5B::  ; Left Windows
Sc164::  ; Left Alt
Sc139::  ; Space
Sc64::  ; Right Alt
Sc5C::  ; Right Windows
Sc5D::  ; Context Menu
Sc55::  ; Right Control
;Sc6C   ;  Pause   	Forget about it.
;Sc59  ;   PrintScreen  Forget about it.

Last edited by IMEime on 26 Dec 2015, 02:51, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Keyboard filter driver (III)

25 Dec 2015, 03:01

You can find attached four(4) files here.

[EDIT 1]
USB_100_Keys.zip (1.67MB)

[EDIT 2]
It has Six(6) needed files, all of them.
Good Luck !
Last edited by IMEime on 21 Jun 2016, 05:11, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: Keyboard filter driver (III)

26 Dec 2015, 02:50

Now, I gave it up.

There is no way to disable driver signature enforcement permanently, as far as I know.
I have only one card here. Make a fake certificate.

OK. That is enough for me.
I do not want to waste my time any more.
MS sucks.

Good luck to you guys.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 04:07

Re: [Closed] Keyboard filter driver (III)

26 Dec 2015, 05:45

You might like to check out Interception, which apparently has signed drivers.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: [Closed] Keyboard filter driver (III)

26 Dec 2015, 06:19

lexikos wrote:You might like to check out Interception, which apparently has signed drivers.
Thanks, Mr. L !
I have already checked it out.
That is his works, I am working for mine.
Posts: 750
Joined: 20 Sep 2014, 06:15

Re: [Closed] Keyboard filter driver (III)

27 Dec 2015, 03:45

Thanks Yorick !! You made it again.
I just typed it as you mentioned.
Great works !!

The keyboard filter driver has been fixed, so you do not need to set it up every time turn computer on.
Just set it up once and forever.

You must make your computer in "Test mode".
at command prompt (with administrator rights).

Code: Select all

bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON
(If you want to quit forever, just type OFF instead of ON)
and re-boot. You are with "Test mode" at the right bottom side of your monitor.

I have updated the needed five(5) files at the following link;
Download all of them (with samll blue down arrow)

thxbzmt.cer (ThanksBrazillianMaster !)

and update your keyboard driver at device manager.


No Win 7, It makes Death Blue Screen.
It is just for Win 8.1 64bit
(I already have spent huge amount of time to do it. No more time).

All done.

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Joined: 18 Jan 2016, 13:26

Re: [Closed] Keyboard filter driver (III)

09 Aug 2016, 18:23

BUMP!! Just stumbled upon this... pretty interesting stuff!

is there a win 7 x64 friendly solution ?

Device ID's is a pre-req for my MIDI / CC | OSC setup. Toying with glovepie but not sure if it's as useful as AHK...

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