[SOLVED] Translate a useful Excel script from VBA to AHK

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[SOLVED] Translate a useful Excel script from VBA to AHK

05 Aug 2016, 14:13

So in my current project, I am doing several things in Excel. One of the things I need to do is unmerge cells, then fill them all with the same thing. online, I found a short script to do that for an entire worksheet, see code below.

Code: Select all

Sub UnMergeFill()

Dim cell As Range, joinedCells As Range

For Each cell In ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    If cell.MergeCells Then
        Set joinedCells = cell.MergeArea
        cell.MergeCells = False
        joinedCells.Value = cell.Value
    End If

End Sub
I need to adjust it so that it will do that to whatever range I pass in (as oRange, a range object), and it is written in AHK, so that it will flow with the rest of my script.
I think I translate most of it, but the "For" line worries me. I am nervous about handling objects from Excel in AHK, and fairly certain that I would get it wrong.

Could some one translate that line for me? Or create a work around if there isn't an easy way to do it?
See my attempt at all of the other lines below:

Code: Select all

UnMergeFill(oRange) {
	For ;this is where the For line I am worried about goes, it should be for each "cell" in "oRange"
		if cell.MergeCells then {
			joinedCells := cell.MergeArea
			cell.MergeCells := False
			joinedCells.Value := cell.Value
Last edited by clina1j on 05 Aug 2016, 17:17, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Translate a useful Excel script from VBA to AHK

05 Aug 2016, 14:32

Hey, try this.

Code: Select all

UnMergeFill(oRange) {
	For Cell, in oRange
		if (cell.MergeCells != 0) {
			joinedCells := cell.MergeArea
			cell.MergeCells := 0
			joinedCells.Value := cell.Value
HTH :)
Posts: 49
Joined: 22 Apr 2016, 18:39

Re: [SOLVED] Translate a useful Excel script from VBA to AHK

05 Aug 2016, 17:18

Thanks! Sorry, I am just nervous about the more complicated "for" syntax
Posts: 38
Joined: 23 Mar 2015, 17:23

Re: [SOLVED] Translate a useful Excel script from VBA to AHK

16 Feb 2018, 17:34

I had the same need as you, wanted to translate that same VBA script to AHK. I incorporated "HTH"'s translation and would use it on the entire UsedRange, and that can take a long time. It was annoying me how it cycled through each cell, taking forever. I found this though, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/939 ... lls-in-vba , in particular the answer by "brettdj". It took a bit to modify it for AHK (these, in particular, helped https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=33914 and https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=6679 ). According to this "brettdj" person "merged cells were part of xlBlanks". This suggests to me that there might be false positives, xlBLanks might included something not merged. So, for my script, in case it finds a range that is "xlBlanks" but then doesn't find that it contains the "mergecells" property, it'll do the one-by-one script. Someone more advanced than me can say if this is unnecessary, but I don't think it'll hurt. Obviously, for the original example, you'd want to replace "As.UsedRange" with "oRange", remove "AS := Xl.ActiveSheet" and place it all within your "oRange" function.

Code: Select all

    xlBlanks := 4
    xlFormulas := -4123
    xlConstants := 2
    AS := Xl.ActiveSheet
        rng1 =
        rng2 =
            rng1 := XL.Intersect(AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlFormulas), AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlBlanks))
            rng2 := XL.Intersect(AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlConstants), AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlBlanks))
        rng1address := rng1.Address(0, 0)
        rng2address := rng2.Address(0, 0)
        if rng1
            xlblanknotmerge := "y"
            For Cell, in rng1
                if (cell.MergeCells != 0)
                    joinedCells := cell.MergeArea
                    cell.MergeCells := 0
                    joinedCells.Value := cell.Value
                    xlblanknotmerge =
        if rng2
            xlblanknotmerge := "y"
            For Cell, in rng2
                if (cell.MergeCells != 0)
                    joinedCells := cell.MergeArea
                    cell.MergeCells := 0
                    joinedCells.Value := cell.Value
                    xlblanknotmerge =
        if ((!rng1) and (!rng2)) or (xlblanknotmerge)
    if xlblanknotmerge
        RangeCount := XL.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Count
        Tooltip, ...
        For Cell, in XL.ActiveSheet.UsedRange
            Tooltip, `n unmerging cell %a_index% of %RangeCount% `n press Esc to stop
            if GetKeyState("Esc","P")
                Msgbox, Unmerge as needed manually
            if (cell.MergeCells != 0)
                joinedCells := cell.MergeArea
                cell.MergeCells := 0
                joinedCells.Value := cell.Value
Here's basically an AHK version of "brettdj" stackoverflow script:

Code: Select all

    xlBlanks := 4
    xlFormulas := -4123
    xlConstants := 2
    AS := Xl.ActiveSheet
        rng1 := XL.Intersect(AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlFormulas), AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlBlanks))
        rng2 := XL.Intersect(AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlConstants), AS.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlBlanks))
    rng1address := rng1.Address(0, 0)
    rng2address := rng2.Address(0, 0)
    if rng1
        msgbox, Merged formulae cells in %rng1address%
    if rng2
        msgbox, Merged constant cells in %rng2address%
    if !rng1
        msgbox, no formulae cells
    if !rng2
        msgbox, no constant cells

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