Need Basic help

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Need Basic help

26 Oct 2016, 03:14

i want to do code if this conotrl (ClassNN: _WwG1) is active?

also how can I eliminate all the formatting from a text? ms word "Keep Text Only" feature doesn't work for ^v in my ms word, so I need to do it somehow with ahk

I'm currently studying for university entrance exam and I'am seriously out of time, and I'm trying to find a way to paste plain text in ms word with knowing how to change ^v function if the control is active, OR strip all the formatting with ahk, appreciate anyhelp, so far I'm getting nowhere
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Re: Need Basic help

26 Oct 2016, 04:16

There's more than one way to strip formatting from Clipboard text.
This approach does so in the Document itself:

Code: Select all

F1:: 		; << feel free to change the hotkey to taste
wrdObj := ComConnect( "_WwG1", "ahk_class OpusApp" ).Application	; << creates a COM connection to current open document
wrdObj.Selection.PasteAndFormat(22)			 ; << removes formatting and pastes from clipboard, use 0 for default format

Esc::ExitApp 	; << press escape to exit

ComConnect( Con, WinTitle )
    objID    := "-16", objID &= 0xFFFFFFFF
    refID    := -VarSetCapacity( iid, 16 )
    iid_type := NumPut( 0x46000000000000C0
             ,  NumPut( 0x20400, iid, "Int64" )
             ,  "Int64")

    ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd,, % Con, % WinTitle
    DllCall( "oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", ptr, hwnd, uInt, objID, ptr, refID+iid_type, "ptr*", pObj )

    return ComObjEnwrap( 9, pObj )
The upside to this is Word doesn't need to be active for the paste to take place ;)
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Re: Need Basic help

26 Oct 2016, 13:35

Here's what I use (I need to strip formatting when pasting into several different applications, not just Microsoft Word)...

Code: Select all

^+v::  	; Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste unformatted text into any application.
OldClip := ClipboardAll  	; Stores the original clipboard contents (with formatting).
Clipboard = %Clipboard%  	; Strips any formatting from the clipboard.
Sleep 250  	; Gives a slight delay so that Windows has a chance to finish the clipboard update.
Send ^v  	; Paste the stripped clipboard contents.
Sleep 250  	; Give a slight delay to give the paste a chance to complete.
Clipboard := OldClip  	; Restore the original formatted text back to the clipboard.
OldClip =  	; Clear the variable to avoid wasting RAM.

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