Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

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Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 13:54

Hello, thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this problem. If I can get by this one hurdle, I believe it'll help me tremendously.
My AHK toolset is still extremely limited, as you can probably tell.
I'm scraping a public website with no scraping restrictions. The working code is below.
1) I can use startVar to increment a counter here, I think because it never gets converted to a string during processing (not sure).
2) What I'd like to do (not only for this but for lots of other pages that use these ListView repeaters) is replace
"_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_" with a variable that will also get processed.

So far I've tried every escape sequence, double-quote and other trick I can think of, but the variable never gets processed.

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force

pwb := WBGet()
URL = [URL omitted, but works fine]
pwb.Navigate(URL) ;Navigate to URL

while pwb.busy or pwb.ReadyState != 4 ;Wait for page to load
	Sleep, 100

startVar := "0"
while startVar <=26 {
jName := pwb.document.GetElementByID("_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_"startVar).InnerText
jTCAA := pwb.document.GetElementbyID("_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_5_"startVar).InnerText
jPhone := pwb.document.GetElementbyID("_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_6_"startVar).InnerText
jInfo = %jName%|%jPhone%|%jTCAA% `r
FileAppend, %jInfo%, c:\test\judgescrape2.txt
I'm sure it's something very simple - I've read all the variable and expression pages, but haven't found the answer. I bet it's leaping out from the page at me, but I just can't find it.
I've tried things like:
FF = `"_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_`"
FF := ""_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_""
FF = `_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_

The replacement would read something like "jName := pwb.document.GetElementByID(FFstartVar).InnerText". I hope I'm getting my concept across, although I'm afraid maybe not.
In the long run, I can keep on using the variables like they are, as they work fine, but I'd love to simplify them.

Stuff n Things
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Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 16:32

Have you tried?

Code: Select all

jName := pwb.document.GetElementByID("_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_" . startVar).InnerText
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Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 17:55

Hi, thanks for your response. The code I've listed works (no "." needed).
What I wanted to do was replace "_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_" with another variable, say "preFix", doesn't matter, and concatenate it with "startVar".
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Capn Odin
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Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 18:26

I do believe you need a space or dot.

Code: Select all

FF := "_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_"
jName := pwb.document.GetElementByID(FF startVar).InnerText
Please excuse my spelling I am dyslexic.
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Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 18:43

Thanks, Capn Odin, but neither works. Might I need to be using AHK_H instead? Maybe I'll try that. If it works I'll post right away.

Again, thanks!
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Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 18:46

Thanks, Capn Odin.

I tried both solutions, but neither worked.

I will try to use AHK_H, and see if there is something in that version that might let me do what I'm trying to do.

I'll post right away if it works.

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Capn Odin
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Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 18:58

Code: Select all

pwb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application") ; Create an IE object
pwb.Visible := True ; Make the IE object visible
pwb.Navigate("http://www.google.com") ; Replace the www with the URL of a web page that has the example drop down html above on it.
While, pwb.ReadyState != 4 ; Wait for page to load

var1 := "sf"
var2 := "div"

MsgBox, % pwb.document.getElementById(var1 var2).InnerHTML

Edit: I have confirmed that this script works and it should be similar to your problem.
Please excuse my spelling I am dyslexic.
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Webscraping .ASPX pages - variable problem

09 Feb 2017, 19:35

Thanks, Capn Odin. Still no joy, but I think you've got me on the right track. It does appear to be a timing issue. Please see the code below, which works.
But I have no timing issues when I don't try to use the second variable (FF).

#SingleInstance, Force

pwb := WBGet()
URL = https://[MyURLHere].
pwb.Navigate(URL) ;Navigate to URL
while pwb.busy or pwb.ReadyState != 4 ;Wait for page to load
Sleep, 100

FF := "_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_1_"
startVar := "0"

msgbox Wait a while ; If I wait five or ten seconds before clicking out of the msgbox, the code below works, and I get all 26 records. I admit to not understanding.

while startVar <=26 {
jName := pwb.document.GetElementByID(FF startVar).InnerText
jTCAA := pwb.document.GetElementbyID("_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_5_"startVar).InnerText
jPhone := pwb.document.GetElementbyID("_2076ade26f0648268e57e8bd7e3c3bd1_ListView_ElementsRepeater_txt_6_"startVar).InnerText
jInfo = %jName%|%jPhone%|%jTCAA% `r
FileAppend, %jInfo%, c:\test\judgescrape2.txt


p.s. It worked for a while, then stopped. I am stumped.

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