Retrieve all ID/HWNDs for a specific process with parameters

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Retrieve all ID/HWNDs for a specific process with parameters

27 Feb 2017, 18:34

I'm trying to list all open windows for a specific process with parameters. Can anyone help me out with this code? Much appreciated. :)

Code: Select all

	;This is the correct order for when the apps were started
	PL := new ObjectOrder()
	for process in ComObjGet("winmgmts:").ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process")
		if (process.CommandLine != "")
			CL:=Trim(StrReplace(process.CommandLine,"""","",,2)," ")
			if InStr(CL,"chrome.exe --disable-preconnect")
				;how can I make this return all window id's/hwnds?
				; this returns pid (not id) -> msgbox % CL "`n" process.ProcessId

class ObjectOrder
	order := []
		return new this.customEnum(this)
	class customEnum
			this.obj := obj
			this.order := obj.order
			this.counter := 1
		Next(ByRef k, ByRef v := ""){
			if (this.counter <= this.order.maxIndex()){
				k := this.order[this.counter++]
				v := this.obj[k]
				return true
			return false		

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