Copy selected text in notepad a certain amount of times based on number in selected text

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Copy selected text in notepad a certain amount of times based on number in selected text

28 Mar 2017, 03:34

Hello there!

I would like to do the following :

If I select a text like this " Apple 6 " and press a hotkey ( for ex ctrl-shift-down ) it will copy " Apple 6 " six(6) times in a specific notepad document, one under the other.

Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6

Then, if I select " Toaster 3" and do the same hotkey, it will copy "Toaster 3" three times under the previous.

Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Toaster 3
Toaster 3
Toaster 3

Then , if I select another string of text that has a number in it, it will copy the full string even if the number is not at the end of the sentence. " I want 2 kittens for my experiences " would then be :

Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Apple 6
Toaster 3
Toaster 3
Toaster 3
I want 2 kittens for my experiences
I want 2 kittens for my experiences


However, I would like that if its a 2 digit number (lets say 12) it will copy it 12 times, (1+2 times).

I "know" how to copy a string at the end of a notepad document, however I do not know how to do the counting part. When I say "I know", I mean that I've been given a script for a specific task that I asked here I believe, and I've understood some parts of it enough to modify it for different needs, however I have too many holes in what I understand to be able to push it further.

Here is what I use to copy selected text at the end of a specific tab in Notepad++ called "Bucket List".

Code: Select all

	titleOfTab:="new 1" 
	if !WinExist("ahk_exe notepad++.exe")
	if ErrorLevel
	WinActivate ahk_exe notepad++.exe
	WinWaitActive ahk_exe notepad++.exe
		WinWaitNotActive, %title%
		if InStr(title,titleOfTab)
	} until (t=title)
	if !goBack
	Loop, %ctr%
	Send {alt down}{tab}{alt up}
	;Msgbox Pasted !!
What should I add/modify to be able to do what I explained at the beginning of my message ? Also, I would like the pasting to happen in a specific notepad document (by its full name and path, not by its tab).

Thank you!
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Re: Copy selected text in notepad a certain amount of times based on number in selected text

28 Mar 2017, 06:50

You can simplify what you already have since you can write to a file without it being open already.

check out the code below, it might work for what you want already, but if not should be easy to change to accomplish your task.

Code: Select all

selectedText := GetSelectedText()
numberInString := RegExReplace(selectedText, "^.*?([0-9]+).*$", "$1") ; This will find the first number in a string. So if you have 'Test 3 text again 5" it will only find 3.
Loop %numberInString%
	FileAppend, % selectedText . "`n", Test.txt ; Change Test.txt to the file path you want the text appended to.

GetSelectedText() {
	tmp := ClipboardAll
	Clipboard := ""
	Send, ^c
	ClipWait, 1
	retVal := Clipboard
	Clipboard := tmp
	Return retVal
Last edited by Nightwolf85 on 28 Mar 2017, 07:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Copy selected text in notepad a certain amount of times based on number in selected text

28 Mar 2017, 07:01

However, I would like that if its a 2 digit number (lets say 12) it will copy it 12 times, (1+2 times).
Just to you want it to do it 12 times or 3 (1+2 times) if the double digit value is 12???
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Re: Copy selected text in notepad a certain amount of times based on number in selected text

28 Mar 2017, 16:12

To cover the case where you want 12 to loop 3 (1 + 2) times, you can use this instead.

Code: Select all

selectedText := GetSelectedText()
numberInString := RegExReplace(selectedText, "^.*?([0-9]+).*$", "$1") ; This will find the first number in a string. So if you have 'Test 3 text again 5" it will only find 3.
useNum := 0
Loop, Parse, numberInString
	useNum += A_LoopField
Loop %useNum%
	FileAppend, % selectedText . "`n", Test.txt ; Change Test.txt to the file path you want the text appended to.

GetSelectedText() {
	tmp := ClipboardAll
	Clipboard := ""
	Send, ^c
	retVal := Clipboard
	Clipboard := tmp
	Return retVal
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Re: Copy selected text in notepad a certain amount of times based on number in selected text

28 Mar 2017, 18:33

I tried it and it works perfectly! Thank you :-)

And yeah, I meant 12 = 12, not 1+2 ! (the word "not" was missing in the parenthesis of my first message)

Thanks again!

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