HTMLFile object, getElementsByTagName reports 0 initially Topic is solved

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HTMLFile object, getElementsByTagName reports 0 initially

02 May 2017, 21:11

I saved the following large htm file (2MB) to the disk:

Note: it is big enough that it slows down iWB2 Learner.

I opened it and put it into an HTMLFile object to retrieve information from it. Applying getElementsByTagName once returned 0, the same operation again gave the correct value. Oddly it only gave the correct value a second time if I used MsgBox. A long Sleep delay did not seem to work, nor did a loop repeating getElementsByTagName without using the MsgBox.

Code: Select all

q:: ;get dll function info from WinApi.htm

vPath = %A_ScriptDir%\Help\WinApi.htm
oHTML := ComObjCreate("HTMLFile")
FileRead, vHtml, % vPath

;didn't work:
if 0
		if (oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length = 28)
		Sleep 10
	ToolTip, READY
	Sleep 1000

;if use MsgBox, it seems to work:
MsgBox, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length
MsgBox, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length
MsgBox, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tr").length

vOutput := ""
VarSetCapacity(vOutput, 1000000*2)
Loop, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length
	if (A_Index = 1)
	vDll := oHTML.getElementsByTagName("h2")[A_Index-2].innerText
	oElt := oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[A_Index-1]

	if (SubStr(vDll, StrLen(vTemp)+1-4) = ".dll")
		vDll := SubStr(vDll, 1, -4)

	Loop, % oElt.getElementsByTagName("tr").length
		oElt2 := oElt.getElementsByTagName("tr")[A_Index-1]
		vOutput .= vDll "\" oElt2.all[2].all[0].innerText "=" oElt2.all[0].innerText "`r`n"

Clipboard := vOutput
oHTML := ""
MsgBox, % "done"
Note: in that list, many of the parameters listed as unsigned are actually signed, this is because in some contexts you can state that the parameter was either signed or unsigned and it does not affect the outcome.

[800th post!]
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Re: HTMLFile object, getElementsByTagName reports 0 initially

22 May 2017, 10:41

2 other issues I've had when writing to an HTMLFile object from saved htm files:
- a cookies warning prompt
- webpages opened in Internet Explorer

In case anybody knows how to prevent that. Cheers.
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Re: HTMLFile object, getElementsByTagName reports 0 initially

25 Aug 2017, 18:11

Bump. I'm still having problems with this. I've tried some new ideas but it's still not working without a redundant MsgBox or InputBox line.

Without a prior MsgBox/InputBox call:
This line: MsgBox, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length returns 0.
With a prior MsgBox/InputBox call:
The line returns the correct value.

Code: Select all

;e.g. url for a large htm file

vPath = %A_ScriptDir%\Help\WinApi.htm
oHTML := ComObjCreate("HTMLFile")
FileRead, vHtml, % vPath

;doesn't work:
;Sleep 3000
;SetTimer, EmptySub, -1
;Sleep 3000

;busy causes an error
;readyState always says 'loading' even after a MsgBox call
;while oHTML.busy || !(oHTML.readyState = 4)
;while !(oHTML.readyState = 4)
;	MsgBox, % oHTML.readyState
;	Sleep 10

;InputBox, vInput ;also works
;ToolTip, % "hello" ;didn't work
;Progress, zh0 b1, % "hello" ;didn't work
;Sleep 1000
;Progress, Off

;this works:
;DllCall("MessageBox", "Int", "0", "Str", "Press Yes or No", "Str", "Title of box", "Int", 4)

;doesn't work:
;hFont := DllCall("gdi32\CreateFont", Int,vFontHeight, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0
;, Int,vFontWeight, UInt,0, UInt,0 ,UInt,0
;, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0
;, UInt,0, Str,vFontName, Ptr)

MsgBox, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length
MsgBox, % oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tr").length
MsgBox, % oHTML.readyState
oHTML := ""

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Re: HTMLFile object, getElementsByTagName reports 0 initially  Topic is solved

30 Oct 2017, 05:07

I have a fix for the problem. Tested on Windows 7.
This worked:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
This didn't work:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
This works but I don't know why.
MsgBox,,,, 0.001

Code: Select all

q:: ;count tbody elements - 3 workaround attempts
;vUrl := ""
vUrl := ""
SplitPath, vUrl, vName
vPath := A_Desktop "\" vName
if !FileExist(vPath)
	UrlDownloadToFile, % vUrl, % vPath

Loop, 3
	oHTML := ComObjCreate("HTMLFile")

	;adding this didn't fix the problem
	if (A_Index = 1)
		vHtml = <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

	;adding this did fix the problem
	if (A_Index = 2)
		vHtml = <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">

	FileRead, vHtml, % vPath

	;reasonably efficient workaround
	if (A_Index = 3)
		MsgBox,,,, 0.001

	MsgBox, % "this should be non-zero: " oHTML.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length
	oHTML := ""
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