PixelSearch in opposite direction

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PixelSearch in opposite direction

16 Aug 2017, 12:25


Is there a simple way to find the last specified-color pixel in a region, i.e. to search from the lower corners upwards to the upper corners?

I would like to search in an 1 pixel wide region from bottom to top of the region. According to Doc the direction can be changed by coordinates (y1 > y2) only if Slow mode is used. Is there really no way to do the same with the Fast mode?

Thank you very much in advance!
Last edited by newbieforever on 21 Sep 2017, 07:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PixelSearch in opposite direction

21 Sep 2017, 07:42

Is there really no solution for such a simple task?
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Re: PixelSearch in opposite direction

21 Sep 2017, 07:59

ImageGetColors ().ahk detects all colors of an existing image/file.
Means, an image with 1-px width, n-px height would parse a vertical line for its color values.
Search the forum for Gdip.ahk + partial + area + ...

Good luck :)
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Re: PixelSearch in opposite direction

21 Sep 2017, 08:12

@BoBo: Thank you very much.

Hm ... I have to search in a program's window, not in an image or file. I suppose there would be a way to make an image from my search area, but ... A little to complicated for me, I think ...
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Re: PixelSearch in opposite direction

21 Sep 2017, 09:23

Two ideas:
Use GDI+ to do image search? - AutoHotkey Community
https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... 04#p136204

[retrieve pixels as text, 8 characters per pixel, but note, the rows of pixels are retrieved in reverse order]
Gdip: image binary data to hex string for OCR - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: PixelSearch in opposite direction

12 May 2019, 13:07

Hi there,

Never mind, I don't need that solution anymore at the moment.

I had (almost) the same desire. Came up with the code below. (Note that the search here is one dimensional, however, it should be rather easy to extend it to 2 dimensions. Parameter #4 in _get_nextPixelWithColor defines the direction - until the edge of the screen, assuming a one screen PC setup.)
Even though it is faster than the slow PixelSearch in reverse direction, it still is not fast at all.

Does anyone have an idea how to make it faster?

Many thanks in advance.
Regards, S.

Code: Select all

CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, v_out_mouse_X, v_out_mouse_Y
a_pixelFound := _get_nextPixelWithColor("0xRRGGBB", v_out_mouse_X, v_out_mouse_Y, "+x", 100)
if a_pixelFound
	MsgBox, % a_pixelFound.X ", " a_pixelFound.Y
	MsgBox, Not found.

_get_nextPixelWithColor(p_rgb_0xRRGGBB, p_start_X, p_start_Y, p_direction_plusMinusXY, p_stepSizePixel)
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
	v_target_X := p_start_X
	v_target_Y := p_start_Y
	v_targetOutOfScreen := 0
	v_increment_X := 0
	v_increment_Y := 0
	if (InStr(p_direction_plusMinusXY, "x", false))
		v_increment_X := p_stepSizePixel
	if (InStr(p_direction_plusMinusXY, "y", false))
		v_increment_Y := p_stepSizePixel
	if (SubStr(p_direction_plusMinusXY, 1, 1) = "-")
		v_increment_X *= -1
		v_increment_Y *= -1
	PixelGetColor, v_rgb_out, % v_target_X, % v_target_Y, RGB
	While ((not v_rgb_out = p_rgb_0xRRGGBB) and (not v_targetOutOfScreen))
		v_target_X += v_increment_X
		v_target_Y += v_increment_Y
		if (v_target_X < 0 or v_target_X > A_ScreenWidth or v_target_Y < 0 or v_target_Y > A_ScreenHeight)
			v_targetOutOfScreen := 1
			PixelGetColor, v_rgb_out, % v_target_X, % v_target_Y, RGB

	if (p_stepSizePixel = 1)
		if v_targetOutOfScreen
			return 0
			return Object("X", v_target_X, "Y", v_target_Y)
		return _get_nextPixelWithColor(p_rgb_0xRRGGBB, v_target_X - v_increment_X, v_target_Y - v_increment_Y, p_direction_plusMinusXY, p_stepSizePixel // 2)

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