Moving a Gui

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Moving a Gui

04 Jun 2014, 21:39

I'm using the following code to move and resize a Gui:

Code: Select all

	sp = 40
	Gui, 95:Default
	GuiControlget, Slide, Pos
	C := SlideX
	V := SlideY
	loop, 23
		C += 5	
		V -= 4
		SlideW := SlideW * 1.018
		SlideH := SlideH * 1.018
		guicontrol, 95:movedraw, Slide, x%C%, y%V%, w%SlideW%, h%SlideH%
		sleep %sp%
		sp -= 1
This works except that I'm getting some flickering as mentioned in the help manual. I tried using move rather than movedraw but then the effect was totally different with the Gui moving in a different direction and then just jumping to the final position. I'm trying to create a kind of accelerated slide. Can anyone suggest an alternative method? Thanks.
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Re: Moving a Gui

04 Jun 2014, 23:46

Why didn't you provide a working example to work with?
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Re: Moving a Gui

05 Jun 2014, 00:58

Leefme wrote:Why didn't you provide a working example to work with?
Because it is part of a much larger script and I didn't think of it.
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Re: Moving a Gui

05 Jun 2014, 07:16

I found this code a while ago, maybe you can use some part of it :) ... ntry119240

Code: Select all

; EasyGlide 
; Based on Easy Window Dragging 
;      AutoHotkey Version: 1.0.46+ (uses ?: operator)
;                Platform: XP/2k/NT
;                  Author: Paul Pliska (ManaUser)
; Performance Enhancement: Laszlo
; Script Function: 
; Make the middle mouse button drag any window, in any internal point. 
; Additionally, if you let go while dragging, the window will "glide" 
; for short distance, and even bounce off the edges of the screen. 
; The distance and "bouncyness" can be adjusted by changing constants.

    INERTIA = 1 ;0.97 ; 1 means Glide forever, 0 means not at all. 
 BOUNCYNESS = 0.95 ;0.03 ; 1 means no speed is lost, 0 means don't bounce. 
SENSITIVITY = 0.99 ; Higher is more responsive, lower smooths out glitchs more.
                   ; Must be greater than 0 and no higher than 1.

#SingleInstance Force 
SetBatchLines -1        ; Run faster 
SetWinDelay -1          ; Makes the window moves faster/smoother. 
CoordMode Mouse, Screen ; Switch to screen/absolute coordinates. 
SetTimer WorkAreaCheck, 10000	;Just in case they move the task bar.
GoSub WorkAreaCheck		;or change resolution.


~*LButton::             ; Clicking a mouse button stops glide. 
   SetTimer Glide, Off 

   SetTimer Glide, Off 
   MouseGetPos LastMouseX, LastMouseY, MouseWin 
   WinGet WinState, MinMax, ahk_id %MouseWin% 
   IfNotEqual WinState, 0 ; If the window is maximized, just to normal Middle Click
       Click Middle
   WinGetPos WinX, WinY, WinWidth, WinHeight, ahk_id %MouseWin% 
   SetTimer WatchMouse, 10       ; Track the mouse as the user drags it 

   If !GetKeyState("MButton","P") { 
      SetTimer WatchMouse, Off   ; MButton has been released, so drag is complete. 
      SetTimer Glide, 10         ; Start gliding 
                                 ; Drag: Button is still pressed 
   MouseGetPos MouseX, MouseY 
   WinX += MouseX - LastMouseX 
   WinY += MouseY - LastMouseY 

   ;Enforce Boundries 
   WinX := WinX < WorkAreaLeft ? WorkAreaLeft : WinX+WinWidth > WorkAreaRight ? WorkAreaRight-WinWidth : WinX 
   WinY := WinY < WorkAreaTop ? WorkAreaTop : WinY+WinHeight > WorkAreaBottom ? WorkAreaBottom-WinHeight : WinY 

   WinMove ahk_id %MouseWin%,, WinX, WinY 
   SpeedX := SpeedX*SpeedA + (MouseX-LastMouseX)*SENSITIVITY 
   SpeedY := SpeedY*SpeedA + (MouseY-LastMouseY)*SENSITIVITY 
   LastMouseX := MouseX,     LastMouseY := MouseY 

   SpeedX *= INERTIA 
   SpeedY *= INERTIA 
   If (Abs(SpeedX) < 0.2 AND Abs(SpeedY) < 0.2) { 
      SetTimer Glide, Off        ; It's barely moving, bring it to a complete stop 

   WinX += SpeedX,   WinY += SpeedY 

   If (WinX < WorkAreaLeft  OR  WinX + WinWidth > WorkAreaRight) 
      SpeedX *= -BOUNCYNESS 
   If (WinY < WorkAreaTop  OR  WinY + WinHeight > WorkAreaBottom) 
      SpeedY *= -BOUNCYNESS 
   WinX := WinX < WorkAreaLeft ? WorkAreaLeft : WinX+WinWidth > WorkAreaRight ? WorkAreaRight-WinWidth : WinX 
   WinY := WinY < WorkAreaTop ? WorkAreaTop : WinY+WinHeight > WorkAreaBottom ? WorkAreaBottom-WinHeight : WinY 

   WinMove ahk_id %MouseWin%,, WinX, WinY 

SysGet WorkArea, MonitorWorkArea
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Re: Moving a Gui

12 Jun 2014, 01:45

Thanks for the replies. I'm still working through them. I think they are OK for moving the GUI but less so for moving and resizing it at the same time.

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