Problem about Pum_API function

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Problem about Pum_API function

20 Oct 2017, 10:10

hi everyone,I have a puzzle that when I use the tooltip in Pum,the popup menu cannot be disapeared after the tooltip .
so how to solve the problem?
[what I want is that when I click right button or Middle button,the whole Menu will disapeared just like when I click Left Button.]
thanks for everyone!!!

Code: Select all

#Include PUM_API.ahk
#Include PUM.ahk

; parameters of the PUM object, the manager of the menus
pumParams := { "SelMethod" : "fill"            ;item selection method, may be frame,fill
                ;~ ,"selTColor" : -1         ;selection text color
                ;~ ,"selBGColor" : -1              ;selection background color, -1 means invert current color
                ,"oninit"      : "PUM_out"      ;function which will be called when any menu going to be opened
                ,"onuninit"    : "PUM_out"     ;function which will be called when any menu going to be closing
                ,"onselect"    : "PUM_out"     ;;function which will be called when any item selected with mouse (hovered)
                ,"onrbutton"   : "PUM_out"   ;function which will be called when any item right clicked
                ,"onmbutton"   : "PUM_out"  ;function which will be called when any item clicked with middle mouse button
                ,"onrun"       : "PUM_out"      ;function which will be called when any item clicked with left mouse button
                , "onshow" : "PUM_out"      ;function which will be called before any menu shown using Show method
                , "onclose" : "Pum_out"        ;function called just before quitting from Show method
                ,mnemonicCMD : "select"}
;PUM_Menu parameters
menuParams1 := { "bgcolor" : 0x36311f   ;background color of the menu
            , "iconssize" : 32          ;size of icons in the menu
            , "tcolor" : 0xafc9d3 }     ;text color of the menu items
menuParams2 := { "bgcolor" : 0x1C3150
            , "iconssize" : 16
            , "tcolor" : 0xFFFFFF }

;create an instance of PUM object, it is best to have only one of such in the program
pm := new PUM( pumParams )

;creating popup menu, represented by PUM_Menu object with given parameters
menu := pm.CreateMenu( menuParams1 )

;create a three othe menus
newmenu1 := pm.CreateMenu( menuParams2 )
newmenu2 := pm.CreateMenu( menuParams2 )
newmenu3 := pm.CreateMenu( menuParams2 )

;adding submenu items to the first menu, item SubItem1 will open "newmenu1" menu, and SubItem2 will open "newmenu2"
menu.add( { "name" : "SubItem1", "submenu" : newmenu1, "icon" : "shell32.dll:8"  } )
menu.add( { "name" : "SubItem2", "submenu" : newmenu2, "icon" : "shell32.dll:8" } )
menu.Add()  ;adding separator
;adding a submenu item "SubItem3" to the "newmenu2" menu, which opens "newmenu3" menu
newmenu2.add( { "name" : "SubItem3", "icon" : "shell32.dll:8", "submenu" : newmenu3 } )

;adding five items to the first menu
loop, 5
  menu.Add( { "name" : "i&tem" A_Index
            , "bold" : 1
            , "icon" : "shell32.dll:" A_index+20 } )
;adding five items to the newmenu1
	newmenu1.add( { "name" : "item" A_index, "icon" : "shell32.dll:3" A_index } )
;adding five items to the newmenu2
  newmenu2.add( { "name" : "item" A_index, "icon" : "shell32.dll:4" A_index } )
;adding five items to the newmenu3
  newmenu3.add( { "name" : "item" A_index, "icon" : "shell32.dll:2" A_index, disabled : 1 } )

;showing the first menu at the center of screen (~)
if ( item := menu.Show( A_ScreenWidth/3, A_ScreenHeight/3 ) )
	msgbox % "Choosen item: "

;Destroying all menus/items created
;Use Destroy() method for the PUM_Menu object if you want to destroy specific menu

PUM_out( msg, obj )
  if ( msg = "onselect" )
    rect := obj.GetRECT()
    CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
    tooltip,% "Selected: ",% rect.right,%
  if ( msg ~= "oninit|onuninit|onshow|onclose" )
    tooltip % "menu " msg ": " obj.handle
  if ( msg = "onrbutton" )
    tooltip % "Right clicked: "
  if ( msg = "onmbutton" )
    tooltip % "Middle clicked: "
  if ( msg = "onrun" )
    tooltip % "Item runned: "
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