DropDownList(DDL for short) disappears after launch

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DropDownList(DDL for short) disappears after launch

28 Nov 2017, 17:37


i wrote this script and i don't know why but when ever i run it, the DDL only appears after mousing over it.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
If ( !A_IsAdmin )
	Run *RunAs %A_ScriptFullPath%
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

global padRight := 40
global this_id

gui, add, tab3, vWindowTab, Window Selection|Commands
gui, add, DropDownList, vWindowMe gWindowSelect sort
gui, add, button, gRescan vReScanMe, Rescan Active Windows
gui, add, button, gRepickWindow vRepickWindowMe +disabled, Repick Window
gui, tab, 2
gui, add, button, gInit vInitMe, Initiate Repository
gui, add, button, gTouchIgnore vTouchIgnoreMe, Create .gitignore
gui, add, button, gTouchReadMe vTouchReadMeMe, Create README.md
gui, add, button, gConfigUsername vConfigUsernameMe, Configure Username
gui, add, button, gConfigEmail vConfigEmailMe, Configure Email
gui, add, button, gAddAll vAddAllMe, Add All Files/Folders
gui, add, button, gCommit vCommitMe, Commit Changes
gui, add, button, gRemoteAdd vRemoteAddMe, Remote Add
gui, add, button, gPush vPushMe, Push
gui, add, button, gStatus vStatusMe, Status
gui, add, button, gClear vClearMe, Clear
gui, margin, 0, 10, 0, 0
gui, +lastfound +resize
gui, color, black
gui, show, w500

windowSelect() {
	gui, submit, nohide
	winget, original_id, id, % %a_guicontrol%
	this_id := original_id
	guicontrol, enable, RepickWindowMe
	guicontrol, disable, WindowMe

Rescan() {
	guicontrol,, WindowMe, |
	WinGet, id, list,,, Program Manager
	loop, %id%
		this_id := id%A_Index%
		WinGetTitle, this_title, ahk_id %this_id%
		guicontrol,, WindowMe, %this_title%

RepickWindow() {
	guicontrol, enable, WindowMe
	guicontrol, focus, WindowMe

Init() {
	controlsend, , git init{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

TouchIgnore() {
	controlsend, , touch .gitignore{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

TouchReadMe() {
	controlsend, , touch README.md{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

ConfigUsername() {
	inputbox, NewUsername,, enter the new username
	controlsend, , git config --global user.name '%NewUsername%'{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

ConfigEmail() {
	controlsend, , git config --global user.email '', % "ahk_id" this_id
	msgbox, type in your email between '' and hit enter

AddAll() {
	controlsend, , git add .{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

Commit() {
	inputbox, commitComment,,enter your commit comments here
	controlsend, , git commit -m '%commitComment%'{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

RemoteAdd() {
	controlsend, , git remote add origin , % "ahk_id" this_id
	msgbox, copy and paste the given url from the new repository and hit enter

Push() {
	controlsend, ,git push -u origin master{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

Status() {
	controlsend, , git status{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

Clear() {
	controlsend, , clear{enter}, % "ahk_id" this_id

GuiSize() {
	guicontrol, move, WindowTab, % "w" A_GuiWidth - 20
	guicontrol, move, ReScanMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, WindowMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, RepickWindowMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, InitMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, TouchIgnoreMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, TouchReadMeMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, ConfigUsernameMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, ConfigEmailMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, AddAllMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, CommitMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, RemoteAddMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, PushMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, StatusMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	guicontrol, move, ClearMe, % "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight

GuiClose() {

var := 1
VarMenu(var) {
	MsgBox, % var
any help is greatly appreciated !


Posts: 1147
Joined: 06 Mar 2017, 16:18
Location: France

Re: DropDownList(DDL for short) disappears after launch

30 Nov 2017, 18:15

Hi yawikflame,

I'm not sure but you should move the tab after any other control belonging to it. Alternatively, you can use WinSet, Redraw.

Code: Select all

GuiSize() {
	GUI, default
	GUI, +lastfound
	WinGet, list, ControlList ; retrieves a linefeed (`n) separated list of control names for all controls in a window
	w := "w" A_GuiWidth - padRight
	Loop, Parse, % list, `n
		GuiControl, move, %A_LoopField%, % w
	GuiControl, move, WindowTab, % "w" A_GuiWidth - 20
my scripts

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