Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

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Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

15 Feb 2018, 12:51

So, a few months ago, so code I had for Excel stopped working after my company changed some security settings. I despaired of being able to control Excel with AHK again, when I came across "Excel_Get". It is wonderful! It saved my script, and saved me and my company hundreds of hours.

However, now I am being asked to automate a process involving PowerPoint. And I am getting the same error messages. Has anyone created a "PowerPoint_Get" script?
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Re: Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

15 Feb 2018, 15:04

- I could give this a try via Acc using the same techniques that Excel_Get uses. I don't know if it will work for sure.
- Could you provide some very basic working PowerPoint code in AutoHotkey, for testing purposes. Thanks.
- Links:
[new function that doesn't require Acc]
Excel_Get - AutoHotkey Community
MS-Office-COM-Basics/Excel_Get.ahk at master · ahkon/MS-Office-COM-Basics · GitHub
https://github.com/ahkon/MS-Office-COM- ... el_Get.ahk

[original function that requires Acc]
AHK failure with Excel_Get () - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community
https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/8833 ... /?p=560328
excel and com? - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community
https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/7394 ... ntry469769
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Re: Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

15 Feb 2018, 16:07

My code is VERY basic. Merely doing

Code: Select all

oPPT := ComObjCreate("PowerPoint.Application")
creates "Error x080080005 Server execution failed".

I get the same error message when I try that with

Code: Select all

oWkbk := ComObjCreate("Excel.Application")

Code: Select all

oWkbk := Excel_Get()

So far as I can tell, this is because of the various security/dummy proofing things that the IT department has done to the company computers. I am not sure which step of Excel_Get() works, but at least one of them does. I am just hoping for something in PowerPoint that does the same thing.
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Re: Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

15 Feb 2018, 18:25

- I hadn't done anything with COM and PowerPoint before today, but thanks to some example code by HotKeyIt (link lower down), I managed to get a basic example together.
- I've created a PowerPoint_Get function (based on kon's Excel_Get update function) below, it appears to work for me, so hopefully it will work for you. I've also created a PowerPoint_GetViaAcc function, which is more like the original Excel_Get function and which depends on the Acc library.
- I'd been meaning to look at the original and updated Excel_Get functions at some point, so this was a good opportunity to do so. If you compare the two, you can see that kon has done some nice optimisations. One key benefit of the updated Excel_Get function is that it no longer relies on the Acc library functions, it is a stand-alone function.

Code: Select all

;Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get? - AutoHotkey Community
;How to use power point VBA in AHK scripts - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community
;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

q:: ;PowerPoint - create object
oPt := ComObjCreate("PowerPoint.Application")
oPt.Visible := -1 ;True
oPn := oPt.Presentations.Add()
oPn.Slides.Add(1, 1)
MsgBox, % oPn.Slides.Count
oPt := oPn := ""

w:: ;PowerPoint - latch onto existing object
;oPt := PowerPoint_GetViaAcc()
oPt := PowerPoint_Get()
oPn := oPt.ActivePresentation
MsgBox, % oPn.Slides.Count
oPt := oPn := ""

;requires the Acc library
;tested on PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint_GetViaAcc(vWinTitle:="ahk_class PP12FrameClass", vNum:=1)
	WinGetClass, vWinClass, % vWinTitle
	if (vWinClass == "PP12FrameClass")
		ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, % "paneClassDC" vNum, % vWinTitle
		if !ErrorLevel
			oWin := Acc_ObjectFromWindow(hCtl, -16)
			if (ComObjType(oWin) = 9)
				while !oPt
					try oPt := oWin.Application
					catch e
			if (SubStr(e.Message, 1, 10) = "0x80010001")
				ControlSend, % "paneClassDC" vNum, {Esc}, % vWinTitle
				return "Error accessing the application object."
	return oPt

;tested on PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint_Get(vWinTitle:="ahk_class PP12FrameClass", vNum:=1)
	static h := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", Str,"oleacc", Ptr)
	WinGetClass, vWinClass, % vWinTitle
	if !(vWinClass == "PP12FrameClass")
		return "Window class mismatch."
	ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, % "paneClassDC" vNum, % vWinTitle
	if ErrorLevel
		return "Error accessing the control hWnd."
	VarSetCapacity(IID_IDispatch, 16)
	NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(0x0000000000020400, IID_IDispatch, "Int64"), "Int64")
	if !(DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", Ptr,hCtl, UInt,-16, Ptr,&IID_IDispatch, PtrP,pAcc) = 0)
		return "Error calling AccessibleObjectFromWindow."
	oWin := ComObject(9, pAcc, 1)
	if !(ComObjType(oWin) = 9)
		return "Error wrapping the window object."
		try return oWin.Application
		catch e
	if (SubStr(e.message, 1, 10) = "0x80010001")
		ControlSend, % "paneClassDC" vNum, {Esc}, % vWinTitle
		return "Error accessing the application object."

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Re: Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

22 Mar 2018, 20:04

I've updated the function to handle more versions of PowerPoint.

Code: Select all

;tested on PowerPoint 2007
PowerPoint_Get(vWinTitle:="ahk_class PP..?FrameClass", vNum:=1)
	static h := DllCall("kernel32\LoadLibrary", Str,"oleacc", Ptr)
	vTMM := A_TitleMatchMode
	if (vWinTitle = "ahk_class PP..?FrameClass")
		SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
	hWnd := WinExist(vWinTitle)
	WinGetClass, vWinClass, % "ahk_id " hWnd
	SetTitleMatchMode, % vTMM
	if !(vWinClass ~= "PP..?FrameClass")
		return "Window class mismatch."
	ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, % (vCtlClass := "mdiClass") vNum, % "ahk_id " hWnd
	if !hCtl
		ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, % (vCtlClass := "paneClassDC") vNum, % "ahk_id " hWnd
	if ErrorLevel
		return "Error accessing the control hWnd."
	VarSetCapacity(IID_IDispatch, 16)
	NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(0x0000000000020400, IID_IDispatch, "Int64"), "Int64")
	if !(DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", Ptr,hCtl, UInt,-16, Ptr,&IID_IDispatch, PtrP,pAcc) = 0)
		return "Error calling AccessibleObjectFromWindow."
	oWin := ComObject(9, pAcc, 1)
	if !(ComObjType(oWin) = 9)
		return "Error wrapping the window object."
		try return oWin.Application
		catch e
	if (SubStr(e.message, 1, 10) = "0x80010001")
		ControlSend, % vCtlClass vNum, {Esc}, % vWinTitle
		return "Error accessing the application object."
Further links that discuss PowerPoint_Get and variant functions:
Excel_Get - AutoHotkey Community
Ppt_Get (like Excel_Get or Word_Get) - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: Excel_Get is AMAZING, could someone make a PowerPoint_Get?

23 Mar 2018, 14:05

:D Working on PowerPoint 2016 and PowerPoint 2013 also. Will test on 2010 in VM later.
Good show!
Bravo! Very clever indeed. :bravo:

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