Registry changes not being recognised

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Registry changes not being recognised

22 May 2018, 09:05

Hi there
Hope you can help. I am trying to create a script that will tell me if a registry entry changes (ie the proxy server on the PC) changes. Everything I need the script to do is working fine...but the problem is if the registry entry is completed deleted (or if some characters are removed from the proxy server to make it incorrect)...the script does not recognize the change.

The proxy server entry in registry is:
If for instance the port number chances to:

The popup comes up fine signifying the change. However if some characters are removed:
The script does register that the registry entry as changed. Completely removing this reg key also does not register anything. Would anyone have any ideas? Here is the script below - many thanks for any assistance you can provide...

Code: Select all

sleep, 1000
;This reads the DATA value (proxy URL) in the registry under Name "AutoConfigUrl" and stores it in variable REG1
RegRead, reg1, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\internet settings, AutoConfigURL     

;This is saying that variable PROXY refers to string:

IfInString, proxy, %reg1%   ;so if the PROXY variable contains same text as REG1 variable (if proxy reg key equals then continue the script that checks the registry by going back to label START:

goto, start

; If suddenly the registry proxy server changes and thus REG1 key is different to PROXY...then msgbox should come up saying "Its Changed" and the change is recorded in txt file regrecord.txt


;FormatTime = built command to get the DateTime - store it into variable %TimeString%
FormatTime, TimeString

FileAppend, `n
At %TimeString%, the registry key %proxy% was changed to %reg1%
), c:\temp\regrecord.txt

MsgBox, 3, , Yes to continue checking. No to open Notepad. Cancel to close script

IfMsgBox, Yes
   goto, start           
IfMsgBox, No
   goto, notepad

IfMsgBox, Cancel

run, c:\temp\regrecord.txt

goto, start

Posts: 9
Joined: 20 Jan 2017, 08:10

Re: Registry changes not being recognised

22 May 2018, 09:06

Sorry...I meant to say:
However if some characters are removed:
The script does "NOT" register that the registry entry as changed. Completely removing this reg key also does not register anything.
Posts: 49
Joined: 12 Nov 2015, 06:52

Re: Registry changes not being recognised

22 May 2018, 09:28

Hi bapiman,
Instead of ifinstring use if
If proxy = reg1

Posts: 302
Joined: 27 Oct 2013, 08:32

Re: Registry changes not being recognised

22 May 2018, 12:08

After your first RegRead I would add, temporarily, a MsgBox %reg1% to check you have some data.

If the MsgBox doesn't show any data then have a look at the use of SetRegView (for using 32-bit AHK in a 64-bit environment and vice versa).

Hope this helps...
Posts: 9
Joined: 20 Jan 2017, 08:10

Re: Registry changes not being recognised

23 May 2018, 07:15

Hi all
Thanks very much for all your help. Just changing it to IF made all the difference, all makes sense now why "ifinstring" did not work.

The Message box idea to check the data was good aswell - infact I added a gui to this so the theres a button which opens the msgbox to check there is any data captured.

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