Best way to do

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Posts: 48
Joined: 16 Jun 2018, 01:36

Best way to do

18 Sep 2018, 06:10

whats the best way 2 do this i want to change the loop if im in Space loop and press t it cuts space and trues t, also the other way around.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetBatchLines, -1
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2

Toggle := !Toggle
while Toggle {
	ImageSearch, X, Y, 1243, 873, 1305, 936, *160 HandderHinderung.bmp
	if !ErrorLevel {
		Send, {Shift Down}
		Send, 7
		Sleep, 30
		Send, {Shift Up}

Toggle1 := !Toggle1
while Toggle1 {
	ImageSearch, X, Y, 1243, 873, 1305, 936, *160 HandderHinderung.bmp
	if !ErrorLevel {
		Send, {Shift Down}
		Send, 7
		Sleep, 30
		Send, {Shift Up}
Posts: 48
Joined: 16 Jun 2018, 01:36

Re: Best way to do

18 Sep 2018, 14:03

i want that if i start b a is shoud down so i can also toggle bettween toggle and toggle1
Posts: 6222
Joined: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59

Re: Best way to do

18 Sep 2018, 15:35

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetBatchLines, -1
; #MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2

	toggleSpace := !toggleSpace
	if (toggleSpace)
		settimer timerSpace, 10
		settimer timerSpace, Off

	toggleT := false
	settimer timerT, Off

	toggleT := !toggleT
	if (toggleT)
		settimer timerT, 10
		settimer timerT, Off

	toggleSpace := false
	settimer timerSpace, Off

	ImageSearch, X, Y, 1243, 873, 1305, 936, *160 HandderHinderung.bmp
	if !ErrorLevel {
		Send, {Shift Down}
		Send, 7
		Sleep, 30
		Send, {Shift Up}

	ImageSearch, X, Y, 1243, 873, 1305, 936, *160 HandderHinderung.bmp
	if !ErrorLevel {
		Send, {Shift Down}
		Send, 7
		Sleep, 30
		Send, {Shift Up}

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