GUI does not immediately reacts during a loop.

Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1.1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys
Posts: 12
Joined: 09 Oct 2018, 08:51

GUI does not immediately reacts during a loop.

06 Nov 2018, 14:28

My Problem is that the Gui menu does not react, until the following loop command has finished.

Code: Select all

        if A_SEC =30
          sleep, 800
I do not understand why :?:

It's not the original script (this script has no real function), but the error is the same:

Code: Select all

Pic_AN        := "1.png"
Pic_AUS       := "2.png"

CustomColor := "EEAA99" 
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 1000
Gui, Add, Picture, y0 x0 w25 h25 gAUTO_MANUELL vPicture,2.png
weite := A_ScreenWidth-200
Gui, Show, x%weite% y0 w25 h25

if READMAC contains a

if on=on
	GuiControl, -Redraw,    Picture
    GuiControl,,            Picture,1.png
    GuiControl, +Redraw,    Picture

 if on=off
    GuiControl, -Redraw,    Picture
    GuiControl,,            Picture,2.png
    GuiControl, +Redraw,    Picture

    if on=off
      goto End
    if on = on
        TIMESTAMP_MA1 = %A_YYYY%%A_MM%%A_DD%%A_Hour%%A_Min%%A_Sec%
        gosub LOAD_AND_SAVE
        goto End

sleep, 500

        TIMESTAMP_MA1 = 1
        gosub LOAD_AND_SAVE
          run Anwesend_MANUELL.exe, , UseErrorLevel
            If ErrorLevel = ERROR
               run Anwesend_MANUELL.ahk, , UseErrorLevel
                If ErrorLevel = ERROR
                goto Ausschalten

        if A_SEC =30
          sleep, 800
        CSV_Save("test.csv.csv", "test_CSV")    
            If ErrorLevel
            gosub ERROR_WRITE
            sleep, 500
            goto CSV_SAVE



You have to add the CSV LIB for the CSV commands:

Code: Select all

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Source:
; AutoHotkey forum:
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; URL:
; includes bugfixes from 
; and other(s)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoHotkey Version: 1.0.48
; Author: Kdoske, trueski 
;##################################################    CSV    FUNCTIONS     ###############################################
;if A Functions Field requires commas do not use spaces after each comma exp: 'text1,text2,text3,text,4'
;Encapsulation must be quotations, example: 'text1, "text, 2", text3, text4'
;When you CSV_Load a blank file you must specify the column count before adding new rows or columns with a command similar to: %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols := 'column count'.
;CSV_Load(FileName, CSV_Identifier, Delimiter)                                      ;Load CSV file into memory, must complete first.
;CSV_TotalRows(CSV_Identifier)                                                      ;Return total number of rows
;CSV_TotalCols(CSV_Identifier)                                                      ;Return total number of columns
;CSV_Delimiter(CSV_Identifier)                                                      ;Return the delimiter used
;CSV_FileName(CSV_Identifier)                                                       ;Return the filename
;CSV_Path(CSV_Identifier)                                                           ;Return the path
;CSV_FileNamePath(CSV_Identifier)                                                   ;Return the filename with the full path
;CSV_Save(FileName, CSV_Identifier, OverWrite?)                                     ;Save CSV file
;CSV_DeleteRow(CSV_Identifier, RowNumber)                                           ;Delete a row
;CSV_AddRow(CSV_Identifier, "Cell1,Cell2...")                                       ;Add a row
;CSV_DeleteColumn(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber)                                        ;Delete a column
;CSV_AddColumn(CSV_Identifier, "Cell1,Cell2...")                                    ;Add a column
;CSV_ModifyCell(CSV_Identifier, NewValue,Row, Col)                                  ;Modify an existing cell
;CSV_ModifyRow(CSV_Identifier, "NewValue1,NewValue2...", RowNumber)                 ;Modify an existing row
;CSV_ModifyColumn(CSV_Identifier, "NewValue1,NewValue2...", ColNumber))             ;Modify an existing column
;CSV_Search(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance)                                   ;Search for text within
;CSV_SearchRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, RowNumber, Instance)                     ;Search for text within a cell within a specific row
;CSV_SearchColumn(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, ColNumber, Instance)                  ;Search for text within a cell within a specific column
;CSV_MatchCell(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance)                                ;Search for a cell containing exactly the data specified
;CSV_MatchCellColumn(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, ColNumber, Instance=1)             ;Search for a cell containing exactly the data specified in a specific column
;CSV_MatchCellRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, RowNumber, Instance=1)                ;Search for a cell containing exactly the data specified in a specific row
;CSV_MatchRow(CSV_Identifier, "SearchText1,SearchText2", Instance)                  ;Search for a row containing exactly the data specified
;CSV_MatchCol(CSV_Identifier, "SearchText1, SearchText2", Instance)                 ;Search for a column containing exactly the data specified
;CSV_ReadCell(CSV_Identifier, Row, Column)                                          ;Read data from the specified cell
;CSV_ReadRow(CSV_Identifier, RowNumber)                                             ;Read data from the specified row
;CSV_ReadCol(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber)                                             ;Read data from the specified column
;CSV_LVLoad(CSV_Identifier, Gui, x, y, w, h, header, Sort?, RowIdentification?, AutoAdjustCol?) ;Load data into a listview in the specified gui window, listviewname variable  will equal "CSV_Identifier"
;CSV_LVSave(FileName, CSV_Identifier, Delimiter, OverWrite?, Gui)                   ;Save the specified listview as a CSV file, CSV_Identifier is the ListView's associated variable name.
;CSV Functions
CSV_Load(FileName, CSV_Identifier="", Delimiter="`,")
  Local Row
  Local Col
  temp :=  %CSV_Identifier%CSVFile
  FileRead, temp, %FileName%
  StringReplace, temp, temp, `r`n`r`n, `r`n, all   ;Remove all blank lines from the CSV file

  ;   // fix for last newline and not importing all columns
  if (NewlineCheck == "`n") {
    StringTrimRight, temp, temp,1
  } ; // fix from
  Loop, Parse, temp, `n, `r
    If (A_LoopField = "") ; added to skip emtpy lines
    	Continue            ; added
    Col := ReturnDSVArray(A_LoopField, CSV_Identifier . "CSV_Row" . A_Index . "_Col", Delimiter)
    Row := A_Index
;    Loop, Parse, A_LoopReadLine, %Delimiter% ; 
;    {
;      Col := A_Index
;      %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col% := A_LoopField
;    }
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows := Row
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols := Col
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter := Delimiter
  SplitPath, FileName, %CSV_Identifier%CSV_FileName, %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Path
  IfNotInString, FileName, `\
    %CSV_Identifier%CSV_FileName := FileName
    %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Path := A_ScriptDir
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_FileNamePath := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Path . "\" . %CSV_Identifier%CSV_FileName
CSV_Save(FileName, CSV_Identifier, OverWrite="1")
Local Row
Local Col

If OverWrite = 0
 IfExist, %FileName%
FileDelete, %FileName%

EntireFile =
CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
Loop, %currentcsv_totalrows%
    Row := A_Index
   Loop, %currentCSV_TotalCols%
      Col := A_Index
      EntireFile .= Format4CSV(%CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col%)
      If (Col <> %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols)
         EntireFile .= %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter
   If (Row < %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows)
      EntireFile .= "`n"
   StringReplace, temp, temp, `r`n`r`n, `r`n, all   ;Remove all blank lines from the CSV file
      stringright, test, EntireFile, EntireFile, 1
      if (test = "`n") or (test = "`r")
         stringtrimright, EntireFile, EntireFile, 1
    FileAppend, %EntireFile%, %FileName%
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  Return %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  Return %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
  CurrentCSV_Delimiter := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter
  Return %CurrentCSV_Delimiter%
  CurrentCSV_FileName := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_FileName
  Return %CurrentCSV_FileName%
  CurrentCSV_Path := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Path
  Return %CurrentCSV_Path%
  CurrentCSV_FileNamePath := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_FileNamePath
  Return %CurrentCSV_FileNamePath%
CSV_DeleteRow(CSV_Identifier, RowNumber)
  Local Row
  Local Col
  Local NewRow
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols   
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    NewRow := Row + 1
    If Row < %RowNumber%
      Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
        Col := A_Index
        %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col% := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%NewRow%_Col%Col%
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows --
CSV_AddRow(CSV_Identifier, RowData)
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows ++
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  CurrentCSV_Delimiter := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter
  ReturnDSVArray(RowData, CSV_Identifier . "CSV_Row" . CurrentCSV_TotalRows . "_Col", CurrentCSV_Delimiter)
CSV_DeleteColumn(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber)
  Local Row
  Local Col
  Local NewCol
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  Loop, %currentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    Loop, %currentCSV_TotalCols%
      Col := A_Index
      NewCol := Col + 1
      If Col < %ColNumber%
        %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col% := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%NewCol%
    %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols --   
CSV_AddColumn(CSV_Identifier, ColData)
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols ++
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  CurrentCSV_Delimiter := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter
  _tmpColItems:=ReturnDSVArray(Coldata, "_tmpCOL", CurrentCSV_Delimiter)
  Loop, %_tmpColItems%
    %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%A_Index%_Col%CurrentCSV_TotalCols% := _tmpCOL%A_Index%
   _tmpCOL%A_Index%:= ; clear mem
   _tmpColItems= ; clear mem
CSV_ModifyCell(CSV_Identifier, Value, Row, Col)
    %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col% := Value
CSV_ModifyRow(CSV_Identifier, Value, RowNumber)
  CurrentCSV_Delimiter := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter
  ReturnDSVArray(Value, CSV_Identifier . "CSV_Row" . RowNumber . "_Col", CurrentCSV_Delimiter)
CSV_ModifyColumn(CSV_Identifier, Coldata, ColNumber)
  CurrentCSV_Delimiter := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Delimiter
  _tmpColItems:=ReturnDSVArray(Coldata, "_tmpCOL", CurrentCSV_Delimiter)
  Loop, %_tmpColItems%
  %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%A_Index%_Col%ColNumber% := _tmpCOL%A_Index%
    _tmpCOL%A_Index%:= ; clear mem
 _tmpColItems= ; clear mem
CSV_Search(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance=1)
  Local Row
  Local Col
  Local FoundInstance
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols   
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
      Col := A_Index
      CurrentString := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col%
      IfInString, CurrentString, %SearchText%
        FoundInstance ++
        CurrentCell = %Row%`,%Col% 
        If FoundInstance = %Instance%
          Return %CurrentCell%
  Return 0
CSV_SearchRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, RowNumber, Instance=1)
  Local Col
  Local FoundInstance
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
    Col := A_Index
    CurrentString := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%RowNumber%_Col%Col%
    IfInString, CurrentString, %SearchText%
     FoundInstance ++
     If FoundInstance = %Instance%
       Return %Col%
  Return 0
CSV_SearchColumn(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, ColNumber, Instance=1)
  Local Row
  Local FoundInstance
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows

  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    CurrentString := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%ColNumber%
    IfInString, CurrentString, %SearchText%
      FoundInstance ++
      If FoundInstance = %Instance%
        Return %Row%
  Return 0
CSV_MatchCell(CSV_Identifier,SearchText, Instance=1)
Local Row
Local Col
Local FoundInstance
CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols

Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
      Col := A_Index
      CurrentString := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col%
      IfEqual, CurrentString, %SearchText%
        FoundInstance ++
        CurrentCell = %Row%`,%Col%
        If FoundInstance = %Instance%
          Return %CurrentCell%
  Return 0
CSV_MatchCellColumn(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, ColNumber, Instance=1)
  Local Row
  Local FoundInstance
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows

  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    CurrentString := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%ColNumber%
   IfEqual, CurrentString, %SearchText%
      FoundInstance ++
      If FoundInstance = %Instance%
        Return %Row%
  Return 0
CSV_MatchCellRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, RowNumber, Instance=1)
  Local Col
  Local FoundInstance
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
    Col := A_Index
    CurrentString := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%RowNumber%_Col%Col%
   IfEqual, CurrentString, %SearchText%
     FoundInstance ++
     If FoundInstance = %Instance%
       Return %Col%
  Return 0
CSV_MatchRow(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance=1)
  Local Col
  Local Row
  Local CurrentRow
  Local FoundInstance
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    Row := A_Index
    CurrentRow =
    Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
      Col := A_Index
      CurrentRow .= %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col%
      If Col <> %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
        CurrentRow .= "`,"
      IfEqual, CurrentRow, %SearchText%
        FoundInstance ++       
        If FoundInstance = %Instance%
          Return %Row%
  Return 0
CSV_MatchCol(CSV_Identifier, SearchText, Instance=1)
Local Col
Local Row
Local CurrentCol
Local FoundInstance
CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols   
Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
    Col := A_Index
    CurrentCol =
    Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
      Row := A_Index
      CurrentCol .= %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col%
      If Row <> %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
        CurrentCol .= "`,"
      IfEqual, CurrentCol, %SearchText%
        FoundInstance ++
        If FoundInstance = %Instance%
          Return %Col%
Return 0
CSV_ReadCell(CSV_Identifier, Row, Col)
  Local CellData
  CellData := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%Col%
  Return %CellData%
CSV_ReadRow(CSV_Identifier, RowNumber)
  Local CellData
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols 
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
    RowData .= %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%RowNumber%_Col%A_Index%
    If A_Index <> %CurrentCSV_TotalCols%
      RowData .= "`,"
  Return %RowData%
CSV_ReadCol(CSV_Identifier, ColNumber)
  Local CellData
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows   
  Loop, %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
    ColData .= %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%A_Index%_Col%ColNumber%
    If A_Index <> %CurrentCSV_TotalRows%
      ColData .= "`,"
  Return %ColData%
CSV_LVLoad(CSV_Identifier, Gui=1, x=10, y=10, w="", h="", header="", Sort=0, AutoAdjustCol=1)
  Local Row
  CurrentCSV_TotalRows := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalRows
  CurrentCSV_TotalCols := %CSV_Identifier%CSV_TotalCols
  If %CSV_Identifier%CSV_LVAlreadyCreated =
    Gui, %Gui%:Add, ListView, v%CSV_Identifier% x%x% y%y% w%w% h%h%, %header%
    %CSV_Identifier%CSV_LVAlreadyCreated =
  ;Set GUI window, clear any existing data
  Gui, %Gui%:Default
  GuiControl, -Redraw, %CSV_Identifier%
  Sleep, 200

  ;Add Data
  Loop, %currentcsv_totalrows%
    LV_Add("", "")
  Loop, %currentcsv_totalrows%
    Row := A_Index
    Loop, %currentCSV_TotalCols%
    LV_Modify(Row, "Col" . A_Index, %CSV_Identifier%CSV_Row%Row%_Col%A_Index%)
  ;Display Data
  If Sort <> 0
    LV_ModifyCol(Sort, "Sort")

  If AutoAdjustCol = 1
  GuiControl, +Redraw, %CSV_Identifier%
CSV_LVSave(FileName, CSV_Identifier, Delimiter=",",OverWrite=1, Gui=1)
  Gui, %Gui%:Default
  Gui, ListView, %CSV_Identifier%
  Rows := LV_GetCount()
  Cols := LV_GetCount("Col")

  IfExist,2 %FileName%
    If OverWrite = 0
      Return 0
  FileDelete, %FileName%

  Loop, %Rows%
    FullRow =
    Row := A_Index
    Loop, %Cols%
      LV_GetText(CellData, Row, A_Index)
      FullRow .= Format4CSV(CellData)
      If A_Index <> %Cols%
        FullRow .= Delimiter
    stringreplace, checkforemptyrow, fullrow, %Delimiter%,,all ; xx
    If (checkforemptyrow = "")
    	Continue ; /xx
    If Row <> %Rows%
      FullRow .= "`n"
    EntireFile .= FullRow
  FileAppend, %EntireFile%, %FileName%
; Format4CSV by Rhys
   Reformat:=False ;Assume String is OK
   IfInString, F4C_String,`n ;Check for linefeeds
      Reformat:=True ;String must be bracketed by double quotes
   IfInString, F4C_String,`r ;Check for linefeeds
   IfInString, F4C_String,`, ;Check for commas
   IfInString, F4C_String, `" ;Check for double quotes
   {   Reformat:=True
      StringReplace, F4C_String, F4C_String, `",`"`", All ;The original double quotes need to be double double quotes
   If (Reformat)
      F4C_String=`"%F4C_String%`" ;If needed, bracket the string in double quotes
   Return, F4C_String
; Delimiter Seperated Values by DerRaphael
; Proof of Concept to extract DSV (Delimiter Seperator Values)
;      - adapted for AHK by derRaphael / 21st July 2008 -
;                           [email protected]
; Following rules apply:
;   You have to set a delimiter char and an encapsulation char.
;   1) If you're using the delimeter char within your value, the value has
;      to be surrounded by your encapsulation char. One at beginning and one
;      at its end.
;   2) If you're using your encapsulation char within your value you have to
;      double it each time it occurs and surround your value as in rule 1.
; Remarks:
;   The whole concept will break, when using same EOL (End Of Line) as LineBreaks
;   in a value as in the entire file. Either you will have to escape these chars
;   somehow or use a single linefeed (`n) in values and carriage return linefeed
;   (`r`n) as EOL in your DSV file.
;   Encapsulation and delimiter chars have to be single Chars. Strings containing
;   more than one char are not supported by concept.
;Loop, % ReturnDSVArray(CurrentDSVLine)
;   MsgBox % A_Index ": " DSVfield%A_Index%

ReturnDSVArray(CurrentDSVLine, ReturnArray="DSVfield", Delimiter=",", Encapsulator="""")
   if ((StrLen(Delimiter)!=1)||(StrLen(Encapsulator)!=1))
      return -1                            ; return -1 indicating an error ...
   SetFormat,integer,H                      ; needed for escaping the RegExNeedle properly
   local d := SubStr(ASC(delimiter)+0,2)    ; used as hex notation in the RegExNeedle
   local e := SubStr(ASC(encapsulator)+0,2) ; used as hex notation in the RegExNeedle
   SetFormat,integer,D                      ; no need for Hex values anymore

   local p0 := 1                            ; Start of search at char p0 in DSV Line
   local fieldCount := 0                    ; start off with empty fields.
   CurrentDSVLine .= delimiter              ; Add delimiter, otherwise last field
   ;                                          won't get recognized
      Local RegExNeedle := "\" d "(?=(?:[^\" e "]*\" e "[^\" e "]*\" e ")*(?![^\" e "]*\" e "))"
      Local p1 := RegExMatch(CurrentDSVLine,RegExNeedle,tmp,p0)
      ; p1 contains now the position of our current delimitor in a 1-based index
      fieldCount++                         ; add count
      local field := SubStr(CurrentDSVLine,p0,p1-p0)
      ; This is the Line you'll have to change if you want different treatment
      ; otherwise your resulting fields from the DSV data Line will be stored in AHK array
      if (SubStr(field,1,1)=encapsulator)
       ; This is the exception handling for removing any doubled encapsulators and
       ; leading/trailing encapsulator chars
       field := RegExReplace(field,"^\" e "|\" e "$")
       StringReplace,field,field,% encapsulator encapsulator,%encapsulator%, All
      Local _field := ReturnArray A_Index  ; construct a reference for our ReturnArray name
      %_field% := field                    ; dereference _field and assign our value to it
      if (p1=0)
      {                          ; p1 is 0 when no more delimitor chars have been found
         fieldCount--                     ; so correct fieldCount due to last appended delimitor
         Break                            ; and exit loop
      } Else
         p0 := p1 + 1                     ; set the start of our RegEx Search to last result
   }                                        ; added by one
   return fieldCount

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Posts: 1608
Joined: 01 Oct 2013, 07:52

Re: GUI does not immediately reacts during a loop.

06 Nov 2018, 14:56

Try throwing a function call to the gui from inside the conditional statement

Code: Select all

        if A_SEC =30
                  GuiCall( "params" ) ; pseudo function call
                  sleep, 800
Posts: 12
Joined: 09 Oct 2018, 08:51

Re: GUI does not immediately reacts during a loop.

07 Nov 2018, 01:46

Thank your for your fast reply.
I will have to understand the function call, before implementing your solution :-)
I will read the AHK docs about it.

I also would like to understand why it doesn't work in the first place.
Any hints?
just me
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Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 08:51
Location: Germany

Re: GUI does not immediately reacts during a loop.

07 Nov 2018, 04:39

I don't know why you need that loop. But, if AUTO_MANUELL: has been triggered as the Pic control's g-label, it cannot be triggered again before the subroutine thread returns, i.e. before the loop has finished.

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