Choose colour by Windows dialogue box? Topic is solved

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Choose colour by Windows dialogue box?

19 Nov 2018, 10:30

Hi, is there a way to use the default Windows colour chooser thingumajig that you see everywhere, rather than having to use a bespoke constructor? I had the feeling this ought to work with an OS call or a command, but I don't see a command for it.

I know there are quite a few AHK scripts for colour pickers (and colour constructors, slider-outputty things), but I just thought it would suit my script to use something built in to the Windows API.
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Re: Choose colour by Windows dialogue box?  Topic is solved

21 Nov 2018, 20:01

Hi Ahketype,

Would this help?

Code: Select all


X := "Center"
Y := "Center"
CustomColors := [0xFF0000,0x00FF00,0x0000FF]  ; Red, Green, Blue

Gui, New, +HwndhWnd
Gui, Show, x%X% y%X% w1 h1 Hide
MsgBox, % ChooseColor(0x00FF00, CustomColors, hWnd)
CustomColorsString := "Custom Colors:`n"
for each, Color in CustomColors
   CustomColorsString .= each ".`t" Format("{:06X}", Color) "`n"
MsgBox % CustomColorsString


ChooseColor(StartingRGB := 0x0, CustomRGBs := "", hWnd := 0x0, Flags := 0x3) {  ; CC_RGBINIT = 0x1, CC_FULLOPEN = 0x2
   VarSetCapacity(CustomColors, 64, 0)
   NumPut(VarSetCapacity(CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 72 : 36, 0), CC, 0, "UInt")
   NumPut(hWnd ? hWnd : A_ScriptHwnd, CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 8 : 4, "Ptr")
   NumPut(COLORREF(StartingRGB), CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 12, "UInt")
   NumPut(&CustomColors, CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 32 : 16, "Ptr")
   NumPut(Flags, CC, A_PtrSize = 8 ? 40 : 20, "UInt")
   if IsObject(CustomRGBs)
      for each, RGB in CustomRGBs
         NumPut(COLORREF(RGB), CustomColors, (each-1)*4, "UInt")
      Until each = 16
   if DllCall("comdlg32\ChooseColor", "Ptr", &CC, "Int") {
      if IsObject(CustomRGBs)
         Loop, 16
            CustomRGBs[A_Index] := COLORREF(NumGet(CustomColors, (A_Index-1)*4, "UInt"))
      Offset := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 24 : 12
      Return Format("{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", NumGet(CC, Offset, "UChar"), NumGet(CC, Offset+1, "UChar"), NumGet(CC, Offset+2, "UChar"))

COLORREF(RGB) {  ; Switches red and blue
   Return ((RGB & 0xFF) << 16) + (RGB & 0xFF00) + ((RGB >> 16) & 0xFF)

typedef struct tagCHOOSECOLOR {     Type  Offset  Length
  DWORD        lStructSize;         UInt   0      4
  HWND         hwndOwner;           Ptr    4/8    4/8
  HWND         hInstance;           Ptr    8/16   4/8
  COLORREF     rgbResult;           UInt  12/24   4
  COLORREF     *lpCustColors;       Ptr   16/32   4/8
  DWORD        Flags;               UInt  20/40   4
  LPARAM       lCustData;           Ptr   24/48   4/8
  LPCCHOOKPROC lpfnHook;            Ptr   28/56   4/8
  LPCWSTR      lpTemplateName;      Ptr   32/64   4/8


Edit: Added a limit in case the size of the CustomRGBs array is larger than 16.
Last edited by iPhilip on 22 Nov 2018, 16:40, edited 1 time in total.
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)
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Re: Choose colour by Windows dialogue box?

21 Nov 2018, 20:13

Oh wow! That's the one. :dance:
Thanks a million. Did you code it?
Posts: 822
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 12:21

Re: Choose colour by Windows dialogue box?

21 Nov 2018, 20:17

Yes. It was inspired by this post by SKAN but I expanded it. :)
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)
Posts: 191
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Location: Yorkshire, UK

Re: Choose colour by Windows dialogue box?

21 Nov 2018, 20:26

Great. I'll check that out too. You just saved me days of work writing a colour picker (which I did once and then somehow lost), but really I wanted the Windows one anyway.
Posts: 822
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 12:21

Re: Choose colour by Windows dialogue box?

21 Nov 2018, 21:34

Glad to be of help. :)
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)

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