Posting to Facebook AS a Page - Requesting Help

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Posting to Facebook AS a Page - Requesting Help

18 Jan 2019, 10:11

I'm not familiar with the languages allowed in the API SDK for Facebook .

I found this, but it's several years old and I know that Facebook has changed things since then... to what, I can't say for sure, but I've read in the past how some people have had to work around their changes when they happened.

Has anyone successfully created a script that can upload a textual post (or a link) AS a Facebook Page in Chrome or Firefox? If so, what all is involved? How difficult is it to add an image, or can that even be done?

I know there needs to be a token, but what else?

Many thanks.
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Re: Posting to Facebook AS a Page - Requesting Help

25 Aug 2019, 13:40

To post something in a Facebook page, you can use the Facebook Graph API. There are many implementations for all languages. For example, you can create on the Facebook Developer page with the Graph API Explorer a cURL. And you AHK to modify it and "post" it.

The script in the medium article is to post on the private wall. Because this is not more possible since the Graph API update. It uses the JavaScript module Puppeteer and I think, the script in the article is a shell script. But I'm not sure.
At the moment I'm trying to get "pyppeteer" to work. This is the Python implementation of this JavaScript module.

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