COM Help

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COM Help

21 Apr 2019, 19:06

Hi guys,

I'm trying to make a program that asks for the name of a university "e.g., central michigan university"

then scours the first 10 hits of studyblue for cue cards for different classes, and prints those to a folder on my computer.

a screenshot from the site is right here https

the problem i'm having is that i'm trying to look for how many decks of cue cards there are available (highlighted yellow number), and then if it is greater than 0, click the link and go to the course to print them off.

using css selectors, i saw that each course (e.g., Economics 101) has its own selector of the format

Code: Select all

#course-list-items > div:nth-child(#) >
where # is 1,2,3,4, etc.

so I was trying to loop through these numbers and get the innertext of the span that contains the highlighted yellow number to know whether to click on it, but I have been getting errors no matter what I try.

Here's my code

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

pwb := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
pwb.visible := true
pwb.toolbar := false
numberlink := 21
num := 1

InputBox query
StringReplace, search, query, %A_Space%, `%20, all
navigate = https /#search/classes/%search%/scope=ALL  Broken Link for safety
MsgBox % navigate
while pwb.ReadyState != 4
	Sleep, 100

Loop, 10 {
	queryselected = "#course-list-items > div:nth-child(%num%) > div > a"
	cards = "#shared-content-view > section > div > div > div.document-list > div > div:nth-child(%num%) > > a"
	counter = "#course-list-items > div:nth-child(%num%) >"
	value = pwb.document.querySelector(%counter%).InnerText
	msgbox % queryselected
	msgbox % value
	if (pwb.document.querySelector(counter).innerText > 0) {
		coursename = document.querySelector(queryselected).InnerText
		while pwb.ReadyState != 4
			Sleep, 100
		Loop, %value% {
			while pwb.ReadyState != 4
				Sleep, 100
			while pwb.ReadyState != 4
				Sleep, 100
			pwb.document.queryselector("#printDeck > span").Click()
			while pwb.ReadyState != 4
				Sleep, 100
			pwb.document.queryselector("body > div > div.instructions > div > div.steps.steps-02 > div > a").Click()
			pwb.visible := true
			while pwb.ReadyState != 4
				Sleep, 100
			Send, {enter}
			Send, %query%%num%
			Send, ^{l}
			Send, ^{a}
			tosend = C:\Users\tgrid\OneDrive\Desktop\AHKStudio\Projects\Colleges\%query%
			Send, %tosend%
			Send, {enter}
			Send, {enter}
			Send, {enter}
			pwb.visible := false
	num := num + 1
can someone please help me! I've been at this for hours lol

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