[Automatic Hotkey] Auto-run an existing hotkey when an app starts?

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Joined: 01 May 2019, 21:48

[Automatic Hotkey] Auto-run an existing hotkey when an app starts?

01 May 2019, 22:17

- I have an app called (sizer 4.0) which uses hotkeys to resize/move selected windows.
- In sizer 4.0, one hotkey I have set is (alt + m) which resizes a window and centers it on-screen.

A few of my applications won't start up at the center of my screen (when I launch their exe files). Can someone think up a script which will automatically run a (alt + m) keystroke when I start up those applications?

For example: I double-click firefox, autohotkey sees that firefox.exe has launched, the (alt + m) keystroke will automatically register w/out me typing it?

So, quite literally, an automatic hotkey (automatically run/register a keystroke when a specific exe launches)
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Joined: 18 Nov 2017, 05:50

Re: [Automatic Hotkey] Auto-run an existing hotkey when an app starts?

02 May 2019, 00:25

Try this:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx

ProcessArray := []
    WinWaitActive, ahk_exe i)\\notepad|winword|wordpad\.exe$ 	; Wait for one of the applications to open
    WinGet, ProcessID, PID										; Get the process ID (PID) of the application's window
    If(!ProcessArray[ProcessID])								; If the window isn't recognized in the array
        Send, ^m
        ProcessArray[ProcessID] := true							; Add the window's PID to the array
    WinWaitNotActive											; Wait until the window is no longer active
    For index, value in ProcessArray							; Loop through the array
      If(!WinExist("ahk_pid " index))							; If any recognized window no longer exists
          ProcessArray.Delete(index)							; Delete the window's PID from the array
Replace the executable names on the WinWaitActive line to the names of your executables (without the ".exe"). Add more by adding more pipe (|) characters. All of the array, process and ID business is just to prevent Ctrl+M from being sent to each window more than once (at launch).
Posts: 2
Joined: 01 May 2019, 21:48

Re: [Automatic Hotkey] Auto-run an existing hotkey when an app starts?

02 May 2019, 20:35

Thanks for the response! They keystroke was (alt + m) so I switched '^m' to '!m'. That kind of works but some of the applications are .Ink files...
Posts: 453
Joined: 18 Nov 2017, 05:50

Re: [Automatic Hotkey] Auto-run an existing hotkey when an app starts?

02 May 2019, 23:00

fakerwilliam wrote:
02 May 2019, 20:35
Thanks for the response! They keystroke was (alt + m) so I switched '^m' to '!m'. That kind of works but some of the applications are .Ink files...
Sorry about that. I misremembered you as wanting Ctrl+M.

As for .lnk files, those are just shortcuts to other files. You need to right-click on them, choose Properties and then see what the names of the files are in the Target boxes.

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