Goto meeting automation

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Goto meeting automation

09 May 2019, 06:15

I've been trying to figure out how to automate some functionality from goto meeting, but I haven't seen anything in my searches so I thought I'd ask around.

Does anyone know of any script examples that use AHK to start a meeting, or collect the invite and are able to generate the email invite from goto meeting? Maybe some command line switches?
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Re: Goto meeting automation

09 May 2019, 06:25

You need to describe a little better what you want help with. (is "goto meeting" a program or...)
Is the invite on the computer or on internet or.. Do you want to make a AHK-script to write an email and send it automatically?
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Re: Goto meeting automation

09 May 2019, 07:03

Albireo wrote:
09 May 2019, 06:25
You need to describe a little better what you want help with. (is "goto meeting" a program or...)
Is the invite on the computer or on internet or.. Do you want to make a AHK-script to write an email and send it automatically?
Gotomeeting is a video conferencing system. When you install, you can click 'start meeting' and then, 'create invite'. This auto generates an email with a clickable link allowing someone else to join your meeting.

I'm trying to see if anyone knows of some command line switches or apis I can consume to utilize this functionality from within autohotkey
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Re: Goto meeting automation

09 May 2019, 10:51

Stavencross wrote:
09 May 2019, 07:03
... Gotomeeting is a video conferencing system. ...
GoToMeeting seems to be a web-based program. Do you get some values from the GoToMeeting page with Window Spy?
Is it one computer / many computers you want to automate? (One computer is easier than many with different conditions.)
One way that always works, is with a mouse click on a specific position. If you want to be sure, check the color of the desired position before clicking the mouse.
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Re: Goto meeting automation

14 Apr 2020, 14:07


Also working on Goto meetiing automation with AutoHotKey (AHK).
To join a Goto Meeting the end user clicks a web link.
After GoTo Meeting landing page loads, the attendee has to click a button to join meeing.

My question is:
  • How can AHK be programmed to click the "Open GoTo Opener" button after the Goto Opener web page loads?
  • Is this operation possible with AutoHotKey?
The AHK Window spy information is known but where can information about how to use Window Spy with an AHK script be found?

Any clues appredated.
Thank you.
2020-04-14 15_01_49-Clipboard.png
2020-04-14 15_01_49-Clipboard.png (102.7 KiB) Viewed 2588 times
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Re: Goto meeting automation

14 Apr 2020, 22:21

It's probably a javascript window - if so, Window Spy won't help much. You could perhaps use Imagesearch, PixelGetColor or some related technique based on visual clues.

Probably using browser automation would be more reliable (but not necessarily easier to implement) - Chrome.ahk, Selenium or Acc.ahk might offer viable methods.
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Re: Goto meeting automation

14 Apr 2020, 23:59

I got sick of clicking that popup when i want to join from web. Then i noticed the url is different for each is what i use to directly connect with web. (no app installed)
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Re: Goto meeting automation

15 Apr 2020, 10:12

Thank you for reply.

Looking for a way to automate Goto Meeting Web Opener page by clicking a button in a web broswer.
Not sure but the buttom may in fact be generated via JavaScript.

  • Where can ACC.ahk be downloaded from? Found a gist from Github but wonder if it is the authoratative site or not.
  • What is ACC.ahk used for?
  • Where are the ACC.ahk usage instructions?
  • Do you think tools like PhantomJS or Google Pupeteer might be use for this problem instead? Never used Selenium but familiar with it however.
  • How to add URL links to a post on this board? Because it always returns "Broken Link for safety" on preview using either the native URL tag or untagged web address.
@gregster Hear you loud and clear. Same with me. Do not want to click "Open Goto Meeting" button in the web browser.

From an AutoHotKey newbie.
Best regards.
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Re: Goto meeting automation

15 Apr 2020, 11:14


Broken URL thing: obviously used for forum security, officially restricted to new forum members (like bots)? Not sure if moderators are whitelisting members on request??

Workaraound. Try this ...
Link:// (getting rid of 'http://www.')
or that
http:\\\forum\index.php (changing / to \ , what btw, will be converted by any browser if c&p'ed)
in both cases, links won't be active but could be handled & read easier by your supporters. :)
Remember to use [code]CODE[/code]-tags for your multi-line scripts. Stay safe, stay inside, and remember washing your hands for 20 sec !
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Re: Goto meeting automation

15 Apr 2020, 12:17

Acc.ahk makes use of Microsofts Accessibility features. I personally haven't used it for browser automation (or much at all), but I think people used it for this. It looks rather complicated...

I answered you about the broken links in the Chrome.ahk thread... not much plain moderators can do than manually fixing your links, until you reach a certain post threshold. But yeah, you could try the workarounds.

Selenium works similar like Chrome.ahk (but again, not much personal experience), but wasn't PhantomJS rather a headless browser thing? That's probably not very useful in this case... and you could also use Chrome.ahk to run Chrome headless; afaik, Selenium offers similar features. Actually, I think PhantomJS was discontinued - at least partly - because there appeared better options with the Chrome debugging protocol (which afaik is now used by Puppeteer, Chrome.ahk and Selemium Chromedriver).

A caveat for Chrome.ahk (and probably Selenium): You will have to start Chrome in debug mode. Not really difficult and Chrome.ahk can do this for you, but I have no idea, if the use of this feature might be restricted in certain work environments... on the other hand, if you are already allowed to run AHK ;)

Let me see, if I have Chrome.ahk code that might help with this... but it could take a day, it's probably on a backup.

Not sure, what @Xtra was referring to, as I don't know Goto, but if there is a much simpler way by using or manipulating a link, I would go with that.
Edit: Ah, Xtra just posted again. I would try that suggestion first.
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Re: Goto meeting automation

15 Apr 2020, 12:21

Have you tried changing global to app in the url?
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Re: Goto meeting automation

17 Apr 2020, 08:59


Found Chrome.ahk v1.2 on Github by G33kDude.
Is this the correct one that your talking about?
Cannot post web links in a post yet.

Thank you.
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Re: Goto meeting automation

17 Apr 2020, 09:09

Yes, that's it. I thought you already discovered the related thread by GeekDude:
The first post there by GeekDude points to Releases on Github (at the end of the post).

But please note that in the Chrome.ahk 1.2 release, there is an important typo in this line:

Code: Select all

RegRead, ChromePath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Pahs\chrome.exe
It's missing a t in App Paths and should read instead:

Code: Select all

RegRead, ChromePath, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe

Sorry, I didn't get around to look into your specific problem. I plan to have a look on the weekend - but I am not 100% sure, if this is really a javascript dialog that you are looking at.

Did you look at Xtra's hint in this topic here?
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Re: Goto meeting automation

22 Apr 2020, 23:42

To come back to this... if there's still interest.

if Xtra's hint didn't work for you (what happened when you tried the replacement? it could surely be automated, if it works for you) and right-clicking the dialog didn't offer to inspect its elements, you could still try this with Chrome.ahk and see if a msgbox appears with the dialog - if so, it would be a good sign; what does the msgbox say?

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
#Include Chrome.ahk

; --- Create a new Chrome instance ---
FileCreateDir, ChromeProfile
ChromeInst := new Chrome("ChromeProfile")			

; --- Connect to the page ---
Page := ChromeInst.GetPage( , , "Callback")

	if (event.Method == "Page.javascriptDialogOpening")
		msgbox % "Message:  " event.params.message " `nType:  " event.params.type 

It should start up a new browser instance (and create an additional profile folder on first run - so I would put it into a separate folder for testing, together with Chrome.ahk).
In the original tab, just navigate to the page where the dialog will appear and see if a AHK msgbox shows up as well in the center of the screen.

If it all fails, we would somehow need to figure out what kind of dialog that is...
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Re: Goto meeting automation

27 Apr 2020, 14:41


Was able to use AHK's MouseMove and click commands to launch GoTo Meeting app on Windows 10.
Its probably not the most elegant method, so if there are any feedback or comments, please let me know.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance Force


	Run,  "https /join/123456789"  Broken Link for safety
	Sleep 2000
	MouseMove 619, 235
  • How to invoke an AHK script from another script?
    Ideally, Would like to to use Windows Task manager to schedule the unattended running of this AHK script.
    The goal is to automtically join the meeting without additional user confirmation input.
When using "", have to click through two screens. First to enter meeting number and another to join meeting.
Wonder if this might be easier to program since both the input area and button have HTML ID attributes clearly specified in source code.

  • input id="meetingId"
  • button id="joinMeeting"
Refer to screen shot for details.
app gotomeeting screen 2020-04-27 15_19_30-Window.png
app gotomeeting screen 2020-04-27 15_19_30-Window.png (34.37 KiB) Viewed 2159 times

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