Feel like I'm repeating myself unnecessarily

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Feel like I'm repeating myself unnecessarily

21 May 2019, 09:43

Hi guys,

Could someone please take a look a this piece of my script ? (full script in the attachment).

As some of you might know I'm working on some educational script for my kids. Below code does what I want, but I am
duplicating quite a bit of code, but I cannot figure out how to compact it.

It's not a great big deal, but it feels a bit like spaghetti code :yawn:

Thanks in advance for your help.

relevant snippet:

Code: Select all

GuiControl, enable, Answer
GuiControl, focus, Answer
GuiControl, hide, Woord
GuiControl, hide, GoodOrBad
GuiControl, show, Answer
GuiControl, disable, OkButton
Gui, 2: Submit,  NoHide
if(Answer = "")
	GuiControl, enable, OKButton
CheckAnswer := Instr(Answer, Woord, CaseSensitive := true)
if(CheckAnswer = 1) && (Answer = Woord)							 				; if answer is correct execute below
	GuiControl, , GoodOrBad, Goed !
	GuiControl, show, GoodOrBad
	Sleep, 1500
	GuiControl, hide, GoodOrBad
	FileReadLine, Woord, %Dictee%, % ++LineNum									; Read the next line from the file and store it in Woord
	if ErrorLevel = 1 														; end of file reached
		WrongAnswers := WrongAnswersArray.MaxIndex()
		if (WrongAnswersArray.MaxIndex() = "")  								; if no mistakes were made, replace empty MaxIndex string with the number 0
			WrongAnswers := 0												; reset variable
			FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Dictees\temp_fouten.txt
			WrongAnswersArray	:= []
			CorrectAnswersArray	:= []
		MsgBox, 4096,, % "Klaar je had " WrongAnswers " fouten" 					; get the number of mistakes
		Concat := ""
		For Each, WrongAnswer in WrongAnswersArray
			If (Concat <> "") 												; if concat is not empty
				Concat .= "`n" 											; add a line feed
			Concat .= CorrectAnswersArray[A_Index] . " jij antwoorde: " . WrongAnswer
		If (Concat <> "")
			MsgBox, 4096,, % Concat 											; show all wrong answers
		WrongAnswersArray := [] 												; clear Array 
		CorrectAnswersArray	:= []											; clear Array 
		Gui, 2: Destroy
		Gui, 1:  -Disabled ; enable gui 1
		Gui, 1: Show	
		if FileExist("Dictees\fouten.txt") 									; re-run the questions that have been answered wrongly
			sleep, 500
			SetControlDelay -1												; should improve reliabity
			ControlClick,, EduFun, Dictee,,, NA
	GuiControl, show, Woord
	GuiControl, hide, Answer
	GuiControl, enable, OkButton	
else																		; if answer is wrong execute below
	GuiControl, enable, OKButton
	GuiControl, show, Woord
	GuiControl, hide, Answer
	FileRead, CheckForDuplicates, %A_ScriptDir%\Dictees\fouten.txt
	SkipDuplicates := Instr(CheckForDuplicates, Woord)
	if(SkipDuplicates = 0) 													; only append wrong answer if it isn't already in fouten.txt
		FileAppend, %Woord%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\Dictees\fouten.txt	
	FileReadLine, Woord, %Dictee%, % ++LineNum									; Read the next line from the file and store it in Woord
	if ErrorLevel = 1 														; end of file reached
		WrongAnswers := WrongAnswersArray.MaxIndex()
		if (WrongAnswersArray.MaxIndex() = "")  								; if no mistakes were made, replace empty MaxIndex string with the number 0
			WrongAnswers := 0												; reset variable
			FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\Dictees\temp_fouten.txt
			WrongAnswersArray	:= []
			CorrectAnswersArray	:= []
		MsgBox, 4096,, % "Klaar je had " WrongAnswers " fouten" 					; get the number of mistakes
		Concat := ""
		For Each, WrongAnswer in WrongAnswersArray
			If (Concat <> "") 												; if concat is not empty
				Concat .= "`n" 											; add a line feed
			Concat .= CorrectAnswersArray[A_Index] . " jij antwoorde: " . WrongAnswer
		If (Concat <> "")
			MsgBox, 4096,, % Concat 											;	
		WrongAnswersArray := [] 												; clear Array 
		CorrectAnswersArray := [] 											; clear Array 
		Gui, 2: Destroy
		Gui, 1:  -Disabled ; enable gui 1
		Gui, 1: Show	
		if FileExist("Dictees\fouten.txt") 									; re-run the questions that have been answered wrongly
			sleep, 500
			SetControlDelay -1												; should improve reliabity
			ControlClick,, EduFun, Dictee,,, NA
	GuiControl, , GoodOrBad, Fout !
	GuiControl, show, GoodOrBad
GuiControl, 2:, Woord, %Woord%												; Update the word above the Edit box
GuiControl, 2:, Answer, 														; Erase the last answer from the Edit box
GuiControl, Disable, Answer 													; Disable control to prevent typing in the hidden edit box
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Re: Feel like I'm repeating myself unnecessarily

21 May 2019, 16:46

One thing you can do is wherever you are repeating the exact same lines, put them in a subroutine and replace those lines with a Gosub call.

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