Help reading remote variable

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Joined: 01 Mar 2018, 09:32

Help reading remote variable

06 Aug 2019, 11:59

I'm trying to control a script remotely. I can do most things ok, but I'm having trouble getting the status of a variable from a running script. Here's my test setup. The server status can be in three states "READY", "BUSY" and "RELOAD" but I can't seem to get it to report when it's "BUSY".


Code: Select all

#include Jxon.ahk
#include Socket.ahk
#include RemoteObj.ahk
#include AhkDllThread.ahk
#include ObjRegisterActive.ahk

ObjToPublish := new MyServer()
Bind_Addr := A_IPAddress1
Bind_Port := 8337
Server := new RemoteObj(ObjToPublish, [Bind_Addr,Bind_Port])
; ObjRegisterActive(Server, "{93C04B39-0465-4460-8CA0-7BFFF481FF98}")

class MyServer {

        __New() {
            STATUS := "READY"

        STATUS {
            get {
                if FileExist( "status.ini" ) {	
		            IniRead, STATUS, status.ini, General, STATUS
                return STATUS
            set {
                IniWrite, %value%, status.ini, General, STATUS
                return STATUS
            this.STATUS := "BUSY"            
            AhkThread := AhkDllThread(AhkDllPath)

            sleep 10000
            this.STATUS := "READY"

        reloadScript() {
            this.STATUS := "RELOAD"



Code: Select all

#include Jxon.ahk
#include Socket.ahk
#include RemoteObj.ahk
#include AhkDllThread.ahk
#singleInstance force

serverAddr := A_IPAddress1
serverPort := 8337
Remote := new RemoteObjClient([serverAddr, serverPort])
msgbox % Remote.STATUS ;READY/RELOAD
AhkThread := AhkDllThread(AhkDllPath)
msgbox % Remote.STATUS ;READY
sleep 3000
msgbox % Remote.STATUS ;RELOAD


Posts: 40
Joined: 01 Mar 2018, 09:32

Re: Help reading remote variable

06 Aug 2019, 12:27

I'm just thinking aloud here. This might be due to blocking in the socket....

Edit: Changing blocking to False caused every test to return empty.

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