How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

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How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 17:11

Hi Folks,
The FileCreateShortcut command includes an option to specify a ShortcutKey. However, the FileGetShortcut command does not retrieve that as one of the output variables. Is there some other way to determine what the ShortcutKey is? My goal is to save and restore all aspects of a shortcut, but the inability to get the ShortcutKey via FileGetShortcut makes that impossible to do via FileCreateShortcut, as far as I can tell. Thanks much, Joe
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 18:41

Try this:

Code: Select all

lnk := A_Desktop . "\FreeMind.lnk"

S_OK := 0, STGM_READ := 0
CLSID_ShellLink  := "{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
IID_IShellLinkA  := "{000214EE-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
IID_IShellLinkW  := "{000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
IID_IPersistFile := "{0000010B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
IID_IShellLink := A_IsUnicode ? IID_IShellLinkW : IID_IShellLinkA

HOTKEYF_ALT     := 0x4
HOTKEYF_EXT     := 0x8

IShellLink := ComObjCreate(CLSID_ShellLink, IID_IShellLink)
GetHotkey := 12
IPersistFile := ComObjQuery(IShellLink, IID_IPersistFile)
Load      := 5

XFmt := Func("Format").Bind("{:#x}")

Loop 1 {
   hr := Vtable(IPersistFile, Load).Call("Ptr", &lnk, "UInt", STGM_READ, "UInt")
   if (hr != S_OK && error := "IPersistFile::Load failed, error: " . XFmt.Call(hr))
   hr := Vtable(IShellLink, GetHotkey).Call("UShortP", buff, "UInt")
   (hr != S_OK && error := "IShellLink::GetHotkey failed, error: " . XFmt.Call(hr))
if error
   throw Exception(error)

key := GetKeyName("vk" . Format("{:X}", buff & 0xFF))
mod := buff >> 8
Shift := mod & HOTKEYF_SHIFT   ? "Shift + " : ""
Ctrl :=  mod & HOTKEYF_CONTROL ? "Ctrl + "  : ""
Alt :=   mod & HOTKEYF_ALT     ? "Alt + "   : ""
Ext :=   mod & HOTKEYF_EXT     ? "Numpad"   : "" ; not sure

MsgBox, % Shift . Ctrl . Alt . Ext . key

Vtable(ptr, n) {
   return Func("DllCall").Bind(NumGet(NumGet(ptr+0), A_PtrSize*n), "Ptr", ptr)
I'm not sure about HOTKEYF_EXT.
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 20:16

For reference, I wrote something similar here:
Get shortcut target without evaluating environment variables - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 20:34

Hi teadrinker,
Superb! Works perfectly! :thumbup: HOTKEYF_EXT (NumPad) works fine, too. Tested on both W7 and W10. Thanks very much! My only problem now is that FileCreateShortcut creates all shortcut keys as Ctrl+Alt shortcuts. :( Cheers, Joe
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 20:37

Hi jeeswg,
Thanks for the link...I'll have a look at it. Regards, Joe
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 20:38

My link includes an alternative version of FileCreateShortcut. :)
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 20:52

jeeswg wrote:an alternative version of FileCreateShortcut
Does it support other than Ctrl+Alt shortcuts?
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 20:59

That was the main reason I wrote the function, to handle shortcut keys generally.
Although the functions may not handle HOTKEYF_EXT (NumPad) correctly. So you might want to tweak them.

That said, if you just wanted to store shortcut information, then restore it, you could create modified versions of the functions, that get/set the raw shortcut key number, obtained via IShellLink::GetHotkey/IShellLink::SetHotkey, but that do not convert them to a friendly string.
Last edited by jeeswg on 02 Dec 2019, 21:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 21:18

jeeswg wrote:if you just wanted to store shortcut information, then restore it
Yes, that's my entire purpose for this! I want to be able to delete a shortcut from the desktop, then restore it at a later time, fully intact.
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

02 Dec 2019, 23:57

Hi jeeswg,
One of your comments at the thread you posted says that you updated JEE_FileGetShortcut and JEE_FileCreateShortcut. I'd like to be sure that I have the latest versions of them...please post links to both. Thanks, Joe
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 00:24

The most up-to-date version of each function, would be the lowest-down appearance of the function definition on that page. Cheers.
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 03:12

Hi jeeswg,

I think I got the latest ones...JEE_FileCreateShortcut is here:

But I cannot get it to create the shortcut key...can you?

Running on W7/64-bit with v1.1.32.00/U64, if that matters. The test script that I'm using is below. It creates the shortcut with everything set properly...except for the shortcut key...that displays in the shortcut's Properties as None. Regards, Joe

Code: Select all

vTarget:="c:\temp\test jeeswg.txt"
vPathLink:=A_Desktop . "\test jeeswg link " . A_Now . ".lnk"
vArgs:="a b c"
vDescription:="shortcut description"
MsgBox,4096,Create Done,%vPathLink%

JEE_FileCreateShortcut(vTarget, vPathLink, vWorkingDir:="", vArgs:="", vDescription:="", vIconFile:="", vShortcutKey:="", vIconNum:=0, vRunState:="")
  static IID_IShellLinkW := "{000214F9-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
  static CLSID_ShellLink := "{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
  static IID_IPersistFile := "{0000010b-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
  if !(pSL := ComObjCreate(CLSID_ShellLink, IID_IShellLinkW))
    return 0

  ;set Target
  ;SLGP_RAWPATH := 0x4 ;SLGP_UNCPRIORITY := 0x2 ;SLGP_SHORTPATH := 0x1 ;source: ShObjIdl.h
  if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 20*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "WStr",vTarget) ;IShellLink::SetPath
    return 0

  ;set WorkingDir
  if !(vWorkingDir = "")
  && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 9*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "WStr",vWorkingDir) ;IShellLink::SetWorkingDirectory
    return 0

  ;set Args
  if !(vArgs = "")
  && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 11*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "WStr",vArgs) ;IShellLink::SetArguments
    return 0

  ;set Description
  if !(vDescription = "")
  && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 7*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "WStr",vDescription) ;IShellLink::SetDescription
    return 0

  ;set IconFile and IconNum
  if !(vIconFile = "")
  && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 17*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "WStr",vIconFile, "Int",vIconNum) ;IShellLink::SetIconLocation
    return 0

  if !(vShortcutKey = "")
    vHotkeyNum := 0
    if RegExMatch(vShortcutKey, "^.?\+.")
      vHotkeyNum |= (0x1 << 8) ;HOTKEYF_SHIFT := 0x1
      vShortcutKey := StrReplace(vShortcutKey, "+", "",, 1)
    if RegExMatch(vShortcutKey, "^.?\^.")
      vHotkeyNum |= (0x2 << 8) ;HOTKEYF_CONTROL := 0x2
      vShortcutKey := StrReplace(vShortcutKey, "^", "",, 1)
    if RegExMatch(vShortcutKey, "^.?!.")
      vHotkeyNum |= (0x4 << 8) ;HOTKEYF_ALT := 0x4
      vShortcutKey := StrReplace(vShortcutKey, "!", "",, 1)
    if vVK := GetKeyVK(vShortcutKey)
      vHotkeyNum |= vVK
    if vVK
    && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 13*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "UShort",vHotkeyNum) ;IShellLink::SetHotkey
      return 0

  if !(vRunState = "")
  && DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pSL+0) + 15*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pSL, "Int",vRunState) ;IShellLink::SetShowCmd
    return 0

  if !(pPF := ComObjQuery(pSL, IID_IPersistFile))
    return 0
  vSize := DllCall("kernel32\GetFullPathNameW", "WStr","\\?\" vPathLink, "UInt",0, "Ptr",0, "Ptr*",0, "UInt")
  VarSetCapacity(vPath2, vSize*2, 0)
  if !DllCall("kernel32\GetFullPathNameW", "WStr","\\?\" vPathLink, "UInt",vSize, "Ptr",&vPath2, "Ptr*",0, "UInt")
    return 0
  if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pPF+0) + 6*A_PtrSize), "Ptr",pPF, "Ptr",&vPath2, "Int",1) ;IPersistFile::Save
    return 0

  return 1
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 03:27

Try vShortcutKey:="+^!q".
There's a slight issue with the RegEx, I'll post again when I've replaced it with something slightly more intuitive.
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 03:50

That works!
I'll post again when I've replaced it with something slightly more intuitive.
Looking forward to it, but it's almost 3:00am in my neck of the woods, so this is my last post for the night. Will check back into the thread first thing in my morning. Regards, Joe
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 04:35

OK. Done.

I'm thinking we need a built-in HotkeySplit function.
So +^!a would split to +^! and a.

Code: Select all

;q:: ;test split hotkeys
vList := " ;continuation section

vList2 := vList
vList2 .= "`n" StrReplace(vList, "q", "Left")
vList2 .= "`n" StrReplace(vList, "q", "")
vList2 .= "`n" StrReplace(vList, "q", "+")
vList2 .= "`n" StrReplace(vList, "q", "^")
vList2 .= "`n" StrReplace(vList, "q", "!")

vIsV1 := RegExMatch("", "", o) && !IsObject(o)
vPfx := vIsV1 ? "O)" : ""
vOutput := ""
Loop Parse, vList2, % "`n", % "`r"
	vHotkey := A_LoopField
	RegExMatch(vHotkey, vPfx "^([+^!]{0,3})(.+)$", oMatch)
	vOutput .= vHotkey "`t" oMatch.1 "`t" oMatch.2 "`r`n"
Clipboard := vOutput
MsgBox, % "done"

That might seem like a relatively minor function to have.
However, the way AHK parses hotkeys is pretty complex, and only if it were built-in, would it be really reliable.
And extra modifiers like $ would have to be handled also.
So I think it's just about worth implementing, and hopefully should be relatively trivial since AutoHotkey already contains the logic to do this.

Similarly, it would be useful to have an IsHotkey or IsValidHotkey function.
One use would be in parsing AHK scripts.
does string look like a hotkey - AutoHotkey Community

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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 15:08

Hi jeeswg,

Thanks for the updates. Just tested both on W7...worked perfectly! Btw, you should change a comment there...both sentences before the links say, "Get shortcut target..." You should change the second one to say, "Create shortcut target..."

Interesting idea on the HotkeySplit and IsValidHotkey them on the Wish List.

Thanks again to both teadrinker and you...great stuff! Regards, Joe
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Re: How to get the ShortcutKey of a shortcut

03 Dec 2019, 15:18

In the post, I'd written the thread title (which starts with 'Get shortcut target') before each of the 2 urls, I've now removed the thread titles, leaving just the urls. Good suggestion. Thanks.
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