Need a little help please

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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 20:47

Need a little help please

01 Oct 2013, 20:56

Hi all ,i'm having a little trouble atm with getting my background picture on my gui to work on other people's pc's works fine on mine but on another persons it just displays the picture name e.g bckground.jpg ,here is the code below ,would be great if someone could show me where im going wrong and help me get it right :)

Code: Select all

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

GameFile = iw3mp.exe
;GameFile = notepad.exe
portA = 28972
portB = 28973
portC = 28974
portD = 28975
portE = 28976
portF = 28977
IP =
GamePID = 0

PicFile = %A_Temp%\BCKGROUND.bmp
Gui, Add, Picture, x-8 y0 w660 h420 vPicWp,%PicFile%

Gui, Add, Picture, x-8 y0 w670 h420 , C:\Users\WATTZ\Desktop\BCKGROUND.jpg
Gui, Add, Button, x42 y160 w130 h40 gB_Options vB_tdmhc, TDM HC
Gui, Add, Button, x182 y160 w130 h40 gB_Options vB_tdm, TDM
Gui, Add, Button, x42 y220 w130 h40 gB_Options vB_dm, DEATHRUN
Gui, Add, Button, x182 y220 w130 h40 gB_Options vB_zom, ZOMBIES
Gui, Add, Button, x42 y280 w130 h40 gB_Options vB_mw2maps, MW2 MAPS
Gui, Add, Button, x182 y280 w130 h40 gB_Options vB_bomaps, BLACK OPS MAPS
Gui, Add, Button, x102 y350 w150 h30 gB_Options vB_fragforums, VIST FRAGZONE FORUMS
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Show, x127 y87 h414 w655, |FZ|COD4 SERVER CONNECTOR V1.1 By WATTZ & Temil2008

	if (A_GuiControl = "B_tdmhc")
		port := portA
	else if (A_GuiControl = "B_tdm")
		port := portB
	else if (A_GuiControl = "B_dm")
		port := portC
	else if (A_GuiControl = "B_zom")
		port := portD
	else if (A_GuiControl = "B_mw2maps")
		port := portE
	else if (A_GuiControl = "B_bomaps")
		port := portF
	else if (A_GuiControl = "B_fragforums")
		port = na
	if (port = "na")
	if (GamePID != 0)
		Process, Exist, %GamePID%
		ProcessExistA := ErrorLevel
		ProcessExistA = 0
	Process, Exist, %GameFile%
	ProcessExistB := ErrorLevel
	If (ProcessExistA = 0 AND ProcessExistB = 0)
		IfExist, %GameFile%
			Run, %GameFile% +connect %IP%:%port% , %A_ScriptDir% , GamePID
			Process, Priority, %GamePID%, high
			MsgBox,, 48, Unable to locate file "iw3mp.exe" within the folder the launcher was placed.
	else if (ProcessExistA != 0)
		GamePID := ProcessExistA
		gosub, SendToGame
	else if (ProcessExistB != 0)
		GamePID := ProcessExistB
		gosub, SendToGame

	WinActivate, ahk_pid %GamePID%
	WinWaitActive, ahk_pid %GamePID%,, 5
	ifwinactive, ahk_pid %GamePID%
		send, ``
		Sleep, 500
		Send, connect %IP%:%Port%
		Sleep, 250
		Send, {enter}
		MsgBox, Was unable to make the game window active within 5secs.

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Re: Need a little help please

01 Oct 2013, 21:03

The only thing that I can think of is, the picture doesn't exist on that machine.
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Re: Need a little help please

01 Oct 2013, 21:05

Menixator wrote:The only thing that I can think of is, the picture doesn't exist on that machine.

@line#18 You should not Delete the file, until the gui has actually been fully loaded.
Image Image Image Image Image
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