Goto is exiting the loop after its used once.

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Joined: 07 Mar 2017, 15:19

Goto is exiting the loop after its used once.

29 Jan 2020, 14:29

Trying to clean this code up a bit. Instead of using the same code both times in the else statements I added a GoTo, the problem is that it exits the script after one time accessing, i want it to keep looping thru the other *.pdfs in the folder. Just like it would if i kept the redundant code in both places. Any ideas? thanks in advance.

Code: Select all


Loop, C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\*, 2

if FileExist("C:\Users\" A_username "\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\" A_loopfilename "")

	FileFolder := A_loopfilename

	Loop, C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%A_loopfilename%\*.PDF

		SplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath,,,, name

		FileGetTime, TimeLocal
		FilePDF := A_LoopFilename

		If fileExist("C:\Users\" A_UserName "\Documents\SetupArchive\" name ".PDF"){ 

			FileGetTime, TimeArchive, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SetupArchive\%name%.PDF

			If (TimeLocal = TimeArchive)
				sleep 10
				GoTo, CopyDrawings

			GoTo, CopyDrawings

	FileCopy,  C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%FileFolder%\%FilePDF%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SetupArchive, 1
	FileCopy,  C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%FileFolder%\%FilePDF%, \\\plats\SetupArchive, 1
	FileCopy,  C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%FileFolder%\%FilePDF%, \\\users\%A_UserName%\SetupArchive, 1
Posts: 20
Joined: 07 Mar 2017, 15:19

Re: Goto is exiting the loop after its used once.

29 Jan 2020, 14:49

Ok found this, so i put the lines of code above loop and it works perfectly.
Posts: 440
Joined: 28 Apr 2018, 21:59

Re: Goto is exiting the loop after its used once.

29 Jan 2020, 14:50

The problem is that your label isn't set up correctly. Labels continue execution until they hit a return or exit statement. So your new code would look something like this.

Code: Select all


Loop, C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\*, 2

if FileExist("C:\Users\" A_username "\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\" A_loopfilename "")

	FileFolder := A_loopfilename

	Loop, C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%A_loopfilename%\*.PDF

		SplitPath, A_LoopFileLongPath,,,, name

		FileGetTime, TimeLocal
		FilePDF := A_LoopFilename

		If fileExist("C:\Users\" A_UserName "\Documents\SetupArchive\" name ".PDF"){ 

			FileGetTime, TimeArchive, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SetupArchive\%name%.PDF

			If (TimeLocal = TimeArchive)
				sleep 10
				GoTo, CopyDrawings

			GoTo, CopyDrawings

	FileCopy,  C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%FileFolder%\%FilePDF%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Documents\SetupArchive, 1
	FileCopy,  C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%FileFolder%\%FilePDF%, \\\plats\SetupArchive, 1
	FileCopy,  C:\Users\%A_username%\AppData\Local\GreenFolders\GreenFolders\Temp\%FileFolder%\%FilePDF%, \\\users\%A_UserName%\SetupArchive, 1

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