is there more professional way to write this Topic is solved

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is there more professional way to write this

25 Mar 2020, 13:46

is there more professional way to write this:
+ how can i skip the first 3 Rows ?
thank you

Code: Select all

Loop, read, Class2019-2020.xlsx
    Loop, parse, A_LoopReadLine, %A_Tab%
		Arr_Column:=StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, A_Tab)
		Send, % Arr_Column[1] "{Enter}"
		Send, % Arr_Column[2] "{Enter}"
		Send, % Arr_Column[3] "{Enter}"
		msgbox, Copy Next Name

Each time it loops
Send Array1 enter
Send Array2 enter
Send Array3 enter
Wait for MsgBox Ok to send next 3 arrays from excel file
Excel File
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Delta Pythagorean
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

25 Mar 2020, 19:21

Hi, Barney!

I'm not super, duper amazing at programming, but I do know my way around AHK quite a bit ;).
If this doesn't work or if this isn't adequite for your needs, please do send a reply my way and someone (or I) get you going!

Code: Select all

Clear := False
Loop, Read, Class2019-2020.xlsx
	Line := A_Index
	Loop, Parse, A_LoopReadLine, % A_Tab
		If (Line == 1)											; If the line is the first line, then skip it.
		Arr_Column := StrSplit(A_LoopReadLine, A_Tab)
		Loop, 3
			SendInput, % Arr_Column[A_Index] . "{Enter}"
			Sleep, 1000
		MsgBox, 0x1,, Copy Next Name, 3							; Wait 3 seconds, if no input, then close the message box and continue.
		IfMsgBox, Cancel, {										; If you clicked Cancel, then stop reading.
			Clear := True
} Until (Clear == 1)
MsgBox, 0x0, Stopped reading!, The file was either fully read or you canceled it., 10
Hope this helps!

Cheers, Delta.

[AHK]......: v2.0.12 | 64-bit
[OS].......: Windows 11 | 23H2 (OS Build: 22621.3296)
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Re: is there more professional way to write this  Topic is solved

25 Mar 2020, 22:29

You can use COM EXCEL

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
XL := Excel_Get()
F1:: ; Press F1 to Start
	XL.Range("A3").select ; start from A3
		Name := XL.ActiveCell.Offset(0,0).text
		Seat := XL.ActiveCell.Offset(0,1).text
		Mark := XL.ActiveCell.Offset(0,2).text
        MsgBox, % "Name = " Name "`r`nSeat = " Seat "`r`nMark = " Mark ; Demo mode, you can disable this and enable 3 line below
		;~ Send, %Name% {Enter}
		;~ Send, %Seat% {Enter}
		;~ Send, %Mark% {Enter}
		BlankData := XL.ActiveCell.text
		if (BlankData = "") {
            MsgBox, Done

; This script demonstrates using the Excel_Get function to get a reference to the active Excel application. Excel_Get 
; has a nice feature where it will exit edit-mode if you happen to be editing a cell when the function is called. 
/* excel get example
F7::  ; Press F7 to display Excel's caption and the name of the active workbook.
    xlApp := Excel_Get()
    if !IsObject(xlApp)  ; If Excel_Get fails it returns an error message instead of an object.
        MsgBox, 16, Excel_Get Error, % xlApp
    MsgBox, % "Caption: " xlApp.Caption "`n"
            . "Workbook: " xlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Name

Esc::ExitApp  ; Press Escape to exit this script.
; Excel_Get by jethrow (modified)
Excel_Get(WinTitle:="ahk_class XLMAIN", Excel7#:=1) {
    static h := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "oleacc", "Ptr")
    WinGetClass, WinClass, %WinTitle%
    if !(WinClass == "XLMAIN")
        return "Window class mismatch."
    ControlGet, hwnd, hwnd,, Excel7%Excel7#%, %WinTitle%
    if (ErrorLevel)
        return "Error accessing the control hWnd."
    VarSetCapacity(IID_IDispatch, 16)
    NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(0x0000000000020400, IID_IDispatch, "Int64"), "Int64")
    if DllCall("oleacc\AccessibleObjectFromWindow", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", -16, "Ptr", &IID_IDispatch, "Ptr*", pacc) != 0
        return "Error calling AccessibleObjectFromWindow."
    window := ComObject(9, pacc, 1)
    if ComObjType(window) != 9
        return "Error wrapping the window object."
        try return window.Application
        catch e
            if SubStr(e.message, 1, 10) = "0x80010001"
                ControlSend, Excel7%Excel7#%, {Esc}, %WinTitle%
                return "Error accessing the application object."

; References
;   Excel_Get forum thread -
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

25 Mar 2020, 22:46

Actually, Loop, read should not even work on excel files...
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

26 Mar 2020, 12:07

thank you "Delta Pythagorean" :thumbup:
thank you "Spark" :clap:
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

26 Mar 2020, 18:28

you too "flyingDman", i missed your comment at first.
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

26 Mar 2020, 20:32

@Spark's script should work just fine but remember that the larger the spreadsheet and the more COM calls, the slower this gets. Up to a couple of hundred rows like in your spreadsheet should be fine, but if it gets much larger, this type of script might be too slow. Instead of all those COM calls, you can use a single COM call to copy the entire "usedrange" onto the clipboard. The clipboard can then be parsed much faster. Something like this:

Code: Select all

Xl := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
data := Rtrim(clipboard,"`n")
loop, parse, data, `n, `r
	if (a_index > 2)
		msgbox % strsplit(a_loopfield,"`t").1 "`t" strsplit(a_loopfield,"`t").2 "`t" strsplit(a_loopfield,"`t").3
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

26 Mar 2020, 23:08

flyingDman wrote:
26 Mar 2020, 20:32
@Spark's script should work just fine but remember that the larger the spreadsheet and the more COM calls, the slower this gets. Up to a couple of hundred rows like in your spreadsheet should be fine, but if it gets much larger, this type of script might be too slow. Instead of all those COM calls, you can use a single COM call to copy the entire "usedrange" onto the clipboard. The clipboard can then be parsed much faster. Something like this:

Code: Select all

Xl := ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
data := Rtrim(clipboard,"`n")
loop, parse, data, `n, `r
	if (a_index > 2)
		msgbox % strsplit(a_loopfield,"`t").1 "`t" strsplit(a_loopfield,"`t").2 "`t" strsplit(a_loopfield,"`t").3
@flyingDman , thanks for your correction :thumbup:
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Re: is there more professional way to write this

27 Mar 2020, 00:08

Not a correction... merely a different way to do things.
14.3 & 1.3.7

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