Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

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Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

20 Feb 2021, 08:22

Hello everyone!

I have created a script to run a task on task scheduler, which can open notepad program.

I imported the task with this code:

Code: Select all

run, schtasks /create /tn "Open Notepad" /xml "C:\Users\%user%\Downloads\A\Open Notepad.xml" /ru %computer_name%\username /rp password
And the task has been successfully imported.

But I tried to enable it using this code:

Code: Select all

!v::  ; Enable Task:
TaskEnabled("Test", "\", True)

!e::  ; Disable Task:
TaskEnabled("Test", "\", False)

; TaskName: Name of the Task.
; TaskFolder: Folder where the Task is located.
; Enabled: 'True' to enable Task or 'False' to disable it.

TaskEnabled(TaskName, TaskFolder="\", Enabled=True)
	Service := ComObjCreate("Schedule.Service")
	Service.GetFolder(TaskFolder).GetTask(TaskName).Enabled := Enabled
When I hit "!v", the follwoing message appeared:
T.png (19.13 KiB) Viewed 638 times
I tried to replace "TaskName" and "TaskFolder" with the exact task name and its path to tasks folder inside System32, also the same dialogue box appeared.

Hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

20 Feb 2021, 09:53

But your new task is not called "Test", right?

The following worked when I tested it.

Code: Select all

If !A_IsAdmin && !RegExMatch(DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str"), " /restart(?!\S)") {
 Try Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%"

TaskEnabled("Adobe Acrobat Update Task", "\", False)

TaskEnabled(TaskName, TaskFolder := "\", Enabled := True)
	Service := ComObjCreate("Schedule.Service")
	Service.GetFolder(TaskFolder).GetTask(TaskName).Enabled := Enabled
Note Enabled := True, though it will not matter in this specific case.
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Re: Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

20 Feb 2021, 10:57

Yes, my task name is "Open Notepad", not "Test"

Your script worked for me but when I tried to enable the task after importing it immediately, the following dialogur box appeared:
A.png (18.38 KiB) Viewed 613 times
I think it is because the script triggered quickly before it realizes that the task file exists

Can you fix this with a time interval between the two codes?
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Re: Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

20 Feb 2021, 11:56

The following import routine worked for me.

Code: Select all

If !A_IsAdmin && !RegExMatch(DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str"), " /restart(?!\S)") {
 Try Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
task = Adobe Acrobat Update Task
xml  = e:\data\temp2\%task%.xml
RunWait, %A_WinDir%\System32\schtasks.exe /create /tn "%task%" /xml "%xml%" /ru SYSTEM,, Hide
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Re: Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

20 Feb 2021, 22:59

It worked perfectly!

Thanks very much!
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Re: Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

12 Jun 2021, 16:24

Hello all,

I'm trying to delete multiple scheduled tasks that all begin with the string "Foobar".

On Stack Overflow I found this Windows CMD code:

Code: Select all

For /F "Tokens=1*Delims=\" %# In ('SchTasks /Query /FO List^|Find /I "Foobar"')Do @SchTasks /Delete /TN "%$" /F
Can the above be run directly in/from an AutoHotkey script, like the basic command below can?

Code: Select all

Run Schtasks /delete /tn "\Foobar-123" /F
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Re: Script to enable a task in task scheduler not working!

12 Jun 2021, 17:30

You could try it like the ComSpec example, in case that works.

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