GUI slider position and then destroy once clicked outside the box

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GUI slider position and then destroy once clicked outside the box

14 Apr 2021, 22:47

I'm trying to show a slider (bottom right corner aligned) at the position of the mouse when clicked on the menu item, and then have it destroyed immediately when clicked out of, similar to how windows natively does it. I'm unsure of both. What am I missing?

Also, is there a way to make the slider update the variable as it is moved by the user on a held click? Right now it only updates when I release the click.

Code: Select all

color := "0x36373F"
trans := transvar := 230
transcalc := (transvar/2.55) ; conversion from 255 to 100 for slider tooltip

Gui, Slider:New, +HwndSliderID +Owner +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui, Slider:Add, Slider, vtransvar gOpac w150 TickInterval10 Page10 ToolTip, %transcalc%
Gui, Slider:Show, x-500 y-500 ; load off screen and reposition later?
WinGetPos,,, sliderW, sliderH, ahk_id %SliderID%
MouseGetPos, Xpos, Ypos
??? ; not sure how to position the GUI here
ToolTip, %SliderID%`n%sliderW%-%sliderH%`n`n%Xpos%-%Ypos% ; for testing

GuiControlGet, OpacSlider
transcalc := transvar
transvar := transvar*(51/20) ; conversion from 100 to 255 for GUI opacity
WinSet, TransColor, %color% %transvar%, ahk_id %KeyboardID%
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Re: GUI slider position and then destroy once clicked outside the box

15 Apr 2021, 05:51

Code: Select all

color := "0x36373F"
Gui, Slider:New, +HwndSliderID +Owner +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui, Add, Slider, vtransvar gOpac w150 TickInterval10 Page10 ToolTip AltSubmit, % 230 / 2.55
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
Gui, Slider:Show, x%xpos% y%ypos%, Slide

Sleep, 200
ToolTip, % trans := Round(transvar * 2.55)
WinSet, TransColor, %color% %trans%, ahk_id %KeyboardID%

#IfWinExist Slide ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI ahk_exe AutoHotkey.exe
WinGetClass, class, A
If (class = "AutoHotkeyGUI")
Gui, Slider:Hide

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