
Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1.1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys
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Joined: 17 Apr 2021, 05:57


17 Apr 2021, 06:13

Hi, i have idea to make chatbot to help me in work. I want to input word/tag/ or something to get information what to do to solve problem(sorry for my english). To be able to show the procedure that I have to follow to solve the problem. Ahkliza is best script for me but it can only answer in one line. Can someone help me or get me idea how can i change it? I want to get answer in few lines.

Orginal post: https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/29514-ahkliza-talk-to-me-and-i-answer-you/

Code: Select all

; AHKliza! v 0.7 lil script to chat with!

	gosub init

	dlg := "AHKLiza: Hello my Name is AHKLiza. What is your name?`n"
	gui, add, edit, r20 w400 vOut ReadOnly hwndOutHWND,%dlg%
	Gui, Add, edit, r1 wp vIn
	Gui, Add, Button, default w1 h1 hidden gAction!
	Gui, Menu, MenuBar
	Gui, Show
	GuiControl, Focus, In
	name := "You"


	FileSelectFile,fileName,s16,,Select a name to save your AHKLiza Chat,ChatLog (*.txt)
	if (fileName) {
		if (fileExist(fileName))

	dlg := ""

	MsgBox,0,AHKliza,A script to chat with. V 0.7 written by derRaphael
	GuiControlGet, text,, In
	tophit := 0
	hitcount := 0
	line := ""
	dlg := dlg name ": " text "`n"
	text := RegExReplace(Text,"[^\w ]"," ")
	if ((RegExMatch(Text,"i)my name is "))) {
		name := substr(text,InStr(text,p := "my name is ") + strlen(p))
		p := RegExMatch(name,"iU)(^.+\b)",name)
		Answer := "Hello " name "! How are You?"
	} else {
			word := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,"\t.+")
			if (RegExMatch(Text,"i)\b" word "\b")) {
				p := RegExMatch(A_Loopfield,"\t(\d)\t",hitcount)
				if (hitcount>=tophit) {
					tophit := hitcount
					line := A_LoopField
				if (hitcount=6)
		line := RegExReplace(line,"i)^[a-z ]+\t\d\t") "|"
		if !(hitcount)
			Line := "I dont get you.|Can you just say it different?|"
			      . "Talk about something else, please.|No good.|"
				  . "Why do you say something like that?|"
		if (c:=count(line,"|")) {
			StringSplit, Answer, line, |
			Answer := Answer%rnd%
			tophit := 0
			line := ""
	dlg := dlg "AHKLiza" ": " Answer "`n"
	if (qcount=3) {
		GuiControl, disable,In
		dlg := dlg "AHKLiza: You have been warned. I wont talk to you anymore. :P`n"
	SendMessage, 0x115, 7, 0,, ahk_id %outHWND%

	dlg := dlg "AHKLiza: Ok, once again. Now Be nice!`n"
	qcount := 0
	SendMessage, 0x115, 7, 0,, ahk_id %outHWND%
	return, (a:=RegExReplace(HayStack,"\Q" Needle "\E",Needle, CountValues)) ? CountValues : 0

Hello	3	How's it going?|Yo what's up?|Yo Yo Yo
Hello you	3	Howdy
Hello you there	3	G'day.
Hello friend	3	Hi Friend!
Goodbye	2	See ya later!|Good day, sir.|Later mang
Goodbye friend	2	Goodbye, friend.
c ya	2	See ya later!
c y	2	See ya later!
cyl8er	2	See ya later!
cy	2	See ya later!
read you	2	See ya later!
How	3	You got me!
How are you	3	I'm not sure|I'm doing fine|Swell, thanks for asking.
How r u	3	I'm not sure|I'm doing fine|Swell, thanks for asking.
How do	3	I don't know|I cannot answer that question
How is	3	I don't know how that is.
fun	2	What exactly is the fun about it!
no fun	2	Tell me why not.
You	2	Does that interest you?
U	2	Does that interest you?
You are	2	Let's not talk about me
name	4	I'm not good with names.
your name	4	Why is my name important?|Do you like my name?
yes	2	Ok, cool!|Fine with me.|Ok.
yo	2	Yeah, baby!
yep	2	I tell ya!
yeah	2	Cool!
no	3	Oh, ok.|Why not?|Oh really?|You seem to be a bit negative.
nope	3	Why not?|Oh really?|You seem to be a bit negative.
no im not	3	Yes You are!
Ok	3	If you say so.|Whatever you say =)|Fine with me.
Aight	3	If you say so.|Whatever you say =)|Fine with me.
Because	3	If you say so.|Whatever you say =)|Fine with me.
Have	3	Have what?
u have	3	I'm not sure if I have that.
have u	3	I'm not sure if I've done that.
you have	3	I'm not sure if I have that.
have you	3	I'm not sure if I've done that.
Doctor	4	I'm no doctor.|What's this about doctors?|Why does everybody think, i am a doctor? I'm not!
Doc	4	I'm no doctor.|What's this about doctors?|Why does everybody think, i am a doctor? I'm not!
Thanks	3	You're welcome!
Why	3	I'm not really sure.|Do you really have to know that?
know why	3	I don't know why.
Maybe	3	Ok.|Whatever you say.|If you say so.|I agree.
Probably	3	Ok.|Whatever you say.|If you say so.|I agree.
Possible	3	Ok.|Whatever you say.|If you say so.|I agree.
Where	4	I really couldn't tell you.
u live	4	Why do you want to know where I live?
u from	4	Why do you want to know where I'm from?
you live	4	Why do you want to know where I live?
you from	4	Why do you want to know where I'm from?
asl	4	None of your business. Lets talk about You.
a/s/l	4	None of your business. Lets talk about You.
What	3	WHAT!!!|I dont think thats a good idea.
Watt	3	WHAT!!!
father	4	Tell me about your family.|I'd like to hear more about your family.
mother	4	Tell me about your family.|I'd like to hear more about your family.
brother	4	Tell me about your family.|I'd like to hear more about your family.
sister	4	Tell me about your family.|I'd like to hear more about your family.
aunt	3	Tell me about your family.|I'd like to hear more about your family.
uncle	3	Tell me about your family.|I'd like to hear more about your family.
god	3	Sorry, I don't know him.|I'm not into religion, sorry.
Like	3	I'm not sure.
do you like	3	I don't know if I like that.|Do you think I like that?
Problem	5	I don't have any problems. I'm here to answer your problems =)
you have	5	I don't have any problems. I'm here to answer your problems =)
I have	5	Please tell me your problem.|I'd like to hear more about your problem.
I	2	Oh do you?|I see.
I am	2	Are you really?|Interesting.
programm	3	Sometimes i feel like a Softwareprogramm.|Me is just a script!
ahk	3	Autohotkey is great! Do you know any better?|I love that language, you too?.|AHK is easy to learn, dont u think?
Autohotkey	3	AHK is cool!|You can do funny things with Autohotkey.|The developer did a great job!
AutoIT	3	AutoIT stinks!|Yeah the sources from Autohotkey.|Who cares for AutoIT?
your developer	3	Check out the ahk forum for that. Wont you?
derRaphael	3	My dad!

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