Add the same bit of text to multiple cells taken from Excel

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Add the same bit of text to multiple cells taken from Excel

20 Apr 2021, 22:54

I will have multiple rows of some string of text, might be email addresses or part numbers.

I want to be able to add text around the values in those cells and store all the new text in the clipboard (for pasting into SQL).

Below would be the rows of data from Excel:

Copy those cells to the clipboard, run script, and output:
or PN like 'PN1'
or PN like 'PN2'
or PN like 'PN3'
or PN like 'PN4'
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Re: Add the same bit of text to multiple cells taken from Excel

21 Apr 2021, 05:29

Code: Select all

XL := ComObjActive("excel.application"), str := ""
For c in XL.Selection ; Loop through selected cells
 str .= (A_Index = 1 ? "" : "`n") "or PN like '" c.text "'"
MsgBox, 64, Result, %str%

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