WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

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WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

23 Apr 2021, 07:10


I'm trying to use the WinActivate but once it activates the window, nothing can be done.

Code: Select all

WinActivate ahk_exe brave.exe

It kind of only brings the window to the forefront and that's it. No more keys can be sent, even if I try to type something manually after the window was "activated" it doesn't respond.

As an example I wanted to switch tab after the window is activated:

Code: Select all

WinActivate ahk_exe brave.exe
WinWaitActive ahk_exe brave.exe
SendInput ^+{Tab}
What's the problem with that? Any workaround? Thank you.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

23 Apr 2021, 07:47

I had no trouble with the following script.

Code: Select all

WinActivate, ahk_exe brave.exe
Send ^+{Tab}
Try only this script with no other code. Save. Reload. Close all other scripts first.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

23 Apr 2021, 09:43

Doesn't work.

I've tried with Chrome, same behavior.

That's my entire script:

Code: Select all

WinActivate ahk_exe chrome.exe
Sleep, 500
SendInput, !d ;highlight the address bar
Sleep, 50
Send, It worked
The window is brought to the forefront, and doesn't respond to anything I (or the script) presses on the keyboard.

The only situation I found where it's working is this: I click on the address bar of the browser, minimize the browser window and run the script - then it works. But that doesn't help me.

What is going on here? How do I make it work? Thank you.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

23 Apr 2021, 10:06

You could try running the script as admin.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

23 Apr 2021, 10:11

It didn't help unfortunately. Updating AutoHotkey to the newest version also didn't help. Any other ideas? Thank you.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

23 Apr 2021, 10:24

Hmm. Looks like some kind of issue relating to Chrome, but I have no further ideas. Perhaps others here can help.

Since you wrote, "doesn't respond to anything I (or the script) presses on the keyboard", I wonder why your own keyboard or key presses are not working as you expect. This would seem to point to the answer. Is your computer running other scripting software, keyboard or key managers, shortcut managers, etc.?

Since Chrome does not actually work for you even manually, was it working at some previous time?

Incidentally, KeyHistory can tell you what is happening in AHK in terms of the keys.

Your summary of the problem suggests that the issue is a different program rather than AHK, unless you have other scripts running.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

26 Apr 2021, 06:25

I'm not sure but I think you have to write at the end #IfWinActive
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

26 Apr 2021, 06:48

19Daniel93 wrote:
26 Apr 2021, 06:25
I'm not sure but I think you have to write at the end #IfWinActive
No. Afaics, that would have no effect here - the OP writes: "That's my entire script"
It would only affect the creation of (context-sensitive) hotkeys and hotstrings - and the original script has neither of these; and if you write it at the end, it would only affect other, following hotkeys anyway.
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Re: WinActivate doesn't seem to work.

26 Apr 2021, 08:26


Code: Select all

;pa(GetAltTabWindows()) ;aux. just to see the Z-order
WinActivate, ahk_exe brave.exe
WinWaitActive, ahk_exe brave.exe,, .1 ; try to comment this line out too
WinActivate % "ahk_id " GetAltTabWindows().1
Send ^+{Tab}

GetAltTabWindows() { ; teadrinker
   AltTabList := []
   WinGet, list, List
   Loop % list
      if IsAltTabWindow(list%A_Index%)
   Return AltTabList

IsAltTabWindow(hWnd) {
   static GA_ROOTOWNER := 3, WS_EX_APPWINDOW := 0x40000, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW := 0x80, DWMWA_CLOAKED := 14
   if !DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "Ptr", hWnd)
      Return false
   hOwner := DllCall("GetAncestor", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", GA_ROOTOWNER, "Ptr")
   hPopup := DllCall("GetLastActivePopup", "Ptr", hOwner, "Ptr")
   if (hOwner = hWnd && hPopup != hWnd)
      Return false
   WinGet, exStyles, ExStyle, ahk_id %hWnd%
   ;if (exStyles & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) && !(exStyles & WS_EX_APPWINDOW)
   if (exStyles & 0x8000088) ; WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_NOACTIVATE
      Return false
   DllCall("DwmApi\DwmGetWindowAttribute", "Ptr", hWnd, "UInt", DWMWA_CLOAKED, "UIntP", cloaked, "UInt", 4)
   Return !cloaked

pa(in) {
    MsgBox % txtArr(in)

txtArr(r, i:="  ", d:=0, b:="") {
	For k, v in (r, IsObject(r)? "": e:= 1)
		c.= IsObject(v)? b k ":`n" txtArr(v, i, d+1, b i): b k ": " v "`n", d>0? "": t:=c
    Return e? r: d>0? c: t

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