automation of - sessionA micro focus rumba program

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automation of - sessionA micro focus rumba program

30 Apr 2021, 16:50


I just wondering does anyone has or had experience with the program Micro Focus' Rumba and how to automate it. The challenge is how to find the reliable way and collect data from such program.

You can navigate with keyboard and if needed copy info, but only by using mouse and clicking ctrl + c. To find some classes or id's is not possible with spy tool. This program is really old.

All ideas and comments will be appreciated :)
example how looks content (from google)
rumba.JPG (75.75 KiB) Viewed 335 times
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Re: automation of - sessionA micro focus rumba program

30 Apr 2021, 18:49

If you can click and drag on the user interface, then you could try sending click and drag actions via AHK. The UI also looks like it has keyboard shortcuts for the menu-bar items. It also looks like typing a number would activate one of the main options on the screen? Or maybe you could work for a company that decided to stop using computer software from 1980?


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Re: automation of - sessionA micro focus rumba program

01 May 2021, 16:37

Thank you for the reference to AHK library. The RUMBA program is really old and it seems the only way to copy or enter data is just by sending key strokes. I was hoping to find someone who worked with this program and tried to automate with AHK.
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Re: automation of - sessionA micro focus rumba program

01 May 2021, 17:49

OK. To me, sending key strokes would be one method of automation. Others here may have different techniques that they can offer. One command to get a control's text is ControlGetText.
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Re: automation of - sessionA micro focus rumba program

04 Dec 2021, 13:07

Dan here is some example code I wrote back in 2016 against the as400/rumba

Code: Select all

open_in_new content_copy
SetTitleMatchMode 2
DetectHiddenText, on
Process, priority, AutoHotkey.exe, high
Process, priority, tn525032.exe, high

SetBatchLines, 20ms
SetKeyDelay, 10ms
SetMouseDelay, 10ms
SetWinDelay, 10ms
SetControlDelay, 10ms
SetWorkingDir , %A_ScriptDir%

#include DDE.ahk
#include RumbaDDE.ahk
#include Table.ahk
#singleinstance force

Apptitle = AS/400 Pull

secvarorg = 2  ;Number of seconds to wait till autoconnecting to AS400
Gui, Color, 0xbbd5f4
Gui, Margin, X
Gui, Font, norm
Gui, Font, s7
Gui, Add, Button, gddecount W130, Please Wait...
Gui, Add, Button, gRunIAFEP W130, Please Wait...
Gui, Add, Button, gSetup W130, Run Rumba Setup
Gui, Add, Button, gBUTTONSTOP W130, STOP
;Gui, Add, Button, gddecount W130, count

Gui, Add, GroupBox, YM x+20 section W150 H130, AS/400 Session Select
Gui, Add, Radio, xs+10  ys+20 vRumbaA  gButtonConnect checked	, Session A
Gui, Add, Radio, xs+10  ys+40 vRumbaB  gButtonConnect 			, Session B
Gui, Add, Radio, xs+10  ys+60 vRumbaC  gButtonConnect 			, Session C
Gui, Add, Radio, xs+10  ys+80 vRumbaD  gButtonConnect 			, Session D
Gui, Add, Radio, xs+10  ys+100 vRumbaT gButtonConnect 			, Session Test

Gui, Add, Text, Ym x+70 W100,Auto-Connecting
Gui, Add, Text,  W100,( In %secvarorg% Seconds )
Gui, Add, Text,  W100,
Gui, Add, Text,  W100,
Gui, Add, Text,  W100,

Gui, Show, , %Apptitle%

loop, %secvarorg%
seccountdown := "( In " secvarorg " Seconds )"
GuiControl,, Static2 , %seccountdown%

If ( RumbaB > 0 || RumbaC > 0 || RumbaD > 0 || RumbaT > 0)

goto buttonConnect


Gui, Submit, nohide
Start := A_TickCount
SetTimer, ActivateWinUM, 100

if RumbaA = 1
Rumbawsf :="A.WSF"
if RumbaB = 1
Rumbawsf :="B.WSF"
if Rumba C = 1
Rumbawsf :="C.WSF"
if RumbaD = 1
Rumbawsf :="D.WSF"
if RumbaT = 1
Rumbawsf :="TEST.WSF"


SetTimer, ActivateWinUM, off
if DDEErrorCount > 2
GuiControl,, Static1 , % "Failed Connection"
GuiControl,, Static2 , % "Timeout After: "
GuiControl,, Static3 , % round(connecttimercount) " Seconds"
ToolTip,||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||`n||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||`n||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||`n`nDDE CONNECTED to %Rumbawsf%`n`n||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||`n||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||`n||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 1000
GuiControl,, Static1 , % "Connected"
GuiControl,, Static2 , To: %Rumbawsf%
GuiControl,, Static3 , % "In: " connecttimercount " Seconds"
GuiControl,, Button1, % "Run Create List" 
GuiControl,, Button2, % "Run Delete List" 


MouseGetPos,,, WinUMID
ToolTip,Please wait `n`nDDE Connecting to %Rumbawsf%

GuiControl,, Static1 , % "Connecting to"
GuiControl,, Static2 , % "To: " Rumbawsf
connecttimercount := SubStr("0" Floor((A_TickCount - Start) / 1000 - Floor((A_TickCount - Start) / 60000) * 60), -1, 2) "." SubStr("0" Mod(A_TickCount - Start, 1000), -1, 2)
GuiControl,, Static3 , % "For: " connecttimercount " Seconds"

if connecttimercount >= 15
SetTimer, ActivateWinUM, off
msgbox, Make sure the appropriate Rumba Session is Open.

SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off

Rumba := "ahk_class WdPageFrame"
winactivate, %Rumba%
winwaitactive, ahk_class WdPageFrame
IfWinNotActive, %Rumba%, , WinActivate, %Rumba%,	;activates a window if it is not already active
WinWaitActive, %Rumba%, 		
WinMenuSelectItem, %Rumba%,, Options , Edit 										;opens a windows menu
winwait, Edit Options
Control, Check,, button1, Edit Options
sleep, 50
Control, Uncheck,, button2, Edit Options
sleep, 50
Control, Uncheck,, button3, Edit Options
sleep, 50
SendMessage, 0x1330, 2,, SysTabControl321, Edit Options
sleep, 50
Control, check,, button2, Edit Options
sleep, 50
WinWait, Edit Options, 
IfWinNotActive, Edit Options, , WinActivate, Edit Options, 
WinWaitActive, Edit Options, 
;---Options>Edit>Ok Button on Parsing Tab
control, check,, button13, Edit Options
WinMenuSelectItem, %Rumba%,, Options , Display
winwait, Display Options
sleep, 50
Control, Uncheck,, button8, Display Options ;Input Error Dialog
WinWait, Display Options, 
IfWinNotActive, Display Options, , WinActivate, Display Options, 
WinWaitActive, Display Options, 
;---Options>Display>Ok Button on Display Tab
control, check,, button12, Display Options
SetTitleMatchMode, fast

Loop 16
Cashier := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),8)
RemoveInString(Cashier,,"C N R T") 
fesls := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),47)
RemoveInString(fesls,,"C N R T")
avgodr := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),58)
RemoveInString(avgodr,,"C N R T")
MonPerSgnOnHR := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),71)
RemoveInString(MonPerSgnOnHR,,"C N R T")
MPH := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),83)
RemoveInString(MPH,,"C N R T")
SgnOffPerNumTans := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),97)
RemoveInString(SgnOffPerNumTans,,"C N R T")
IPM := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),107)
RemoveInString(IPM,,"C N R T")
ScanPercent := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),117)
RemoveInString(ScanPercent,,"C N R T")
ItemsPerMemb := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),129)
RemoveInString(ItemsPerMemb,,"C N R T")

PGOne .= cashier a_tab fesls a_tab avgodr a_tab MonPerSgnOnHR a_tab MPH a_tab SgnOffPerNumTans a_tab IPM a_tab ScanPercent a_tab ItemsPerMemb "`n"
Loop 16
InaTime := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),42)
RemoveInString(InaTime,,"C N R T") 
NumOur := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),52)
RemoveInString(NumOur,,"C N R T")
Pickups := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),62)
RemoveInString(Pickups,,"C N R T")
VoidTrans := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),72)
RemoveInString(VoidTrans,,"C N R T")
FERew := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),84)
RemoveInString(FERew,,"C N R T")
NumOfMembs := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),96)
RemoveInString(NumOfMembs,,"C N R T")
PercentKeyed := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),105)
RemoveInString(PercentKeyed,,"C N R T")
SignOffs := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),117)
RemoveInString(SignOffs,,"C N R T")
NumItems := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),129)
RemoveInString(NumItems,,"C N R T")

PGTwo .= InaTime a_tab NumOur a_tab Pickups a_tab VoidTrans a_tab FERew a_tab NumOfMembs a_tab PercentKeyed a_tab SignOffs a_tab NumItems "`n"
Joined := Table_Append( PGOneLeft, PGOneRight,1)
/*Loop 16
InaTimePerMem := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),42)
RemoveInString(InaTime,,"C N R T") 
TendTimePerMem := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),52)
RemoveInString(TendTimePerMem,,"C N R T")
RingTimePerMem := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),62)
RemoveInString(RingTimePerMem,,"C N R T")
NonSlsTimePerMem := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),72)
RemoveInString(NonSlsTimePerMem,,"C N R T")
TotTimePerMem := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),84)
RemoveInString(TotTimePerMem,,"C N R T")
TotSgnOnTime := AutoBlockUni((8+a_index),96)
RemoveInString(TotSgnOnTime,,"C N R T")

PGThree .= InaTimePerMem a_tab TendTimePerMem a_tab RingTimePerMem a_tab NonSlsTimePerMem a_tab TotTimePerMem a_tab TotSgnOnTime "`n"
;clipboard := PGO
msgbox % Joined
clipboard := Joined

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