How to change the system cursor??

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How to change the system cursor??

08 May 2021, 00:00

Changing the system cursor

I have found the thread to change the system cursor, but the new cursor is not the same to the old.

Execute the following code, press the F1 key continuously, observe the changes of the cursor,
the cursor of the new arrow shape is a little fuzzy
Cursor__shape.png (7.12 KiB) Viewed 756 times

Code: Select all

	if(flag := !flag)
		SetSystemCursor( "IDC_ARROW")

SetSystemCursor(Cursor) {
   ; Cursor has to contain the name of a system cursor (IDC_...)
   ; IDC_ICON and IDC_SIZE are "Obsolete for applications marked version 4.0 or later."
   ; ->
   ; and not listed in the OCR_... values of the SetSystemCursor function.
   ; ->
   Initialized := False
   SystemCursors := "32512IDC_ARROW|32513IDC_IBEAM|32514IDC_WAIT|32515IDC_CROSS|"
                  . "32516IDC_UPARROW|32642IDC_SIZENWSE|"
                  . "32643IDC_SIZENESW|32644IDC_SIZEWE|32645IDC_SIZENS|32646IDC_SIZEALL|"
                  . "32648IDC_NO|32649IDC_HAND|32650IDC_APPSTARTING|32651IDC_HELP"
   If !(Initialized) { ; load system cursors only once
      Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, |
         CID := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 5)
         CNA := SubStr(A_LoopField, 6)
         HC%CNA% := DllCall("LoadCursor", "UInt", 0, "Int", CID)
      Initialized := True
   If !(HC%Cursor%) {
      Msgbox, 0, SetSystemCursor, Error: Invalid cursor name %Cursor%
      Return False
   Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, |
      CID := SubStr(A_LoopField, 1, 5)
      HCUR := DllCall("CopyIcon", "UInt" , HC%Cursor%)
      DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "UInt", HCUR, "Int", CID)
   Return True

;SetSystemCursor( Cursor = "", cx = 0, cy = 0 )
SetSystemCursor2( Cursor = "", cx := 64, cy := 64 )
	BlankCursor := 0, SystemCursor := 0, FileCursor := 0 ; init

	SystemCursors = 32512IDC_ARROW,32513IDC_IBEAM,32514IDC_WAIT,32515IDC_CROSS

	If Cursor = ; empty, so create blank cursor
		VarSetCapacity( AndMask, 32*4, 0xFF ), VarSetCapacity( XorMask, 32*4, 0 )
		BlankCursor = 1 ; flag for later
	Else If SubStr( Cursor,1,4 ) = "IDC_" ; load system cursor
		Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,
			CursorName := SubStr( A_Loopfield, 6, 15 ) ; get the cursor name, no trailing space with substr
			CursorID := SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) ; get the cursor id
			SystemCursor = 1
			If ( CursorName = Cursor )
				CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,CursorID )
		If CursorHandle = ; invalid cursor name given
			Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid cursor name
			CursorHandle = Error
	Else If FileExist( Cursor )
		SplitPath, Cursor,,, Ext ; auto-detect type
		If Ext = ico
			uType := 0x1
		Else If Ext in cur,ani
			uType := 0x2
		Else ; invalid file ext
			Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid file type
			CursorHandle = Error
		FileCursor = 1
		Msgbox,, SetCursor, Error: Invalid file path or cursor name
		CursorHandle = Error ; raise for later
	If CursorHandle != Error
		Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,
			If BlankCursor = 1
				Type = BlankCursor
				%Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CreateCursor"
				, Uint,0, Int,0, Int,0, Int,32, Int,32, Uint,&AndMask, Uint,&XorMask )
				CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Uint,0x2, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0 )
				DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )
			Else If SystemCursor = 1
				Type = SystemCursor
				CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", Uint,0, Int,CursorID )
				%Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage"
				, Uint,CursorHandle, Uint,0x2, Int,cx, Int,cy, Uint,0 )
				CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Uint,0x2, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0 )
				DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,CursorHandle, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )
			Else If FileCursor = 1
				Type = FileCursor
				%Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "LoadImageA"
				, UInt,0, Str,Cursor, UInt,uType, Int,cx, Int,cy, UInt,0x10 )
				DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", Uint,%Type%%A_Index%, Int,SubStr( A_Loopfield, 1, 5 ) )

	DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", UInt,SPI_SETCURSORS, UInt,0, UInt,0, UInt,0 )


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Re: How to change the system cursor??

08 May 2021, 06:10

Anyway dll calls are incorrect. Should be like this:

Code: Select all

$F1:: ReplaceSystemCursors((t := !t) ? "IDC_ARROW" : "")

ReplaceSystemCursors(IDC = "") ; IDC must be a cursor name like "IDC_CROSS" or cursor handle
   static IMAGE_CURSOR := 2, SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57
        , exitFunc := Func("ReplaceSystemCursors").Bind("")
        , setOnExit := false
        , SysCursors := { IDC_APPSTARTING: 32650
                        , IDC_ARROW      : 32512
                        , IDC_CROSS      : 32515
                        , IDC_HAND       : 32649
                        , IDC_HELP       : 32651
                        , IDC_IBEAM      : 32513
                        , IDC_NO         : 32648
                        , IDC_SIZEALL    : 32646
                        , IDC_SIZENESW   : 32643
                        , IDC_SIZENWSE   : 32642
                        , IDC_SIZEWE     : 32644
                        , IDC_SIZENS     : 32645 
                        , IDC_UPARROW    : 32516
                        , IDC_WAIT       : 32514 }
   if !IDC {
      DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", SPI_SETCURSORS, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
      OnExit(exitFunc, 0), setOnExit := false
   else {
      hCursor := (IDC + 0) ? IDC : DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", SysCursors[IDC], "Ptr")
      for k, v in SysCursors  {
         hCopy := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", hCursor, "UInt", IMAGE_CURSOR, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "Ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "Ptr", hCopy, "UInt", v)
      if !setOnExit
         OnExit(exitFunc), setOnExit := true
Posts: 89
Joined: 30 Sep 2020, 06:06

Re: How to change the system cursor??

08 May 2021, 09:47

teadrinker wrote:
08 May 2021, 06:10
Anyway dll calls are incorrect. Should be like this:

Code: Select all

$F1:: ReplaceSystemCursors((t := !t) ? "IDC_ARROW" : "")

ReplaceSystemCursors(IDC = "") ; IDC must be a cursor name like "IDC_CROSS" or cursor handle
   static IMAGE_CURSOR := 2, SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57
        , exitFunc := Func("ReplaceSystemCursors").Bind("")
        , setOnExit := false
        , SysCursors := { IDC_APPSTARTING: 32650
                        , IDC_ARROW      : 32512
                        , IDC_CROSS      : 32515
                        , IDC_HAND       : 32649
                        , IDC_HELP       : 32651
                        , IDC_IBEAM      : 32513
                        , IDC_NO         : 32648
                        , IDC_SIZEALL    : 32646
                        , IDC_SIZENESW   : 32643
                        , IDC_SIZENWSE   : 32642
                        , IDC_SIZEWE     : 32644
                        , IDC_SIZENS     : 32645 
                        , IDC_UPARROW    : 32516
                        , IDC_WAIT       : 32514 }
   if !IDC {
      DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "UInt", SPI_SETCURSORS, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0)
      OnExit(exitFunc, 0), setOnExit := false
   else {
      hCursor := (IDC + 0) ? IDC : DllCall("LoadCursor", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", SysCursors[IDC], "Ptr")
      for k, v in SysCursors  {
         hCopy := DllCall("CopyImage", "Ptr", hCursor, "UInt", IMAGE_CURSOR, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0, "Ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "Ptr", hCopy, "UInt", v)
      if !setOnExit
         OnExit(exitFunc), setOnExit := true

Hello, teadrinker

I carefully observed the changes in the shape of Cursor.
The sharpness of the two arrows is different.
This is what I want to consult .

Can you see the difference between the two arrows before and after pressing F1?
Or this is caused by the monitor resolution.
Posts: 4347
Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: How to change the system cursor??

08 May 2021, 10:28

Nope, for me there is no difference:
 Image Image
Posts: 89
Joined: 30 Sep 2020, 06:06

Re: How to change the system cursor??

08 May 2021, 10:49

teadrinker wrote:
08 May 2021, 10:28
Nope, for me there is no difference:
 Image Image
Ok thanks for your help!

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