call was rejected by callee error 0x80010001

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call was rejected by callee error 0x80010001

17 May 2021, 08:40

Dear all,
I've been using a script of months nearly a year without issues.

Recently I upgraded from office 2016 to 365 and I am having an issue when I try to implement the line xl.activesheet.usedrange.unmerge

have no clue what this is and I don't know if you've seen this before.

Here is my full code

Code: Select all

send ^{F2}
	sleep, 1000
	send {Enter}
	WinWait, Requests Module - Custom Filter - Occurrence List - Q-Pulse - Print Preview
	hWnd3 := WinExist(winTitle3) ; Get Custom complaint report hWnd
	if (hWnd3) {
		DllCall("ShowWindow", ptrS, hWnd3, "Int", 3) ; Maximize the window
	Sleep, 100  
	Click, 668, 93
	Sleep, 12
	Click, 770, 309
	Sleep, 12
	Send {Enter}
	Sleep, 500
	WinActivate,ahk_id %ID%
	loop {
		WinActivate,ahk_id %ID%
		send !{d}
		Sleep, 250
	} until WinActive("Save As ahk_class #32770")
	WinWaitActive, Save As  
	sleep, 250
	awt := "\\private\PTC Forms"
	ControlSetText,Edit2, %awt%
	sleep, 25
	Send {Enter}
	sleep, 50
	Send !{s}
	Sleep, 100
	send {y}
	Sleep, 50
	send {y}
	WinWait, Custom Filter - Occurrence List - Q-Pulse.xls  -  Compatibility Mode - Excel
	hWnd4 := WinExist(winTitle4) ; Get hWnd
	if (hWnd4) {
		DllCall("ShowWindow", ptrS, hWnd4, "Int", 3) ; Maximize the window
	sleep, 2500		   
	xl:= ComObjActive("Excel.Application")
	xl.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs("\\private\PTC Forms\KPI values.xlsx",51)
	sleep, 1000 
	run, \\private\PTC Forms"\KPI values.xlsx
	sleep, 3000

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