cycling through input languages Topic is solved

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cycling through input languages

23 Jun 2021, 23:12

Default Keyboard Lang

Aafter reading the thread I created my codes for cycling through input languages.

Code: Select all

    ControlGetFocus, CtrlInFocus
    PostMessage, 0x50, 2,, %CtrlInFocus%

The code appears to be only effective for the current active application.

But my test shows that, the active input language is consistent for all the running applications (Win10). Yes, this is what I want (sheer luck?). How can I modify the code to cycling through input langages exactly for all the running applications, not just for the active application?


The code above fails to work when certain application WITHOUT text input focus is active. How can it be fixed?

Thank you!
Posts: 99
Joined: 28 Jun 2019, 01:07

Re: cycling through input languages

24 Jun 2021, 01:42

@AHKStudent It's already in the original post. Thanks!
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Re: cycling through input languages  Topic is solved

24 Jun 2021, 09:17

  1. remap a key to the original windows shortcut

    Code: Select all

    $AppsKey::#Space ; or whatever u have the change language shortcut bound to
  2. create ur own input-capable window and keep it around so u can post to it instead of to the active window(which may not be input-capable)

    Code: Select all

    #SingleInstance Force
    Gui New, +HwndhGui +ToolWindow ; toolwindow required to get rid of taskbar icon
    Gui Add, Edit, HwndhEdit ; input-capable control required to handle WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST
    Gui Show, x-9999 y-9999 NoActivate Hide ; render the GUI somewhere super-offscreen
    	Gui %hGui%: Show ; window needs to be active to process the WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST msg
    		, "Ptr", hEdit
    		, "Ptr", 0x0002 ; INPUTLANGCHANGE_FORWARD
    		, "Ptr", 0)
    	Sleep 50 ; some delay required to allow the posted msg to be processed. decrease as needed
    	Gui %hGui%: Hide ; hide again to shift keyboard focus back to whatever window used to be active
Posts: 99
Joined: 28 Jun 2019, 01:07

Re: cycling through input languages

24 Jun 2021, 09:56

@swagfag Thanks a lot for the carefully annotated codes!

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