Creating a long asociative array from a literal string?

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Creating a long asociative array from a literal string?

13 Sep 2021, 00:50

Hi everyone:

I have a lot of strings I need to perform substitutions on. So, instead of having like 20 lines such as

Code: Select all

Target:=StrReplace(Target, "retire", "quite")
Target:=StrReplace(Target, "entrada", "admisión")
Target:=StrReplace(Target, "arnés", "mazo de cables")
Target:=StrReplace(Target, "tornillo", "perno")
Target:=StrReplace(Target, "ntos de tubos", "ntos de tubo")
Target:=StrReplace(Target, "con un par de apriete", "a un par de")
I have thought that it would be much easier to create a variable I can easily modify, without as many inverted commas and whatnot, such as

Code: Select all

Replacements = retire:quite
,arnés:mazo de cables
ntos de tubos:ntos de tubo
,con un par de apriete:a un par
and then perform a couple of RegexReplace or StrReplace to change it to the appropiate associative array syntax so the variable Replacements ends up reading like this

Code: Select all

,"arnés":"mazo de cables"
,"ntos de tubos":"ntos de tubo"
,"con un par de apriete":"a un par de"}
Then it would be as simple as using a For loop For Word1,Word2 in Replacements
Target:=RegexReplace(Target,"\b" . Word1 . "\b",Word2)
to make all the necessary changes to the strings I get as a "Target".

The thing is, after modifying the variable, adding inverted commas and braces in the right places and whatnot, Replacements is NOT CONSIDERED an array, how the heck do I tell autohotkey to consider it as an asociative array and NOT as a literal string???

This is my entire code where you can see the process step by step

Code: Select all

 Replacements =retire:quite,entrada:admisión,arnés:mazo de cables
,tornillo:perno,ntos de tubos:ntos de tubo
,con un par de apriete:a un par

Replacements :=RegexReplace(Replacements , ":",""":""") ; changes : to ":"
Replacements :=RegexReplace(Replacements , ",", """,""") ; changes , to ","
Replacements :=RegexReplace(Replacements ,"(.)\z", "$1""}") ; changes the last letter of the string to letter"}
Replacements :=RegexReplace(Replacements ,"^(.)", "{""$1") ; changes the first letter of the string to {"letter

Array= %Replacements%
MsgBox,Array %Array%
; And here I am stuck because I can't use the For loop because Array is NOT an array
I had the hope that Array would somehow be considered as an asociative array, but I am not able to conjugate Array and Replacement so AHK understands Array is an asociative array and NOT a literal string.

Any help?
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Re: Creating a long asociative array from a literal string?

13 Sep 2021, 01:55


Code: Select all

Replacements =retire:quite,entrada:admisión,arnés:mazo de cables
,tornillo:perno,ntos de tubos:ntos de tubo
,con un par de apriete:a un par de

arr := {}
for x,y in strsplit(replacements,",")
		arr[strsplit(y, ":").2] := strsplit(y, ":").1                ; 2...1 or 1...2 ?

msgbox % arr["mazo de cables"]
msgbox % arr["a un par de"]
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Re: Creating a long asociative array from a literal string?

13 Sep 2021, 04:37

If you only want to convert the string into an array to perform the replacements within a loop, the following might be an option:

Code: Select all

; Might have been read from a file:
Replacements := "
arnés:mazo de cables
ntos de tubos:ntos de tubo
con un par de apriete:a un par de

Loop, Parse, Replacements, `n, `r
   Words  := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ":")
   MsgBox, % Words[1] . " -> " . Words[2]
   ; Target := RegexReplace(Target, "\b" . Words[1] . "\b", Words[2])
Posts: 116
Joined: 06 Feb 2018, 04:24

Re: Creating a long asociative array from a literal string?

19 Sep 2021, 00:05

Both gave me wonderful ideas and solutions. Thank you!

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