logical function shows incorrect Boolean value

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logical function shows incorrect Boolean value

27 Sep 2021, 06:58

Hello, logical function shows incorrect Boolean value.
Inside of my clipboard is text "12345"
I call function countNumberOfCharecters and it returns 5.
Then I check it if(%numberOfCharactersInClipboard%=5)
I expected that it will show "MsgBox, number of character is five"
But due to some reason "MsgBox, %numberOfCharactersInClipboard%" esecuted
This meant that AHK thinks that 5 is not equal to 5.
I suppose i made a mistake somewhere in code but can not find that. Could you help me with that?

Code: Select all

numberOfCharactersInClipboard := countNumberOfCharecters(clipboard)

MsgBox, number of character is five
} else
MsgBox, %numberOfCharactersInClipboard%

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Re: logical function shows incorrect Boolean value

27 Sep 2021, 07:20

if(%numberOfCharactersInClipboard%=5) should be

Code: Select all

if (numberOfCharactersInClipboard=5)
If with parentheses means: It's expression syntax. See also If.

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