Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search ) Topic is solved

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Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search )

Post by viv » 23 Nov 2022, 02:45

The function of this library is to detect the file encoding

I don't know C++, probably read a part of the file and check its encoding

Specifically, this section of the function
The function is to pass in a file path
return a file encoding

Code: Select all

void detect(FILE * fp)
    uchardet_t handle = uchardet_new();

    while (!feof(fp))
        size_t len = fread(buffer, 1, BUFFER_SIZE, fp);
        int retval = uchardet_handle_data(handle, buffer, len);
        if (retval != 0)
            fprintf(stderr, "Handle data error.\n");

    const char * charset = uchardet_get_charset(handle);
    if (*charset)
    	printf("%s\n", charset);
The public functions are all in this part

The attached content is the compiled exe, dll, and my unsuccessful ahk script
Run "uchardet.exe txt.txt" directly in CMD
will return GB18030
(192.91 KiB) Downloaded 46 times
Last edited by viv on 23 Nov 2022, 06:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll  Topic is solved

Post by swagfag » 23 Nov 2022, 05:42

Code: Select all

class UCharDet
	#DllLoad 'libuchardet.dll'
	 * Create an encoding detector.
	 * @return an instance of uchardet_t.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE uchardet_t uchardet_new(void);
	Ptr := DllCall('libuchardet\uchardet_new', 'CDecl Ptr')

	 * Delete an encoding detector.
	 * @param ud [in] the uchardet_t handle to delete.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE void uchardet_delete(uchardet_t ud);
	__Delete() => this.Ptr && DllCall('libuchardet\uchardet_delete', 'Ptr', this, 'CDecl')

	 * Feed data to an encoding detector.
	 * The detector is able to shortcut processing when it reaches certainty
	 * for an encoding, so you should not worry about limiting input data.
	 * As far as you should be concerned: the more the better.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * @param data [in] data
	 * @param len [in] number of byte of data
	 * @return non-zero number on failure.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE int uchardet_handle_data(uchardet_t ud, const char * data, size_t len);
	HandleData(pBytes, cBytes) => DllCall('libuchardet\uchardet_handle_data', 'Ptr', this, 'Ptr', pBytes, 'Ptr', cBytes, 'CDecl Int')

	 * Notify an end of data to an encoding detector.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE void uchardet_data_end(uchardet_t ud);
	DataEnd() => DllCall('libuchardet\uchardet_data_end', 'Ptr', this, 'CDecl')

	 * Reset an encoding detector.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE void uchardet_reset(uchardet_t ud);
	Reset() => DllCall('libuchardet\uchardet_reset', 'Ptr', this, 'CDecl')

	 * Get an iconv-compatible name of the encoding that was detected.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * @return name of charset on success and "" on failure.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE const char * uchardet_get_charset(uchardet_t ud);
	GetCharset() => DllCall('libuchardet\uchardet_get_charset', 'Ptr', this, 'CDecl AStr')

	DetectBuffer(Buffer) {

		if res := this.HandleData(Buffer.Ptr, Buffer.Size)
			throw Error("Internal 'libuchardet' error, uchardet_handle_data() returned " res)

		charset := this.GetCharset()

		return charset

UCD := UCharDet()
MsgBox UCD.DetectBuffer(FileRead('txt.txt', 'RAW')) ; GB18030

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Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll

Post by viv » 23 Nov 2022, 06:35


Thank you very much, I wish you a happy life!

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Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search )

Post by Cubex » 26 Jan 2023, 03:23

Nice and for Autohotkey v.1 ?

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Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search )

Post by swagfag » 27 Jan 2023, 04:38

Code: Select all

#Warn ClassOverwrite
#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.36.02

class UCharDet
	__DllLoad() {
		static _ := UCharDet.__DllLoad()

		if hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "libuchardet.dll", "Ptr")
			DllCall("GetModuleHandleEx", "UInt", 1, "Str", "libuchardet.dll", "Ptr*", 0) ; GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN
			throw Exception("Failed to load 'libuchardet.dll'.", -1, A_LastError)
	 * Create an encoding detector.
	 * @return an instance of uchardet_t.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE uchardet_t uchardet_new(void);
	Ptr := DllCall("libuchardet\uchardet_new", "CDecl Ptr")

	 * Delete an encoding detector.
	 * @param ud [in] the uchardet_t handle to delete.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE void uchardet_delete(uchardet_t ud);
	__Delete() {
		if this.Ptr
			DllCall("libuchardet\uchardet_delete", "Ptr", this.Ptr, "CDecl")

	 * Feed data to an encoding detector.
	 * The detector is able to shortcut processing when it reaches certainty
	 * for an encoding, so you should not worry about limiting input data.
	 * As far as you should be concerned: the more the better.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * @param data [in] data
	 * @param len [in] number of byte of data
	 * @return non-zero number on failure.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE int uchardet_handle_data(uchardet_t ud, const char * data, size_t len);
	HandleData(pBytes, cBytes) {
		return DllCall("libuchardet\uchardet_handle_data", "Ptr", this.Ptr, "Ptr", pBytes, "Ptr", cBytes, "CDecl Int")

	 * Notify an end of data to an encoding detector.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE void uchardet_data_end(uchardet_t ud);
	DataEnd() {
		return DllCall("libuchardet\uchardet_data_end", "Ptr", this.Ptr, "CDecl")

	 * Reset an encoding detector.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE void uchardet_reset(uchardet_t ud);
	Reset() {
		return DllCall("libuchardet\uchardet_reset", "Ptr", this.Ptr, "CDecl")

	 * Get an iconv-compatible name of the encoding that was detected.
	 * @param ud [in] handle of an instance of uchardet
	 * @return name of charset on success and "" on failure.
	 * UCHARDET_INTERFACE const char * uchardet_get_charset(uchardet_t ud);
	GetCharset() {
		return DllCall("libuchardet\uchardet_get_charset", "Ptr", this.Ptr, "CDecl AStr")

	DetectBytes(pBytes, cBytes) {

		if res := this.HandleData(pBytes, cBytes)
			throw Exception("Internal 'libuchardet' error, uchardet_handle_data() returned " res)

		charset := this.GetCharset()

		return charset

UCD := new UCharDet()
f := FileOpen("txt.txt", "r")
f.Pos := 0
cBytes := f.RawRead(Bytes, f.Length)
MsgBox % UCD.DetectBytes(&Bytes, cBytes) ; GB18030

Posts: 8
Joined: 06 Sep 2014, 06:23

Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search )

Post by Cubex » 29 Jan 2023, 04:17

Thank you very much. It's a 64bit version and I need a 32bit version uchardet. There is already a newer version of uchardet 0.0.8, but I can not compile it into a 32bit executable file. Damage.
Thank you so much. :clap: :bravo:

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Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search )

Post by tuzi » 09 Dec 2023, 01:51

base on swagfag 's code, i create a lib ahk-chardet.

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Re: Can someone help me to call the C++ dll (detect encoding code page for search )

Post by vmech » 09 Dec 2023, 04:45

@viv, where you got this binaries ?

@tuzi, version for V2 ?
Please post your script code inside [code] ... [/code] block. Thank you.

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