Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore? Topic is solved

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Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore?

21 Mar 2023, 15:27

In the past I've used different kind of loops to create menus (inclusive submenus). Now I'm trying this with v2, but I don't get it to work.

I'm struggling at this point:

Code: Select all

MyMenuSub1 := Menu()
MyMenuSub1.Add SubName, MenuHandler
The problem is "MyMenuSub1". I need to replace "Sub1" with a variable, but "MyMenu%SubName%" doesn't work.

Has anybody a solution?
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Re: Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore?

21 Mar 2023, 16:56

sound to me more like ure trying to do something that is no longer necessary to do in v2 and it doesnt work
best show the v1 code
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Re: Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore?

21 Mar 2023, 16:57

Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum!

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
m := []

Loop 2
 , m[A_Index].Add('Test' A_Index, go)

go(ItemName, ItemPos, MyMenu) {
 MsgBox ItemName ': Position = ' ItemPos
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Re: Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore?

22 Mar 2023, 02:01

Imagine you are looping through a folder with shortcuts and subfolders with shortcuts and want to create a menu of it. Here is a reduced sample v1 code:

Code: Select all

ItemsList := "
Sub1,Sub Item 1a
Sub1,Sub Item 1b
Sub1,Sub Item 1c
Sub2,Sub Item 2a
Sub2,Sub Item 2b
,Main Item 1
,Main Item 2
,Main Item 3
,Main Item 4

SubList := ""
SubName := ""
ItemName := ""

Loop, Parse, ItemsList, `n, `r
	ItemsArray := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ",")
	SubName := ItemsArray[1]
	ItemName := ItemsArray[2]

	If (ItemName) {
		Menu, ItemsMenu%SubName%, Add, %ItemName%, MenuHandler

	If (SubName != "" And InStr(SubList, SubName) = 0) {
		SubList := SubList . SubName . "`n"
		Menu, ItemsMenu, Add, %SubName%, :ItemsMenu%SubName%

Menu, ItemsMenu, Show

MenuHandler(ItemName) {
	MsgBox, % 0+64+0+4096, Info, You selected %ItemName%
just me
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Re: Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore?  Topic is solved

22 Mar 2023, 04:50

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0

ItemsList := "
Sub1,Sub Item 1a
Sub1,Sub Item 1b
Sub1,Sub Item 1c
Sub2,Sub Item 2a
Sub2,Sub Item 2b
,Main Item 1
,Main Item 2
,Main Item 3
,Main Item 4

SubName := ''
ItemName := ''
ItemsMenu := Map()
ItemsMenu.CaseSense := "Locale"
ItemsMenu[''] := Menu() ; the main menu is stored with key ''

Loop Parse, ItemsList, "`n", "`r" {
	ItemsArr := StrSplit(A_LoopField, ",")
	SubName  := ItemsArr[1]
	ItemName := ItemsArr[2]
   If (SubName != '') && !ItemsMenu.Has(SubName) {
      ItemsMenu[SubName] := Menu()
      ItemsMenu[''].Add(SubName, ItemsMenu[SubName])
	If (ItemName)
		ItemsMenu[SubName].Add(ItemName, MenuHandler)


MenuHandler(ItemName, *) {
	MsgBox("You selected" . ItemName, "Info", 0+64+0+4096)
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Joined: 02 May 2015, 15:03

Re: Creating a menu with a loop not possible with v2 anymore?

22 Mar 2023, 05:41

@just me Thanks!
This works really well.

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